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Ticket issues and lack of response from Customer Support. Rprt spam is an issue.


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I tried to submit a ticket last night with regards to a bug in the game related to gree light sabers. Imagine my surprise when it said I could not submit any more tickets cause I was at my max. I checked my customer service tickets and I have over 20 tickets since the first of December 2016 not answered that I can not close or cancel. They are all related to spam mail I reported as spam from gold sellers.


How stupid is this. A system was set up to report gold spammers but it fills up our ticket screen where we can't submit actual issues? Please respond to these tickets before I blow a gasket. Thanks.

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You are not the only one being threated like garbage by the support team.

I have reported a bug, submitted a ticket to support and had a conversation about my complaint.

Now i am accused of spamming and abusing the customer support and will be suspended.


Not a very smart way to handle a paying loyal customer.

Specially in times like this when ppl are leaving the game!

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I replied in another topic you mentioned this on:


I complained to CS about that through a ticket and a live chat rep talked to me about it. I suggested that they don't open a new ticket for mail spam reports (similar to chat spam reports), but they said they needed to investigate each matter and that requires the ticket. I reminded them that they requested our help of reporting spammers but I would not be able to continue to "help" with this system (so long as our open tickets are limited). I report spam as a community service, but I'd rather save my open tickets for something important involving an issue with my account. Spam mail can be deleted easier than reported.


I will occasionally report a mail spam if it was a very recent mail, but don't report anything older than a day or two. You should pay attention to the name so you don't report the same one on different characters (creating multiple open tickets for the same thing) they will clear off in usually about a week or so, but you need to keep some room for your real problems. Just delete some of the spam mail and forget about it.

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I tried to submit a ticket last night with regards to a bug in the game related to gree light sabers. Imagine my surprise when it said I could not submit any more tickets cause I was at my max. I checked my customer service tickets and I have over 20 tickets since the first of December 2016 not answered that I can not close or cancel. They are all related to spam mail I reported as spam from gold sellers.


How stupid is this. A system was set up to report gold spammers but it fills up our ticket screen where we can't submit actual issues? Please respond to these tickets before I blow a gasket. Thanks.


I agreed some people here have invested alot into the game. We are not nerds and just want to enjoy are stars wars mmos in peace. Ha funny- should have done my homework before droping 250$(including the game and cc coins) I will not be around next month if I am seeing more **** like this.


Hope the Dev get back to you bro,



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