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How much CXP do you think you should be getting?


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I'm just curious to see what people's thoughts on how much CXP they think they should get for one particular activity in the game compared to another. Since it's obvious that it's a bit out of whack now... what do you think would be a fair amount?



3 CXP per Elite enemy.

20 CXP per Champion enemy.


Small Security Chests should randomly drop green CXP grant consumables (Tiny, Very Small or Small)

Large Security Chests should randomly drop blue CXP grant consumables.


1 CXP per item you craft (possibly tie this into the item's difficulty)

10 CXP per crew skill mission completion


20 CXP for minor turn-in (IE Snowball reward)

50 CXP for a planetary turn-in (IE a daily)


50 CXP for unranked PvP Dailies

300 CXP for unranked PvP Weekly

200 CXP for ranked PvP Dailies

600 CXP for ranked PvP Weekly


80 CXP per Story Chapter

200 CXP per Veteran Chapter

450 CXP per Master Chapter


200 CXP per Story Uprising

300 CXP per Veteran Uprising

500 CXP per Master Uprising (If they ever add them)


150 CXP per Solo Flashpoint

450 CXP per Veteran Flashpoint

600 CXP per Master Flashpoint


400 CXP per Story Operation

800 CXP per Veteran Operation

1,600 CXP per Master Operation




First thing to note is that its each level is approximately 4500 CXP (earlier tier ones closer to 4k, higher tier threes closer to 5k).


Secondly, It's important to note the drop rates on items in command crates and how the limited amount of gear being distributed is impacting the availability of capable players to run group content.


Thirdly, you need to consider the gear requirement for the activities you are mainly focusing on doing; IE if you just run solo content, you don't need hard mode rated gear.


Finally, you need to remember the side missions and types of enemies within the content you're doing also play a factor in the amount of CXP you gain. It's not just the turn-in that nets you the final total for your effort. (For example, Flashpoints and Operations have a number of champion level enemies that add up to quite a bit of CXP at the end of the run in addition to the turn-in reward.)


CXP Pack values based on information found on Dulfy.net ( http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/swtor-galactic-command-guide-2_thumb.jpg )

Defeating Opponents:

5 CXP per Elite enemy

25 CXP per Champion enemy



Small Security Chests should randomly drop green CXP grant consumables (Tiny, Very Small or Small)

Large Security Chests should randomly drop blue CXP grant consumables.


Crew Skills:

1 CXP per item you craft. Add 0.5 CXP per increased difficulty. (Grey rating = 1 CXP, Green = 1.5, etc)

1 CXP per crew skill mission multiplied by the grade of the mission. (Grade 1 = 1 CXP, Grade 10 = 10 CXP)


Solo Missions:

-25 CXP for a "Generic" mission turn-in. (Otherwise not specifically listed here)

x2 for a Heroic turn-in.

-250 CXP per completing "Planetary Missions" through Galactic Command.

\\~500 CXP for a planet with 5 Heroic missions ~ 20 minutes

\\\~1,500 CXP in an hour of similar content.


100 CXP for [solo] Eternal Championship

50 CXP for [solo+] Eternal Championship

100CXP / 200 CXP / 300 CXP per Weekly Eternal Championship turn-ins

\\700 CXP for [solo] and Weekly missions ~ 20 minutes *one-time per week per toon


PvP Missions (I have yet to try rated since 5.0, so I don't know if you earn more CXP per match than you do in unranked. I'm going to assume yes.):

(Match rewards are approximated since it changes with medals)

-700 CXP for a completed unranked match.

- +200 CXP for winning a completed unranked match.

\\~4,500 CXP an hour assuming constant 12min matches and winning each one.


-800 CXP for completed ranked match.

- +300 CXP for winning a completed ranked match.

\\~5,500 CXP an hour assuming constant 12min matches and winning each one.


50 CXP for unranked PvP Daily turn-in.

500 CXP for unranked PvP Weekly turn-in.

200 CXP for ranked PvP Daily turn-in

800 CXP for ranked PvP Weekly turn-in


-700 CXP for completed GSF match

- +300 CXP for winning a completed GSF match

\\~5,000 CXP an hour assuming constant 12min matches and winning each one.


