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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Getting Senya back ?.


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I started playing the game about 2 weeks ago and just finished both expansions but since i was Sith i had

no choice but to kill Senya and Arcann. However... since Senya is imo the 2nd coolest companion, i'd really

like her back but i don't know how to.


I know a player can replay the chapters and i'm thinking that's a way of getting her back, but since i don't want

to play through the Fallen Empire again (SO BORING), i was considering the possibility of maybe being able

to only replay specific chapters to get her back.


Is there anyone who knows a way to get Senya back, with any possible companion-story she might have?.


Otherwise i could just use the companionterminal, but that doesn't bring the companions back with their

storylines afaik.

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I started playing the game about 2 weeks ago and just finished both expansions but since i was Sith i had

no choice but to kill Senya and Arcann. However... since Senya is imo the 2nd coolest companion, i'd really

like her back but i don't know how to.


I know a player can replay the chapters and i'm thinking that's a way of getting her back, but since i don't want

to play through the Fallen Empire again (SO BORING), i was considering the possibility of maybe being able

to only replay specific chapters to get her back.


Is there anyone who knows a way to get Senya back, with any possible companion-story she might have?.


Otherwise i could just use the companionterminal, but that doesn't bring the companions back with their

storylines afaik.


The first playthrough your character that killed senya in is the canon one, the companion is dead as far the story goes for the rest of the galaxy

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So... Senya is dead.. And thanks to Bioware's idiotic planning, my other companion can't be located

within the storyline FOR NO REASON AT ALL - except that Bioware are lazy... OK thanks.


So i'm stuck with the useless ugly Lyla or whatever she's called... /gg.


WHY even bother giving us champions we can invest in when they just remove them with stupid reasons?.

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If you don't care about storyline (and it sounds like you are not its biggest fan, right now) you can go to the room just off the passage between Aygo and Hylo on your Odessan base and request your original companions who haven't featured in the story, yet, back.
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If you don't care about storyline (and it sounds like you are not its biggest fan, right now) you can go to the room just off the passage between Aygo and Hylo on your Odessan base and request your original companions who haven't featured in the story, yet, back.


It's called the Companion Locator Terminal. It's in the room with the datapad that gives you a "Mission" every time one of your Alliance Specialists hits an even-numbered level. Coords are -485, 310. The terminal isn't a highlighted blue "glowy" like other usable items, so it's easy to miss.


IIRC, you will have two menu options, one for your "original" companions, and one for the "other" companions from KotFE/KotET. You will get multiple warnings about how the companions you "bring back" won't figure in the story, etc., etc., both before and after you say you want the companion back.


Just be forewarned, some folks have had issues getting certain companions back.

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since i was Sith i had no choice but to kill Senya and Arcann.

Does. Not. Compute.


Sith are allowed to keep them around. Even Dark Sith are allowed to keep them around. And Lighter-than-Light Jedi are allowed to kill them.


My Dark V Sorc (Rattataki, no less, got Dark V during the DvL event last year, somewhere on Voss if I recall correctly) kept them around because it gives her an advantage compared to not having them around. It wasn't out of the goodness of her heart, because while she has a heart, it serves only to pump blood, and has no goodness in it whatsoever.


You *chose* to kill them. Face the consequences of your actions.


Just like I *chose* to release Lord Dramath. I had to face the consequences of that action. (She didn't trust him not to ... interfere ... with the operation of the holocron.)


You can always justify an LS action from the point of view of a darkly dark character without it being "because I wanted to be good all of a sudden". (And there are many DS/LS choices around the Imp side where the LS option is merely less evil than the DS option.)

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You can always justify an LS action from the point of view of a darkly dark character without it being "because I wanted to be good all of a sudden". (And there are many DS/LS choices around the Imp side where the LS option is merely less evil than the DS option.)


That's a general problem with the Light / Dark concept, lately you always have that black/white (or red/blue) choice


Why would the completely selfish act of not risking to give Valkorion any power over you, and rather let Lana die than take that risk to safe her, be a light choice? Even as a considerate decision not to give Valkorion any advantage for the greater good, to let one suffer in order not to endanger the many would be pragmatic at best.


Trying to repair a nuclear reactor of a foreign design while suffering from hibernation sickness, when the actual reactor engineers fled in panic, sure is one of those stupidly heroic things a paragon of light would do. Not doing so is what some may call common-sense. It makes the hero's deeds special, and isn't a proof of a dark and devious nature.



Rant aside, the OP may be in-character when he writes "since I was Sith I had no choice" In his character's definition of being Sith, letting Arcann live may not be an option. Even Senya may have chosen her fate the moment she put her son over the alliance. Of course remorse may be an option too, and could lead to the character changing his path. With the force it's never too late, you can murder children and terrorize a galaxy, and in the end just throw one frail old man over a railing and pass as a disciple of light.


To the OP: A life taken can't be given back. You could have reset the chapter and made another decision, but now that it's done, it's done. When you as a player are at odds with your character's decisions then use the terminal and pretend your character has found a way to resurrect Senya, but the others consider this unnatural and don't want to have anything to do with her, yet fear your character too much to say anything. It could also be a clone, or her skin put on a droid, or whatever else dark and sithy things go on in your char's mind. If you don't care about story at all, and just want a wihite-pixels healer following you while doing dailies, then I don't see the problem.

Edited by Mubrak
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