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for me - alfa in this game to forget words "Roling Play Game".

this is Star Wsrs.

all "balance" just kill the style of this reality.

of course, any boss must be able to pass, but in PvP, in space same as on ground, victory in battle is an art.

not just comparison of offensuve and defensive power.

but for now it is.

for now all types of ships reduced to the average level.

scouts - must have low firepower, lage passive radar sight, some arsenal of electronic warfare, most of them - weak shields or no shields.

fighters - massive frontal firepower, mobility, some types of missiles. actually, OR missles, OR lots of guns. and no reversive maneuvres, it's just impossible, same in SW. pilot will be killed by overload, no chance to survive.

bombers - have large choise of weapons, but but their main task based on missiles, bombs, mines... well, and drones. and this is mean more then 3-5 mines on whole battlefield. also bombers have low or sverage speed, and realy strong shields. all. just all.

gunsips here realised as railgun carriers. okay. anyone imagine what it is? ) a gun length almost as gunship. this mean sunhip have low mobility, low defense, low rate of fire. also. ion cannon can jum systems of tagert ship, but no way to discharge weapons and drives. only if blast the ship, of cource )


missile targeting - must be 1-2 seconds maximum. also missiles IS the most long-range weapon, so they must have range of aim about 15-20 Km.

scout's missile racks must lounch 2-3 rockets per second.

no one ship or pilot can have "ability" to avoid damage. there's hit, or it is not. it's like head-shot in action game - it is. that the head, that the bullet. bullet can't fly around head because target "avoid" them. without any move.


wel... that's all. for this time )

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Spelling please



Scouts already have weak shields

Bombers having more that 5 mines would be really "fun" I'm sure (/s)

Missile range should be 15km+ with 1-2 sec targeting? And unable to avoid them? Hmmm interesting...


Have you played GSF?

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for me - alfa in this game to forget words "Roling Play Game".

this is Star Wsrs.

all "balance" just kill the style of this reality.

of course, any boss must be able to pass, but in PvP, in space same as on ground, victory in battle is an art.

not just comparison of offensuve and defensive power.

but for now it is.

for now all types of ships reduced to the average level.

scouts - must have low firepower, lage passive radar sight, some arsenal of electronic warfare, most of them - weak shields or no shields.

fighters - massive frontal firepower, mobility, some types of missiles. actually, OR missles, OR lots of guns. and no reversive maneuvres, it's just impossible, same in SW. pilot will be killed by overload, no chance to survive.

bombers - have large choise of weapons, but but their main task based on missiles, bombs, mines... well, and drones. and this is mean more then 3-5 mines on whole battlefield. also bombers have low or sverage speed, and realy strong shields. all. just all.

gunsips here realised as railgun carriers. okay. anyone imagine what it is? ) a gun length almost as gunship. this mean sunhip have low mobility, low defense, low rate of fire. also. ion cannon can jum systems of tagert ship, but no way to discharge weapons and drives. only if blast the ship, of cource )


missile targeting - must be 1-2 seconds maximum. also missiles IS the most long-range weapon, so they must have range of aim about 15-20 Km.

scout's missile racks must lounch 2-3 rockets per second.

no one ship or pilot can have "ability" to avoid damage. there's hit, or it is not. it's like head-shot in action game - it is. that the head, that the bullet. bullet can't fly around head because target "avoid" them. without any move.


wel... that's all. for this time )


Reverse maneuvers are very possible. What's preventing them? Inertia?


A ship balance pass would be nice, but three ship types are viable (7 ships if you decide to count the Comet breaker for some reason). Strikes are the outliers, so balancing should be done over them.


I started answering each suggestion here, but I realised you're coming from an immerion PoV. Let me tell you that doesn't work. Even if GSF was getting active development (it isn't) the immersion RP crowd is tiny compared to just about any other sector. Most people play a game to have fun, not to make believe they're really in a star fighter shooting rebel scum. Devs make gameplay a priority over immersion for that reason, and many of your ideas (most of them) aren't easy to balance for that. Yes, a bomber could drop a billion mines IRL. A scout should be exactly that. Doesn't matter, because if it's not fun, people won't play it.


As for evasion, RL guns jitter too. If you've ever shot a machine gun, you'll know that they're not 100% accurate at distance even when mounted on a tripod. That's the "immersion" explanation for evasion. The actual one is that it makes the game interesting, because without it games would become static and predictable.


It also helps reduce aimbots (since they're not nearly as useful when they don't guarantee a hit).

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