-50 CXP for GSF Daily turn-in

-600 CXP for GSF Weekly turn-in


Story Chapters (15-30 minute solo content)

200 CXP per chapter completion.

x1 CXP multiplier for Story difficulty

x2 CXP multiplier for Veteran difficulty

x3 CXP multiplier for Master difficulty


Uprisings (10-20 minute group content):

300 CXP per Uprising completion

x1 CXP for Story Difficulty + Very Small CXP Pack from last boss

x2 CXP for Veteran Difficulty + Small CXP Pack from last boss

x3 CXP for Master Difficulty (if they ever add that) + Medium CXP Pack from last boss

\\~800 CXP for one Veteran Uprising; ~3,200 CXP per hour at 15min each.


300 CXP for Story Weekly turn-in

300 CXP for Veteran Weekly turn-in (intentionally the same as SM due to the weekly's requirements)


Flashpoints (15-45 minute group content):

250 CXP per Flashpoint completion

x1 CXP for Solo Difficulty + Very Small CXP pack from last boss

x2 CXP for Veteran Difficulty + Medium CXP Pack from all bosses

x3 CXP for Master Difficulty + Large CXP Pack from all bosses

\\~1,350 CXP per Master Flashpoint and ~3,240 CXP an hour on Master Difficulty at 25m each.


200 CXP for Veteran Weekly turn-in

300 CXP for Master Weekly turn-in


Operations (30-90 minute group content):

250 CXP (EV and KP) turn-in

500 CXP (For all other ops) turn-in

x1 CXP for Story Difficulty + very small CXP Pack from all bosses (small for last boss)

x2 CXP for Veteran Difficulty + small CXP Pack from all bosses (medium for last boss)

x3 CXP for Master Difficulty + medium CXP Pack from all bosses (large for last boss)

\\~3,800 CXP for completing an ~40min EV in Veteran mode

\\\~4,300 CXP for any other Veteran ops (other than KP)


-Bonus "Money" bosses should drop a single CXP pack relative to the difficulty mode of the phase that is rolled upon by the group.



I increased the numbers considerably from my original post. The reason being because I realized that the amount of actually useful gear received from command crates is minimal and only serves to hind content progression. One lucky person is held back by two or three unlucky people if they want to run group content that requires everyone involved.


That's why I think the amount of CXP gained should be increased exponentially, as seen above in the list I just provided. I'm going to edit my original post with this list.


Again, this is all personal conjecture and I insist other people make their own lists. A proper discussion on this can serve as adequate feedback for future CXP gains.


Not only should the inherent difficulty of the content be considered, but also the time players are asked to invest into it as well as the content's popularity. You can use CXP events, similar to the daily bonus, where a certain activity in the game will have a larger CXP reward for a limited amount of time (like a week) in order to attempt to funnel people into that content. For example, new uprising are coming out soon, so when they launch, there should be 2 weeks were we get an extra 20% CXP from uprisings.



Anyway, that's just my opinion. Do you agree? Maybe post your own suggestions for CXP rewards.

Edited by Soul_of_Flames
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I think I should be earning a level every hour of gameplay no matter what of the 7 activities I do. That should be true up to level 100 or so and gradually increase from there. I base that on Bioware stating so on their livestream introducing this concept.


I do not find that to be the case in reality so I think all activities need bumping.

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80 CXP per Story Chapter


Not only should the inherent difficulty of the content be considered,...


Anyway, that's just my opinion. Do you agree? Maybe post your own suggestions for CXP rewards.


I disagree. The story chapters take an hour or so unless you spacebar. I don't spacebar as I find that to be the best content the game provides. So only 80 CXP for an hour or so of content is way too low.


I shouldn't need to move to the harder difficulties until i'm over level 100 in command tier in order to keep up the level per hour pace Bioware intended.

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But it's also incredibly easy and something you do by yourself.


There needs to be a mixture of considering the content's difficulty paired with the time you spent doing it. For example, you can spend 5 hours doing a master mode operation, or you can spend 5 hours doing a story mode chapter. Doesn't mean both should give you the same amount of CXP.

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But it's also incredibly easy and something you do by yourself.


There needs to be a mixture of considering the content's difficulty paired with the time you spent doing it. For example, you can spend 5 hours doing a master mode operation, or you can spend 5 hours doing a story mode chapter. Doesn't mean both should give you the same amount of CXP.


You shouldn't base it on ''Difficulty'' .


That's BS . because alot of peoples don't care for the ''Difficulty'' level and never will do them . So you just penalise them cose you can .


