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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Changes to gearing up can't come fast enough !.


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Currently me and my guild are just running around like sheep without a shepard simply because 90% of

the current content is useless for endgame gearing. No one's doing Flashpoints because... guess what,

they're a waste of time, doesn't reward anything except the occasional rng-craftmats... and no sane person

runs a 1hour flashpoint for some crafting materials...


And Heroics at 70 or also a waste of time since the rewarded lockboxes gives nothing but useless costumepieces

and some companiongifts.


Currently i've been trying to farm commandpoints for the past 3 days and at cmd-rank 19, it's a very very slow progress

trying to gain any points. I've ran entire storylines and not gotten a single rankup. I played 9 chapters of KotFE when

the boost was active and got from rank 15 to rank 15.5... And when you DO get a rankup and collect the items

from the box, its totally RNG which means you're 90% chance to get screwed by rngesus.


As a new player, it's very disheartening to continue playing and PAYING for the game when most its current content

is in such a bad stage in terms of USEFULLNESS for the player. I don't mind paying and grinding, but i don't believe

in grinding for hours only to get scewed by RNG, i believe in REWARDED FOR EFFORT.. if i put in the effort

to run all Heroics on 3-5 planets, i don't want to see some stupid and useless costumepieces that it nothing

but vendorcrap as reward, i expect something useful as reward. Wrapping up all Heroics on a planet and

getting 100cmd points is nothing but a spit in the face when you need THOUSANDS of points for the next rank.


Give players a VALID REASON to run Flashpoints and Heroics at 70. Make them a steppingstone for Ops,

make them the way to gearup for Ops and then release the really good stuff in the Ops.


I know the update is inc in aprox 2 weeks. And don't take this as a threat, but unless i see a change for the

better, a change that makes more content a viable way to gearup and more content worth doing, i'm out after

the first month subbing.


I never believed in paying for content i don't have use for - simple as that.

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