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End of chapter 1 agent story


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She hates Darth Jadus and serving the Sith in general. She would probably support stopping him the Darkside way or talking him down.


I mean ultimately it won't make a big difference because she will support whatever decision you make, but if I remember right she does disapprove of siding with Darth Jadus.

Edited by OldVengeance
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She hates Darth Jadus and serving the Sith in general. She would probably support stopping him the Darkside way or talking him down.


I mean ultimately it won't make a big difference because she will support whatever decision you make, but if I remember right she does disapprove of siding with Darth Jadus.


She does exclaim "Jadus, really? I didn't figure you to ........." I cannot remember the rest. But yes, she does not like you siding with him.

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Although Kaliyo doesn't like it if you side with Jadus, it is a minor dislike-- under the old "affection" system, it was only a -1 hit with her.


VECTOR, on the other hand, reacts in outright appalled horror and even gives a response in which he expresses his utter shock. Under the old affection system, it was a humongous hit of -356 or something affection.


There's a way to talk Jadus down without fighting, a LS choice that bags a huge approval from Vector; I don't remember how Kaliyo takes it. My Sniper is Light V, I went that route when I finished chapter 1.


Jadus is still my favorite Sith though. A diametrical opposite of Baras, Jadus is almost always so CALM, it's unsettling.

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Kaliyo likes to operate independently, so she'll dislike being a servant of Darth Jadus, however she does like pretty much anything that has to do with killing other people. If i remember correctly she ask the Agent at some point why you serve the empire, to which you can answer ''i get to cheat, lie and kill, and do it legally'' which will get you a decent amount of affection with her.


So Kaliyo basicly likes to be an independent mercenary, but if she can achieve more by working for someone than she'll approve of that.

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Kaliyo likes to operate independently, so she'll dislike being a servant of Darth Jadus, however she does like pretty much anything that has to do with killing other people. If i remember correctly she ask the Agent at some point why you serve the empire, to which you can answer ''i get to cheat, lie and kill, and do it legally'' which will get you a decent amount of affection with her.


So Kaliyo basicly likes to be an independent mercenary, but if she can achieve more by working for someone than she'll approve of that.


Basically, this. My primary Agent romanced Kaliyo and sided with Jadus. She doesn't really mind, as long as it gives her more reasons to kill people and blow things up. My agent is pretty dark sided, and much a "totalitarian secret police" type. He doesn't hate the Sith, per se, and when Jadus basically said "Side with me and you can police the Empire as you see fit", he was all over that.


Jackboots all round.

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