The reward should be based on how long it take to do . based it on TIME Solo or NOT . Some Story chapter take forever (and they went as far as making the chapters repeatable for a reason) . Some heroic take longer as well.....so the CXP nonsense should reflect that .

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I think they should pay me to play at this point. Really a NEW expansion of 5 year old content is just lazy

the q are now 20 to 45 min for vet UR or master FP's .they'll need to really turn up the cxp for the incentive of 5 year old rep drops to keep pl playing let alone pay to

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You shouldn't base it on ''Difficulty'' .


That's BS . because alot of peoples don't care for the ''Difficulty'' level and never will do them . So you just penalise them cose you can .


The reward should be based on how long it take to do . based it on TIME Solo or NOT . Some Story chapter take forever (and they went as far as making the chapters repeatable for a reason) . Some heroic take longer as well.....so the CXP nonsense should reflect that .

That makes absolutely no sense though. Because then that means trying to do harder stuff is pointless. Why would anyone bother spending an hour doing a veteran chapter when they can do the story mode version of that chapter two times and get more CXP? Harder content requires a larger reward for your time. No risk, no gain.


If anything, the longer it takes you to do something, the LESS CXP you should get.


They should break it down your completion time into tiers. From like 1 to 5 stars, 5 being the best (and fastest). If you score 5 stars, you get the most CXP for that content.


Then, harder difficulty stuff would have the same types of tiers. So scoring 5 stars on SM chapter 1 would be completely different than scoring 5 stars on Vet chapter 1.

Edited by Soul_of_Flames
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That makes absolutely no sense though. Because then that means trying to do harder stuff is pointless. Why would anyone bother spending an hour doing a veteran chapter when they can do the story mode version of that chapter two times and get more CXP? Harder content requires a larger reward for your time. No risk, no gain.


If anything, the longer it takes you to do something, the LESS CXP you should get.


They should break it down your completion time into tiers. From like 1 to 5 stars, 5 being the best (and fastest). If you score 5 stars, you get the most CXP for that content.


Then, harder difficulty stuff would have the same types of tiers. So scoring 5 stars on SM chapter 1 would be completely different than scoring 5 stars on Vet chapter 1.




Now see here . There is your problem . Peoples want to do easy stuff cose they like it . You want to base your hard stuff on reward . Not because you like the challenge . and that is your issue here .


Peoples play games to have fun . Not to be challenged . The challenge should always be optional and for those who like to test themself and enjoy doing it . NOT FOR REWARD .


When you put money on Hard stuff...it lose the charm .


If you are looking for metric to FORCE Peoples to do certain activity . Then it would come down to ''Punish and watch them suffer , then bail '' . Nobody like to be told what content they must do to get what they want .


That's why I said , base the reward on how LONG it take . Not how difficult it's .


Especially nowdays with server populations and group content dying and group in general are almost inexistant .


You want to encourage peoples to have fun . Not penalise them , and suffocate the few things they can do and base them on more CXP Grind .

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Harder content having better rewards is not penalizing easier content.


I'm sorry, but it can absolutely not be like that. Because if it was, then there would be no point to having harder content in the game at all.


The fact that you might not like it doesn't mean everyone else doesn't either. A lot of players have more fun doing the harder stuff.


You should not be given rewards just because you're there. Part of playing a game is the "playing" bit. If you can devote more effort, you should be rewarded for it. How is it at all fair for someone who butts their head against some difficult content for two hours to get the same reward as someone who just stands there and lets their comp play the game for them on easy mode?

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We really need to be gaining CXP much, much faster than we are. Why? Because the developers claimed we should be getting a crate an hour in their livestreams, and after the first 5 levels or so, that is absolutely NOT the case. I'm not even at tier 2 yet (because I have a life and can't spend hours grinding all day every day), and it still takes multiple hours to get one crate.
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Harder content having better rewards is not penalizing easier content.


I'm sorry, but it can absolutely not be like that. Because if it was, then there would be no point to having harder content in the game at all.


The fact that you might not like it doesn't mean everyone else doesn't either. A lot of players have more fun doing the harder stuff.


You should not be given rewards just because you're there. Part of playing a game is the "playing" bit. If you can devote more effort, you should be rewarded for it. How is it at all fair for someone who butts their head against some difficult content for two hours to get the same reward as someone who just stands there and lets their comp play the game for them on easy mode?


Yes it is penalizing easy content . You went from 200 CXP per chapter to 80 CXP . How is that not punishing peoples ?


