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The concept of peeling.


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I loved peeling with my Gunslinger.

But, as I remained a bad player, at one point I didn't see any point in doing so anymore and completely gave up playing my Gunslinger.

And, of course, people didn't even realize I was peeling. I saw my jop of peling to hinder the other team as much as possible to reach their goals - or to reach members of my team.

This involved leg shot or how it was called from a distance, for example, so that they couldn't attack the ball carrier, or the one who got through the voidstar door.

And of course no-one saw me. No-one noticed what I did. So I remained a BAD player, because I never reached high damage numbers.


There are many levels of skill when it comes to this game. You should play what you find fun, and realize that there are always others better than you.


Typically if a person plays poorly on a certain class, it won't be much fun so by natural selection most players are on classes they perform best on.


If you found slinger fun then why do you care if you can't put up the best numbers? Why care what others say?


I see sorc healers and sages better than me, and I see merc dps that always put up better numbers than me. This doesn't make me stop playing them.


I can understand your frstration with snipers though, I have one and struggle to push the dps I should be putting out on him. I am hoping once I got him to 70 I will have improved. ;)


Play what is fun for you.

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The decision to peel, versus say global an opponent is a team tactical decision, one of many.


If you are pugging then good luck trying to implement any tactic.


You don't need to be a tactical mastermind to see that your team needs your help to survive.

And like I said before.. Defense ALWAYS comes before Offense. You can't win a game if you're all dead.

Edited by Evolixe
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In arenas peeling is king, after all YOLO. And the more team mates you have over the enemy team, the most likely you are to win.


In WZ it depends, which is why they are far more interesting. Example, peeling off healer in VS offensive round, unless you are a tank, is a waste. Even there, I expect the tank and the healer to be doing some dps. There are many situations in WZs like this. Understanding that is the difference between a good and a great player (in WZs at least).


WZ also have a lot more strategy for using DCDs. If I am a dps getting heavy tunneled defending a node with 7 other allies, it is not smart to activate long CD DCDs. If you are one of only 2 people left defending a node, you want to have all your DCDs ready.


In WZs you can die, or leave someone else to die, cuz strategically it is not in the objective best interest to waste resources to remain alive.

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I find the problem is that nobody tends to focus the other healers. This is more for unranked. Which means I usually am on the enemy healer to keep them tied up. Which means I'm not freed up to peel. If I could rely on my teammates to focus the healer I would have no problem peeling enemies focused on our healer.


Most players in unranked have little to no situtational awareness.


You don't need to focus a healer to win. Just pay attention to what they are doing and keep them out of the fight. Granted this only works vs teams with 1 healer and if they have a tank, one that doesn't swap guard (which is most tanks)

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Tanks are basically designed to be peelers, but next to no rolls as a tank with the proper mindset. Ask yourselves this: when was the last time a juggernaut tank guard-swapped to you and interceded as well? It basically never happens. I guess playing tanks the proper way e.g. not trying to be a DPS, is just too un-sexy for most. Even at solo ranked I see more healers than tanks.


I play a Juggernaut tank like that- it's incredibly frustrating to play as a tank for a lot of reasons in warzones- I find that's when I get annoyed by my main's DPS brethren the most. Healers are keeping people up, I'm keeping the healer up or the most fragile player and/or an objective like guarding the huttball carrier, I'm taking on damage for two and the DPS often are off somewhere else than clearing the chaotic wreck.


Guard swap the most during Objective play but I will not rip the guard off a healer, they are usually being tunnelled like crazy. I'll Intercede whenever it come off cooldown to the person who needs it the most. Tanks are interesting, I'm just not a fan of playing one in warzones but I need another level 70 before I can bench her.


The decision to peel, versus say global an opponent is a team tactical decision, one of many.


If you are pugging then good luck trying to implement any tactic.


Tactics work if people want to listen. I'm used to putting an idea up, it works and we clear like the other day- make no mistake had it gone pear shaped I'd get the blame, but on the win- not a single person noticed. The problem with tactical decisions is that people don't want to be the ones who speak up and then lose. The lost warzones I notice tend to be where no one is paying attention to their team. I've peeled, thought they still have half health- it's a class we can take down together, and that saved teammate just runs off rather than help since our opponent isn't going to just walk away. Or on a healer who can keep you up... nope, that's your dust. :(


This happens enough times, you check your 'do I care' meter for anything left in reserves.

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The biggest challenge I've encountered implementing this tactic is getting a control on my targeting. Because there isn't really time to be messing around with tab, mouse clicking or moving my toon close enough to utilize my nearest target keybind. The people who start trying to peel just end up having their toons standing still like their lagging. Once you've come to the realization that arenas are going to be things you're going to do, I've found success in going into my keybinds and making the breadth of my targeting options more convenient. That way I can switch to whoever is tunneling my healer, the guy in front of me and then the focus target/or labeled target in the time it'll take me to scratch my chin. You can't really get there if you don't make the effort/priority in advance. I couldn't. Still not there, still have the new keybinds to sink into my skull. But I see the possibilities now.
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You don't need to be a tactical mastermind to see that your team needs your help to survive.

And like I said before.. Defense ALWAYS comes before Offense. You can't win a game if you're all dead.


This is simply not true. The decision to play offensively or defensively is a tactic, not a rule.


In fact one of the most common tactics is to have the whole team focus fire on a single target, burning it down fast.

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This is simply not true. The decision to play offensively or defensively is a tactic, not a rule.


In fact one of the most common tactics is to have the whole team focus fire on a single target, burning it down fast.


That mindset of your is exactly the reason I got into enough frustration to actually make this thread. There isn't any "rule" that says you can't swap from being offensive to going defensive. Once again.. if you're all dead.. you aren't winning.


And to be honest, I'm not into the whole "pick a tactic and stick to it" thing. If you want to be successful in PvP.. the last thing you need to be is predictable. Switching things up in a game can and will more often than not create oppertunities. If you only ever keep pumping all your damage into 1 target then that team can just build a wall around that player by repeatedly using the same PEELS on your damage.


The reason you want to switch it up is so the have to adjust, and that can set them off-balance.


You don't need to focus a healer to win. Just pay attention to what they are doing and keep them out of the fight. Granted this only works vs teams with 1 healer and if they have a tank, one that doesn't swap guard (which is most tanks)


It'll work on tanks that do swap guards as well. You just need enough coordination.

Edited by Evolixe
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With Guardians ability to use guard in DPS spec, it seldom makes sense to go after healers when Guardians are in play. I am no expert, but lately in 4v4, taking out DPS seems to be the first order of business if those DPS are guardians or Imp-equivalent. I am always open to learning and agree the focus should be on the team.
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With Guardians ability to use guard in DPS spec, it seldom makes sense to go after healers when Guardians are in play. I am no expert, but lately in 4v4, taking out DPS seems to be the first order of business if those DPS are guardians or Imp-equivalent. I am always open to learning and agree the focus should be on the team.


Every class with a Tank spec can guard in DPS spec now.

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The concept of peeling is to help your teammate, it be a healer/dps or even a tank,

survive things he cannot survive on his or her own.


But.. but... if i peel, i can't attack red




Seriously tho, people, please peel. Or if you don't, then atleast for the love of god, don't attack the mezzed ones. Yeah i know, they are red too

Edited by Kirpputori
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But.. but... if i peel, i can't attack red




Seriously tho, people, please peel. Or if you don't, then atleast for the love of god, don't attack the mezzed ones. Yeah i know, they are red too




Me thinks we shared some zones today - nice to meet ya :cool:

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