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Referral double cc not received


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Hi all,

The guy that clicked the link (before 3 jan) was a sub and never used referral before.

I got 600cc and that was all.

Happened to anyone else or i did something wrong?

Edited by Scoril
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I suspect a lot of people got screwed over with the recent double CC promotion for referring people. I'm under the impression that they've only counted referrals who click on a link and then subscribe afterwards. They might not have counted people already subscribed who click a link. This is a bit misleading as their promotion page states:



"For every friend you invite who converts to a Premium player (Subscriber) between December 15 –January 3, 2017, you get DOUBLE the one-time Cartel Coins Bonus for a total of 1,000 Bonus Cartel Coins per friend. Plus, your friend receives 500 Bonus Cartel Coins!"


Which seems to imply that you'd get coins for anyone you refer just as long as they're subscribed by a certain date. But then there's this:


"You can refer friends who have never had a SWTOR account or refer friends who played before as Premium players, so as long as they have not been in premium status (Subscriber) within 90 days of the referral."


So I don't think anyone who subscribed before they clicked your link, even if it was only a day or so beforehand, will count for double coins (not within 90 days). They have to click the link before subscribing in order to count and they can't have had a subscription within the past 90 days.


If this is the case, I feel like they could have been a little more upfront about this. If you're already getting 500+ coins for each person clicking your link regardless of whether they're subscribed before or after clicking, then it makes sense that such a promotion would count towards any subscribers that you referred, i.e. anyone you've already gotten 500+ coins from (just as long as they stay subbed by Jan 3rd).



After looking around a bit, it seems there's a 90 day cutoff where previous subscribers who remain unsubscribed for 90 consecutive days can click on a new referral link, as long as the last one was 90 days ago. This may be what the referral page is referring to. But is the page implying that only new players and subscribers from 90 days ago count for the promotion? Or is it simply stating that those people can be referred in addition to current subscribers? I know there are a lot of people with missing coins, if the system somehow intentionally or unintentionally excluded people subscribed within 90 days before clicking a link then I think that might explain it.


The promotion might also be based off of what your "Refer a Friend" page says in your account section. It'll say "Friend Subscribed", "Did Not Subscribe", or "X days left to Subscribe.". It doesn't take into account people you receive coins from who were subscribed when clicking on your link. If the promotion is working based off of this then it might only count referrals that say "Friend Subscribed" and nothing else. Maybe I'm putting too much thought into this, feel free to just ignore me if I am.


There was also another entirely separate promotion giving 500 free coins to anyone who subscribes by a certain date. Here's the page for that:



I have yet to receive those 500 coins myself, they were supposed to be granted at the same time as the referral promotion coins (maybe they were all bundled together?). It seems you have to have an option enabled in your account settings to receive emails about Swtor in order to be eligible for this one.

Edited by Anduhar
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I got 2000 coins from the promotion even though I had more than 4 people to click -_-


So I don't think anyone who subscribed before they clicked your link, even if it was only a day or so beforehand, will count for double coins (not within 90 days). They have to click the link before subscribing in order to count. I feel like they could have been a little more upfront about this. If you're getting 500+ coins for each person clicking your link regardless of whether they're subscribed before or after clicking, then it makes sense that such a promotion would count towards any subscribers that you referred, i.e. anyone you've gotten 500+ coins for (just as long as they stay subbed by a certain date).




This is incorrect, I certainly received some of the double coins and I don't remember having any non-active subscribers use my referral.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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I got 2000 coins from the promotion even though I had more than 4 people to click -_-


This is incorrect, I certainly received some of the double coins and I don't remember having any non-active subscribers use my referral.


When you say you referred more than 4 people, are you referring to all of your referrals in total or just 4+ people you referred who subscribed at some point that you didn't get coins for? From what I can tell, many people have missing coins, I think this is indicative of a technical problem or misunderstanding somewhere with the promotion rules.


I made an edit in my post, apparently previous subscribers who are unsubscribed for 90 days can click on a new referral link. Maybe the rules page was simply stating that those people can be referred in addition to current subscribers. Or maybe it was implying that only those people and others who are new to the game count for the promotion.


Maybe I'm making this out to be more complicated than it is, but if the system excluded people from the promotion who subscribed within 90 days before clicking a link then that might explain missing coins for many people. If that's true, then a person subscribing a few hours / days / weeks before clicking a link probably wouldn't count for the promotion.


After thinking about it, the promotion might be based off of what your "Refer a Friend" page says in your account section. It'll say "Friend Subscribed", "Did Not Subscribe", or "X days left to Subscribe.". It doesn't take into account people you receive coins from who were subscribed when clicking on your link. If the promotion is working based off of this then it might only count referrals that say "Friend Subscribed" and nothing else. Again, maybe I'm putting too much thought into this.