It should be like that . Because it is a GRIND . Grind isn't about difficulty . And add to that , peoples are doing same old content over and over . So at this point it doesn't matter .


You are missing the point completely . I never said Harder stuff shouldnt get a reward . You are the one who wanna lower the reward for easy stuff..so peoples are forced to do hard stuff !!!


How is it at all fair for someone who butts their head against some difficult content for two hours to get the same reward as someone who just stands there and lets their comp play the game for them on easy mode?


ARGH! I didn't say ANYWHERE Hard difficulty should get the same reward as EASY difficulty . I said base the reward on HOW LONG IT TAKE .


And if you wanna Talk about fair , you are the one who said peoples should try Hard difficulty . So why are you complaining about butting heads for 2 hours ?


I told you before , it should be for those who like it . If you like the challenge , you should get the reward that FIT the challenge and TIME .


Just like peoples who do the STORY of KOTFE and KOTET again and again , should get the reward for doing the same boring stuff .


I don't even understand why you are arguing here with me for . All I said , is that easy difficulty reward shouldn't shrink just because it's easy . You want more CXP for Higher difficulty ? Go for it . I never stood in the way of that .

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Now see here . There is your problem . Peoples want to do easy stuff cose they like it . You want to base your hard stuff on reward . Not because you like the challenge . and that is your issue here .


Peoples play games to have fun . Not to be challenged . The challenge should always be optional and for those who like to test themself and enjoy doing it . NOT FOR REWARD .


When you put money on Hard stuff...it lose the charm .


If you are looking for metric to FORCE Peoples to do certain activity . Then it would come down to ''Punish and watch them suffer , then bail '' . Nobody like to be told what content they must do to get what they want .


That's why I said , base the reward on how LONG it take . Not how difficult it's .


Especially nowdays with server populations and group content dying and group in general are almost inexistant .


You want to encourage peoples to have fun . Not penalise them , and suffocate the few things they can do and base them on more CXP Grind .


Um... being challenged by games is part of the fun of games. If you just start the game and then automatically win everything, is that going to be any fun? Nope! Just because you're not up for tackling harder content doesn't mean those who are capable of tackling harder content should have to spend more time for less rewards (which is the case for things like HM FPs and all ops right now).


Basing it on how long it takes would be stupid, because the time everyone takes to complete X task will vary depending on how often they AFK, how well they know their class, how much attention they actually pay to what they're doing, etc. By your system, people could do planetary missions, spend most of their time AFK, and get more CXP than someone who does a NiM operation. That's patently ridiculous. Basing the rewards on difficulty level is much fairer.

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Actually, for ranked PvP, I think the CXP reward should scale with your rank. Median or worse ELO? You get the same CXP as unranked. Higher rank? More CXP.


There should also be a larger difference between winning and losing a match.


This should be fine because bolster more or less evens the PvP gear out. In the PvP forum there's a pretty detailed analysis of bolster going on, and it turns out that 208 gear bolsters competitively with gear at least up into tier 2, and even full 240, while better after bolster, is still apparently less than 10% better than bolstered 208.

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Um... being challenged by games is part of the fun of games. If you just start the game and then automatically win everything, is that going to be any fun? Nope! Just because you're not up for tackling harder content doesn't mean those who are capable of tackling harder content should have to spend more time for less rewards (which is the case for things like HM FPs and all ops right now).


Basing it on how long it takes would be stupid, because the time everyone takes to complete X task will vary depending on how often they AFK, how well they know their class, how much attention they actually pay to what they're doing, etc. By your system, people could do planetary missions, spend most of their time AFK, and get more CXP than someone who does a NiM operation. That's patently ridiculous. Basing the rewards on difficulty level is much fairer.


Not for me . when I want a challenge , I know where to go .


You are talking about group content . When I said it should be based about TIME , I was thinking about SOLO STUFF .


Doing Heroic and such . I should've clarified that . My bad .


But as a SOLO Player , that's what I would like to see for SOLO content .


It is not ridiculous . And you know why ? because NOT everyone wanna Group with d-Bag peoples and do Group contents . Not every HARD difficulty task can be SOLOED .


You have your way of playing and I have mine . One shouldn't step on the toe of the others .

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Harder content having better rewards is not penalizing easier content.


I'm sorry, but it can absolutely not be like that. Because if it was, then there would be no point to having harder content in the game at all.


The fact that you might not like it doesn't mean everyone else doesn't either. A lot of players have more fun doing the harder stuff.


