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How much CXP do you think you should be getting?


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I can rebut everything you said using the exact same points. It's a game. Games have rules in which you abide by in order to succeed. If you're playing chess, you don't whine about how you should be winning because you put the same amount of time in as the person who is beating you.


Basing everything solely on the time put in is an incredibly flawed and entitled argument. For example, lets say I log in and idle on fleet for 3 hours just talking in general chat. That's what I like to do and that's how I like to enjoy this game. Now, do you honestly think its fair for me to be able to get the same amount of rewards as people who use that same amount of time honing their skills and tackling the toughest stuff the game has to offer?


People keep throwing the word "penalized" around like it means something. You are not being penalized for choosing to do content that rewards you with less. It's YOUR DECISION to do the lower rewarding content. And the people doing the higher rewarding content have absolutely no impact on what YOU choose to do. Therefore you are not being penalized for anything. You only think you are because you're assuming your entitled to all the game's rewards. And when something comes up that's "too hard" or "too social" for you, you take that as them locking you out of what is rightfully yours.


But no. If you don't put the effort in, you don't get the rewards out. It's as simple as that. And no amount of time in game is going to change that simple fact.


If anyone is being penalized, it would be the people who try their best to do the hardest stuff only to watch as all their effort is neglected and ignored when the game rewards them with the same "participation" rewards as the people who just happened to log in.


Now, look, I enjoy solo content. In fact, I enjoy trying to solo group content just to see if I can do it. Just yesterday, actually, I managed to solo a story mode uprising. Doing it solo obviously took more time to do than with a group since it wasn't designed to be played that way. On top of that, I only got the reward for completing what I completed. It was incredibly time inefficient, when it came to CXP rewards. But that wasn't the reason I did it, nor did I care about the CXP rewards. I did it just to see if I could do it and I did. But you don't see me whining that I didn't get the same rewards as the people who do group up and do the same uprising in a harder difficulty mode.


How is your argument less flawed? All you've done is provide a counter opinion without anything to back it up besides a giant pile of loaded (and condescending) verbiage. What you've posted is opinion, not fact, just as the previous poster did. The $15 you spend each month puts you on equal footing with him/her as far as having a voice in the game or on the forums. That's it.


No one is "entitled" for seeking favorable changes to a system that penalizes the entire player base for hitting level 70. It sucks for all of us, but in different ways and for different reasons. The question is, how can you modify, re-engineer, or scrap the system to come up with one that's tolerable by the differing segments of the player base? And it's a question neither you nor Bioware is actually answering. The difference is, you're just as powerless as the rest of us in shaping said system. I'm starting to think that's a blessing :rak_04:

Edited by JainiaDral
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Since it seems we are stuck with CXP, here's how I wished it would work...


Total CXP for an event = flat rate of CXP per minute

× a difficulty factor

× number of people in your group


Obviously there would need to be some kind of idleness indicator, you can't reward 16 people for standing around the front of Dread Fortress doing dance emotes for 24 hours. And no CXP for quitting.


Flat rate maybe around 8-10

Difficulty. ×1 heroic/tactical/SM

×2 VET/HM/regular WZ

×5 Master/Nim/Ranked WZ


This method encourages group activity, and event completion.

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if you kill 5 bosses in df sm and someone else killed the same 5 bosses in df hm, havent you killed the same 5 bosses?


No, of course not. They may look the same and have the same names but one has a fraction of the HP of the other, has much lower DPS, requires less skill, and (salient to this discussion) has lower gear requirements than the other.

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Not an easy question to answer OP. Every player will have a different answer dependant on many things. Such as there choice on what they do in game, how many hours of game play they can fit into any given week to name but two.

For the most part I am happy enough with how much CXP I am getting at the moment. Would I chance anything, well yes, drop rate's and making more items legacy bound like the schematics are. If all set gear was legacy bound I think that would probably be enough for me. Other players will have to answer for themselves.


I do like the command rank for the most part. As with all new features being brought into the game, it needs time to get it right. BW are working on it and think even after next patch more will need to be done. Having said that we all know some will continue to complain whatever BW do. Same with other such things in the past, such as I still don't like level sync. BW are never going to please us all.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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No, of course not. They may look the same and have the same names but one has a fraction of the HP of the other, has much lower DPS, requires less skill, and (salient to this discussion) has lower gear requirements than the other.


skill and gear requirement dont matter to "effort" actual work done does. Maybe give a slight boost to account for additional xp but you are already being rewarded for that with NIM only drops.

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I think the rates could stand to be upped a bit, but for me, the bigger concern is, that I'd prefer to earn this over legacy, so that I don't have to grind this abominable rep for *every* *single* *toon*. That's just sadistic. Even doing it for one is slowly driving me out of the game. It's boring.


Bioware needs to learn how to cut their losses. I haven't seen anyone proclaiming their love for this...it's another GSF.


Give the raiders their raids, give the pvpers another bloody map they can be sick of in a week, and give noobs like me another stronghold to decorate.


And some new options for character creation would be nice too. Like...separate Twi'lek lekku markings from make up. Give cyborgs the ability to rock some facial tattoos. Heck provide full on body tattoos for everybody. New hair. New species. New colours. There are things that could be done to make this game seem vital again. GC isn't it. :(

Edited by Lunafox
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skill and gear requirement dont matter to "effort" actual work done does. Maybe give a slight boost to account for additional xp but you are already being rewarded for that with NIM only drops.


And the actual work done to kill a boss in SM is significantly less than the actual work done to kill that a boss in NiM...

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And the actual work done to kill a boss in SM is significantly less than the actual work done to kill that a boss in NiM...


what work? you pew pew longer is all. with better gear you are doing more damage already so that speeds it up. It isnt like you have an additional wing or additional bosses. maybe some additional adds but that would be it. you act like you had to walk uphill in the snow to get to the boss. It looks like the people wanting more "challenge" were really looking for more rewards.You get rewarded for the greater difficulty with things like wings of the architect.

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what work? you pew pew longer is all. with better gear you are doing more damage already so that speeds it up. It isnt like you have an additional wing or additional bosses. maybe some additional adds but that would be it. you act like you had to walk uphill in the snow to get to the boss. It looks like the people wanting more "challenge" were really looking for more rewards.You get rewarded for the greater difficulty with things like wings of the architect.


If it was a matter of simply "pew pew longer" then everybody would clear hardmodes and nightmare. And it doesn't happen.


What's the problem, exactly, with people getting more cxp rewards from hm and nightmares than what they get from sm? And by that I mean what is "your" problem. You seem to have very very strong feelings against this.

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If it was a matter of simply "pew pew longer" then everybody would clear hardmodes and nightmare. And it doesn't happen.


What's the problem, exactly, with people getting more cxp rewards from hm and nightmares than what they get from sm? And by that I mean what is "your" problem. You seem to have very very strong feelings against this.


I dont have a problem and I already do hm. I just see a great beating of the chest as to how people doing hm/nim deserve so much more. They dont. you are challenging yourself, that is your reward. setting nim to the max GXP gains that the devs will allow and butchering sm to next to nothing will only run off the majority of people still raiding. you already get rewarded for nim, every reward in the game doesnt have to give you 3 times as much. GXP is all about the grind. It isnt as if you have any new content to learn anyway. you are just rerunning the same mechanics you beat over a year ago.

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