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Companion Warzones


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I propose that instead of the player using their character for Warzones their instead use one of their companions.


Basically it would work like ship selection in GSF.

You click the pvp icon, You get a list of your companion (of course you have options to unlock characters you dont have) choose their abilites, alter their appearance. Plus like GSF you can pick up to five companions and select which one to use before match and have a option to change if your killed.


With this system there would be benefits

  • Gearing would no longer be a problem for Warzones
  • Teams would be a bit more even as they can swap character roles as needed
  • Give players a chance to play as non-humanoid companions
  • Player could jump in straight into Warzones from lvl 1 (like the four GSF pilots everyone would have some companions to use)
  • The dev wouldn't need to balance abilties for pve and pvp as much (open world pvp not with standing) (also I see componion abilites working differently outside of Warzones)

Of course there would be drawbacks mainly alot more specs to balance, even more if the option to change a companions role to Tank/DPS/healer is kept.


I know this is a radical suggestion, one I no doubt will anger people just be asking, also I know the odds of it happening are low to non-existent, but I feel that it would more balanced in the long term.


Thank you for reading.

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I think people tend to care more about their own characters than comps. They spend time leveling and gearing so they can be "more powerful" even in PvP situations. People also like to have more appearance options which you get with player characters. The game is also set up to teach newer players their own skill set, so having a new, lower level player on a comp template doing WZs would probably be ugly and prevent them from understanding their own player class as quickly.
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I think people tend to care more about their own characters than comps. They spend time leveling and gearing so they can be "more powerful" even in PvP situations.

I agree a feeling of process is intrinsic to keeping people playing, but I really don't see how that would disappear. I'm not saying doing this should make cxp, credits and unassembled components stop. GSF is radically different than ground pvp but you're still givin all those things for doing it.

While I personally disagree with giving anyone an adventage in a competitive game, I understand why they give it as a prize for running the hamster wheel. I therefore propose that a companions influence also effect their stats in pvp. Of course influence should then be giving as a reward for completeing Warzones. This way people would also have another means to gain influence other than gifts and story chapters.

People also like to have more appearance options which you get with player characters.
Understandable but really this could be fixed with adding more companion customisations.

The game is also set up to teach newer players their own skill set, so having a new, lower level player on a comp template doing WZs would probably be ugly and prevent them from understanding their own player class as quickly.
First I should admit I don't agree that pvp teaches how to play your class for anything other than pvp nor (as my prosonal experience showed me) that pve prepares you for pvp, but really that is a whole other can of worns.

Just in case I wasn't clear, when you would use a companion in a warzone I'm not intending you have only the six abilites they have normally, I would intend for them to have the full abilties a player would have know.

For exsample if you where to use say Lana Baniko she would all the abilites of a Sorcerer, while if you used say Theron Shan then you would have a gunslingers abilties (I would personally give a option to change spec before a match but some may disagree)

Still I do agree that giving a shiny brand new lvl one player may be counterproductive, so the first free companion their giving should problably match the class they choose. (just in case your wondering, I'm only intending this free companion to be used in warzones like the GSF companions)

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