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thats the specc i use and the reason for it is simply ... i took away 1 accuracy point and traded it for 2% crit reason why i did so is that the lvl 50 gear ive seen so far have had alot of accuracy over all so i rather sac 1% hit for 2% crit and for most that wonder i clearify the force crit goes for all sentinel abilities that cost force


since i've been reading that our burns are not considered 'Force' attacks i really dont see a point in putting point in the Insight ability. perhaps taking those out and instead putting one last point in Steadfast and the rest in Defensive Roll may benefit u more.

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You don't seem to understand that the point could be put somewhere else more useful, it takes a fraction of a second to step 4m especially in a game with latency, you don't need to back out if the target is moving and what your implying is very situational and applies mostly to solo PvE. There is a very good point for putting only 1 point in Close Quarters, it reduces the gap to melee range which is all you need, especially for PvP. Fully waste a point or put it somewhere else more useful.


This is what Sentinel players have been saying since beta, if you've been here since 2009 and still haven't figured it out than you are helpless.


Where exactly are you going to spend that extra point? I'd rather spend it and get the full no melee range then go through all that hassle just to be able to spend a point on something even more marginal and insignificant.

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This is what Sentinel players have been saying since beta, if you've been here since 2009 and still haven't figured it out than you are helpless.


Back to the trolling insults again I see. Spec your character how you want, I could care less.





Where exactly are you going to spend that extra point? I'd rather spend it and get the full no melee range then go through all that hassle just to be able to spend a point on something even more marginal and insignificant.


There is no point to only put one ability point into it, its a great skill to use both points and get the full use of it. I think it's a great skill and I use it all the time.

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