Edited by Anduhar
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When you say you referred more than 4 people, are you referring to all of your referrals in total or just 4+ people you referred who subscribed at some point that you didn't get coins for? From what I can tell, many people have missing coins, I think this is indicative that there must be a technical problem or misunderstanding somewhere with the promotion rules.


I made an edit in my post, apparently previous subscribers who are unsubscribed for 90 days can click on a new referral link. Maybe the rules page was simply stating that those people can be referred in addition to current subscribers. Or maybe it was implying that only those people and others who are new to the game count for the promotion.


Maybe I'm making this out to be more complicated than it is, but if the system excluded people from the promotion who subscribed within 90 days of clicking a link then that might explain missing coins for many people. If that's true, then a person subscribing a few hours / days / weeks before clicking a link probably wouldn't count for the promotion.


After thinking about it, the promotion might be based off of what your "Refer a Friend" page says in your account section. It'll say "Friend Subscribed", "Did Not Subscribe", or "X days left to Subscribe.". It doesn't take into account people you receive coins from who were subscribed when clicking on your link. If the promotion is working based off of this then it might only count referrals that say "Friend Subscribed" and nothing else. Again, maybe I'm putting too much thought into this.


New referrals over the course of the double cc promotion. All first-timers.

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Also missing the extra referral coins here.


Had a friend that subscribed with a new account use my referral link on the 2nd and I got the initial 600 coins for that. The 500 bonus ones for re-subscribing myself came through, but not the bonus ones for their referral.

Edited by FluxAC
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I got 2000 coins from the promotion even though I had more than 4 people to click -_-




This is incorrect, I certainly received some of the double coins and I don't remember having any non-active subscribers use my referral.


Stahl my love, I reffered 104 people and got only 8.5k CC. Bioware help!

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Stahl my love, I reffered 104 people and got only 8.5k CC. Bioware help!


Who's this? :0 To be honest, we can't complain here. It's free cartel coins for nothing. Just be happy that they have no issues with people referring existing subs. You keep complaining, they may just do something and change things... For worse for us!

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Who's this? :0 To be honest, we can't complain here. It's free cartel coins for nothing. Just be happy that they have no issues with people referring existing subs. You keep complaining, they may just do something and change things... For worse for us!


When we gonna tell Eric bout Twente?

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I did get 3k Cartel Coins, but considering my two dozens of referrals in December I'm not sure how that adds up.


The refer-a-friend list is also ridiculously bugged, many of my referrals still show as "X days to subscribe" even though they are subscribed already and I did get 600 CC from the referral.

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also i according to my refera friend page i had over 20 twenty referrals done between 15 and 3rd. Most of them subscribers. Got only 2k coins. ;l



Either you're really popular on Youtube or Twitch... Or you spam a lot in-game.

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Random person: "[my character's name], could you stay here after flashpoint? I have two important questions."

Me: "Sure"


Random person: "Are you a sub?"

Me: "Yes, I am a sub."

Random person: "Could you click my referral link?"

Me: "Nope. I don't need any unlocks."


Random person: "Are you a sub?"

Me: "No, I'm not a sub." (lying)

Random person: "nvm"

Me: "What's the second important question?"

[character name] is ignoring you.

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I am in the same boat. I recruited 2 RL friends who have never played before and used my link. Both of them subscribed and I have only received 1 1000cc grant. I have a ticket open, but we'll see if anything comes from it. More then likely they'll give me some mumbojumbo excuse as to why I dont have my 2nd referral grant.
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I am in the same boat. I recruited 2 RL friends who have never played before and used my link. Both of them subscribed and I have only received 1 1000cc grant. I have a ticket open, but we'll see if anything comes from it. More then likely they'll give me some mumbojumbo excuse as to why I dont have my 2nd referral grant.



I made a ticket too.. now we'll have to wait weeks to get an answer saying they can't help us..

There might be some kind of bug with the referrals. But in my case, i was preferred and got the message in the client saying that if i subscribed before jan 3 i'd get 500 bonus cc but i got nothing

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  • 4 weeks later...
It's been almost a month and the promotion's over. It's still showing on my friend referral page in My Account. The admins should remove it. Did this even get fixed? Anyone still not get most or all of their bonus CC?


I sent a ticket about mine and they basically said I got the amount I was suppose to get and that I must have misunderstood the promotion rules. Unfortunately, they didn't elaborate on what the promotion rules actually meant. But I think my original assumption about them only counting referrals that say "Friend Subscribed" on your referral page might be correct (which doesn't include people subscribed before clicking a link).

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