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Major team ranked Problem


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This class is way to tanky in teamranked now. Games with sniper are way more likely to go into acid than any other class, where sniper again has a huge advantage over other classes.


In my experience games barely go into acid (as its supposed to be) except if the enemy team has a sniper.


I know teamranked is barely played and the recent changes adress solo ranked, however i still want to mention this problem.

Edited by Qwurdilu
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Just bring a sniper of your own- rotate hard stuns times with your diversion and then when the sniper naively tries to escape have your sin tank put his troll face on and pull him back into the diversion, showing him who really wears the pants. For added effect bring a Mara and pacify right when the sniper finally thinks he has a chance to do some *********** damage.


When all hard stuns and diversion are coordinated on their sniper their damage will be so poor and spirit so broken they'll log and cry into a pillow.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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Just bring a sniper of your own


We did, but that didnt help offensive wise. Having a sniper on your team isnt much of a dps buff compared to other classes. And all it does is forcing games to acid.


sin tank put his troll face on and pull him back into the diversion, showing him who really wears the pants.


You can suspectl a class is op when the first suggestion is to bring the same class to your team. You can tell for sure when the suggestion to counter it involves multiple other classes.

Also the maneuver you described will certainly be anoying for a sniper and prevent cover, but cover isnt what makes this class so tanky.

Id say the biggest imbalance is his own diversion. That skill should be either singletarget again, or range and melee accuracy only or reduced duration or increased cooldown. 8 seconds (up to 11 for marksman) of 45% dmg&CC(!) reduction for up to 4 targets is ridiculous. This mitigates more dmg than juggs saberward which is on a 3min cooldown and singletarget only.


Id say the biggest problem of diversion is that many people dont even know whats doing since its not very visible like other dcd, so we didnt had much complaining, but players looking at buffs/debuffs know this is the most OP def ever since 3.0.


Your healer is ccd and your team is dropping low? no problem - diversion.


Id say that skill was justifyable back when sniper hadnt much else. But nowadays sniper is already in a very excellent spot defensive wise without diversion, it doesnt need such a strong skill. (same as mara really didnt need additional defensive on pacify, *** were they thinking when designing this?)


bring a Mara and pacify right when the sniper finally thinks he has a chance to do some *********** damage.


This only reduces the dmg. output of the sniper which isnt the problem. In fact id say sniper is in good place dmg. wise, i wouldnt even mind if they buff marksman a bit dps wise.

Also a lot of snipers dcd trigger gcd so its not like hes really freecasting on you while tanking away every damage.


Engineer exagerates that concept. With its rotational hardstuns (why the **** does something like that exists?!) and its 70% perma AOE sloe (cmon) this easily is the most "ill take every joiy from you melees you ever had in this game" - class. However its not really doing dangerous dmg especially since it has to reapply the aoe field constantly and about everyone has aoe reduction these days.

So its not really killing someone, while it makes it super hard to be killed. Engineer is like another tank. A super annoying tank.


Personally i really hate to face sniper teams. Although theres only a handfull of players skilled enough to make use of its potential, those who can certainly rip all the joiy from teamranked. Games until Acid are NOT FUN.

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I was more being facetious because there's a (very good) team on harb that has been doing that to me lately and it is the worst thing ever to deal with.


I would say though that sniper is unusual in that it counters itself due to diversion. I would say sniper counters sniper more than any other class counters itself, simply because once you pop the sniper out of cover, they are extremely vulnerable.


I agree with you though that TTK is too long.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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