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Long Live The King


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OK the next segment in the LONG LIVE THE KING series.


here we have a dire situation for most scout player. u see an infested node with 2 GS and a bomber and mines and turrets and a scout and also a lame strike. u try to go in alone and u die right away because ur chances of RNG are not good. so watch The King. here i wait out of line of sight and watch mini map for my pawns to support The King and while they attract fire then i attack the GS pilot just after he misses me and hits the wall. now i attack him at this moment because i kno he doesnt have a railgun precharged for me and its safer. I make quick work of him before i breefly kite and then finish off the bomber with very precise BLC aiming skills.



take a peep


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Hello my lovelies,


tonight is a special night. not only is my nephew becoming 'baptized' but your King has decided to release three new superb videos which will razzle AND dazzle the senses.


before we continue I would like to take the necessary opportunities to let all of my viewers know just how much i appreciate them and while i may come off as a gruff persona sometimes just know that Krixarcs Kares™


so first I must show a lot of respekt first for KOOBIE on harbinger server. I straight up asked KOOBIE to 1v1 without any pretense bc I respekted his skills. he without hesitation agreed and then listened to The King's instructions to go to republic side. for awhile there he seemed confused to the konkept which annoyed the king, but the king went to great lengths to draw the challenge KOOBIE to a fair and honorable defeat. THE KING had to travel to KOOBIES capital ship to get close enough within 5000m to use the very rare and misunderstood /SAY command to actually speak through another dimension to the fearsome challenger KOOBIE. in the very process of trying to communicate with this adversary, THE KING almost died to republic capital ship efforts. however THE KING managed to fly evasively enough to narrowly avoid death at the hand of the professional lazer snipers cowardly housed safely within the CAPITAL SHIP, THE KING finally drew KOOBIE away into a DUEL. THE KING'S hull damage was critical and a single cluster missile would have proven to have the exact amount of hull penetration to go through the king's shield and defeat the mad tyrant KING once and for all. A NEW HOPE in the immature but highly promising republic jedi pilot KOOBIE was inches and millimeteres within his grasp of becoming the most heroic pilot on the galaxies. however THE KING showed his prowlers and dug deep and an epic battle between two giants ensued. I wont spoil the conclusion please enjoy. and I do say, you will enjoy.


please subscribe and check out the latest 1V1 challenge video here:


well done koobie THE KRONIES are offering u a one time deal for u to train under MASTER MENDAC aka MASTER TRIXARCS as his padawan sith pilot. TBH TRIXARCS is now the headmaster of THE KRONIES as the king has relinquished all leadership responsibilities to focus on his YouTube carreer, so if u have a problem u need to email mendac now.



LOVE LIVE THE KING segment will continue as well as some other highly enteraining GSF content and training videos stay tuned, be here or be square TBH. as promised I will be releasing 2 more videos shortly.


AND as a bonus I am going to be using some new music clips. i have discussed these new clips with my lawyer and they are not under any copyright and therefore they are now Krix Trax™

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OK 2nd video as promised is a video that i belief shows some good T1 GS play in an adverse environment. now this isnt my specialty area and there are some T1 as good or better than The King maybe but this shows top tier play TBH


so in this video the enemies is all in good positions making no shots easy and I have a good scout harassing me also. what I do it minimize these problems but 1v1 the scout with the help of shield orb. instead of running I take the fight to the streets and man up.


at the end of the video i die but that will happen sometimes, the point is I looked for the purple orb to keep the good fight alive. we won this game by tooth and nails. see the whole video on my twitch stream


theres also some great fantastic use of railgun blaster power very efficient learn how to avoid overcharging for a kill TBH


heres the clip

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  • 2 weeks later...
1v1 or dodge TBQH


Was it not a 1 vs 1 when you were protected by at least 1 mine, perhaps 2 mines close to the sat in which I saw a small opening and came to kill you

Or does the "king" need to be prepared for an encounter?


I checked and your shields were at 89% and your hull at 100%.

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