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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Does Bioware and the dev team care about the players?


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No, they don't even play SWTOR in their free time; in one of the interviews, Musco said he only logs in to check the GTN; if you check his Twitter, he mostly plays Overwatch.


That really drives the point home on how much we have been given a sub-par product, and yet we are expected to continually pay for it. I've said it before, but this game is has been solely saved by the SW ip. In-fact, all it has done is make our mediocre devs even more lazy, because it props this game up, and if it weren't for the ip, than it likely would have been shuttered by now.

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Don't know if BW/EA cares about the players or not (only they can answer that), but I DO know that actions speak a lot louder than words. Considering BW/EA's track record since 4.0, it certainly doesn't seem like it.


- Forced Lv sync (could've worked, but was poorly implemented)

- The companion buff/nerf/rebuff incedent

- Ignoring the long-time players in the D vs L event

- The Infamous bait-and-switch with commendations

- GC/RNG implementation (could work, but not in it's current state)

- Class nerfs

- Insane forced grinding for gear at lv 70 (for pvpers)

- Pvp bolster nerfs



Sure there's more, but that's all I can immediately think of at the moment.

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Since Summer of 2015 this game has headed horribly off course. It's as if it is being lead by someone who really doesn't know what they are doing.


They made good strides with 2.0 and 3.0 and went off into la-la land with 4.0 and 5.0.


So what happened in Summer of 2015 you ask?


Ben became producer.


See, that's why I have the hashtags in my signature that I do. It seems like all of this ridiculous player-abusive cash-grab RNG nonsense is his baby and therefore his fault. He needs to go, and someone who knows that an MMO should be treated like an MMO and not an iPhone game needs to take his place.


Up until 4.0 I would have rated the dev team in the 7 or 8 range depending on the particular point in time. With 4.0 that dropped to a 4, and now it's at a 0.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Since Summer of 2015 this game has headed horribly off course. It's as if it is being lead by someone who really doesn't know what they are doing.


They made good strides with 2.0 and 3.0 and went off into la-la land with 4.0 and 5.0.


So what happened in Summer of 2015 you ask?


Ben became producer.


Really? heh. I didn't know that.

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And they ignore the ones who are dreaming that 99% of the players are still playing after 5.0.


  • 4 livestreams in less than two months since launch (all about changes to the GC system).
  • A first ever survey on an expansion from EA.
  • Massive changes on the GC system in the very first patch after release.
  • And Ben doing interviews trying to convince people that the system is great (when even the MMO sites have trashed how stupid it is).


Yeah.. sorry but the evidence isn't there that 99% of players are happy with it. More like 1% are.


Where can I find that survey? :mad: I want to say my two pieces too.

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Where can I find that survey? :mad: I want to say my two pieces too.


They sent it to some subs the day of the second emergency damage control stream. I don't know how they picked recipients, but not everyone got it. Wen it came out their last question about how to improve the game had a 50 character limit. They increased it to 300 but no way for people who had already answered to go back and change what they put in.


I got one, filled it out and started researching mailing addresses for EA. Sent a 6 page, real letter to the President of EA. They've messed things up enough since that I could probably write another and only repeat a little of the first.

Edited by DanNV
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They sent it to some subs the day of the second emergency damage control stream. I don't know how they picked recipients, but not everyone got it. Wen it came out their last question about how to improve the game had a 50 character limit. They increased it to 300 but no way for people who had already answered to go back and change what they put in.


I got one, filled it out and started researching mailing addresses for EA. Sent a 6 page, real letter to the President of EA. They've messed things up enough since that I could probably write another and only repeat a little of the first.


Message me that address? I've been wanting to write my own letter now that I'm unsubbed, and send it certified mail so I have proof they at least received it. They can ignore all of us on the forum, but someone will at least have to sign for that.

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They increased it to 300 but no way for people who had already answered to go back and change what they put in.


Yeah, i got one too and the 300 character limit pissed me off.. to the point that i kept on writing a feedback and posted it here:




I don't expect it to do anything, and i know its a wall of text.. but damn... 300 characters are no where enough to even start to explain what is wrong with this game.

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