You should not be given rewards just because you're there. Part of playing a game is the "playing" bit. If you can devote more effort, you should be rewarded for it. How is it at all fair for someone who butts their head against some difficult content for two hours to get the same reward as someone who just stands there and lets their comp play the game for them on easy mode?


The "CHALLENGE" provided by the harder content should be its own reward.

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I think they should lower CXP so that you gain a level once every 3-4 hours of play. So many people are already at max level and not progressing.


You know...there is an MMO outta there who does that even better . It take about 4 days of grind to get 1 Level .


It's called Shaiya and it was the 1st MMO I ever tried and the worst when it come to Toxic community .

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People that are doing story mode and solo stuff should absolutely be getting less cxp significantly more difficult content like hm/nim ops and the like. What kind of gear do you need for the story mode content? Absolutely nothing, you could literally be in empty shells and no left side and still do it. For hm and nim ops, people need that gear to be able to do that content, it is literally impossible to do some of the dps checks below a certain level of gear. Why should content that requires no gear give the same amount of possible gear as something that requires high level gear. It's the same reaso why people are spamming fractured, it's because it's easy and gives tons of cxp, people are just ignoring other parts of the game for the sake of the grind.
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Yes it is penalizing easy content . You went from 200 CXP per chapter to 80 CXP . How is that not punishing peoples ?


It should be like that . Because it is a GRIND . Grind isn't about difficulty . And add to that , peoples are doing same old content over and over . So at this point it doesn't matter .


You are missing the point completely . I never said Harder stuff shouldnt get a reward . You are the one who wanna lower the reward for easy stuff..so peoples are forced to do hard stuff !!!




ARGH! I didn't say ANYWHERE Hard difficulty should get the same reward as EASY difficulty . I said base the reward on HOW LONG IT TAKE .


And if you wanna Talk about fair , you are the one who said peoples should try Hard difficulty . So why are you complaining about butting heads for 2 hours ?


I told you before , it should be for those who like it . If you like the challenge , you should get the reward that FIT the challenge and TIME .


Just like peoples who do the STORY of KOTFE and KOTET again and again , should get the reward for doing the same boring stuff .


I don't even understand why you are arguing here with me for . All I said , is that easy difficulty reward shouldn't shrink just because it's easy . You want more CXP for Higher difficulty ? Go for it . I never stood in the way of that .


You know where cxp is concerned I think I totally agree with you. Grinding for cxp SUCKS FOR ALL OF US. I'm trying to help and gain cxp and conquest and at the end of the day I'm pretty sure I suck. I try harder content and I'm not sure if it's cause we tried master fps with 3 people.. two being well under lvl 70...or if maybe I just suck. I have no idea. However I ruled the first round on my sentinel in 4vs4. I got mvp votes. But that's because a tank guarded me. Me sentinel. Me go splaaaaaat often. Me vs several sorcs = halllp I cannot move to whack you with my lightsaber....splaaat. lemme say it's frustrating. You feel bad for your team/group/wanna hide in a closet and watch others having fun.


I think cxp should be boosted 10x for everyone because RNG sucks.

Edited by americanaussie
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Um... being challenged by games is part of the fun of games. If you just start the game and then automatically win everything, is that going to be any fun? Nope! Just because you're not up for tackling harder content doesn't mean those who are capable of tackling harder content should have to spend more time for less rewards (which is the case for things like HM FPs and all ops right now).


Basing it on how long it takes would be stupid, because the time everyone takes to complete X task will vary depending on how often they AFK, how well they know their class, how much attention they actually pay to what they're doing, etc. By your system, people could do planetary missions, spend most of their time AFK, and get more CXP than someone who does a NiM operation. That's patently ridiculous. Basing the rewards on difficulty level is much fairer.


FOR YOU. What can be defined as fun is individual, pure and simple. For me, anything endgame is pretty much dullsville. If you make it "challenging," you just make it extra tedious and extra annoying.


Some people love boss fight mechanics and find them "fun." I find them irritating, pointless, and sometimes so deadly stupid I can't mentally play around them. Far be it from me to declare that they're not fun for anyone except me, because I'd be wrong. Just like in this case, where you're deadly wrong.

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I think cxp should be boosted 10x for everyone because RNG sucks.


I think I have completely disintegrated the last three crates in a row on my main. Literally nothing of value for me, sidegrades at best and rep tokens for things I had max rep with.

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