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today i was on ilum, and i saw an imp and a republic guy just taking it in turns to blow up eachothers objectives, in other words, you actually hinder yourself by interfering with your enemys activities, its more productive to just let them get on with it so you can get your epix


GJ bioware!


after musical BO's in Warhammer youd have thought they'd realise rewarding people for NOT fighting would be a bad idea, id imagined theyd do what made sense and make defending this worthwhile, upgradeable the longer you hold on to them, etc etc, but no - another system that encourages you to ignore the enemy




how do developers make this stuff?? when its SO APPARENT, i mean, SO, APPARENT to me and a million other gamers, how did this even get past a design brief?? id have seen the problem in the first instant


CLUES, im selling them, bioware please come buy

Edited by WINTER__x
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It is becoming more and more obvious no one form Mythic was given a significant amount of imput on this MMO's PvP... they were all probably handed a broom and told to sweep the floor while Bioware MMO-PvP rookies did the "heavy lifting".
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It is becoming more and more obvious no one form Mythic was given a significant amount of imput on this MMO's PvP... they were all probably handed a broom and told to sweep the floor while Bioware MMO-PvP rookies did the "heavy lifting".


mythic made WAR, aka the game that invented objective swapping, ignoring months of sensible suggestions from players etc

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the amount of times me and my friends just sit on comms COMPLETELY exasperated with developers, that make the same errors over and over, when there are obvious answers staring everyone else in the face - what the heck is wrong with these people?? do they actually PLAY these games?
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It is becoming more and more obvious no one form Mythic was given a significant amount of imput on this MMO's PvP... they were all probably handed a broom and told to sweep the floor while Bioware MMO-PvP rookies did the "heavy lifting".


You must not have played Warhammer's **** PvP system. This is obviously a concoction that only they could come up with - pure ******ness as far as world PvP goes. IMO, a rookie could have done nothing this horrible.

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mythic made WAR, aka the game that invented objective swapping, ignoring months of sensible suggestions from players etc


Exactly my point. Mythic knew the problem this system creates but no one listened... On paper it looks good to have folks fighting for objectives, but Mythic learned a hard lesson about what motivates MMOers, and now we have to suffer thought Bioware learning the lesson all over again.

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You must not have played Warhammer's **** PvP system. This is obviously a concoction that only they could come up with - pure ******ness as far as world PvP goes. IMO, a rookie could have done nothing this horrible.


Yes, so we get the same crap repeated....

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You cannot point all the blame at BW. A large amount of PvP'ers are just honestly not there to PvP but get gear. These are not PvP'ers.


For me, I don't need XP, I don't care if I get nothing, it's the thrill of a good PvP battle that matters.


If you want PvP, MAKE IT HAPPEN, don't run around allowing others to cap.



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You cannot point all the blame at BW. A large amount of PvP'ers are just honestly not there to PvP but get gear. These are not PvP'ers.


For me, I don't need XP, I don't care if I get nothing, it's the thrill of a good PvP battle that matters.


If you want PvP, MAKE IT HAPPEN, don't run around allowing others to cap.




Thank you for saying this. People doing deathmatch in Warzones or swapping objectives in Ilum sadden me. PvP is about the thrill of competition, not how to xp or gear as fast as possible. I'd still do pvp if there *were* no rewards.

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Exactly my point. Mythic knew the problem this system creates but no one listened... On paper it looks good to have folks fighting for objectives, but Mythic learned a hard lesson about what motivates MMOers, and now we have to suffer thought Bioware learning the lesson all over again.


mythic knew and did it AGAIN, because they are stubborn like all developers and wont listen to some darn common sense

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Change Weekly quests to: Kill 1000 Republic/Imperial in PVP area.


Change Daily Quest to: Kill 50 Republic/Imperial in PVP area.


Give bonus rewards for objectives, 1 per Daily quest turn-in.



This, however will not stop people from simply kill-swapping.

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Thank you for saying this. People doing deathmatch in Warzones or swapping objectives in Ilum sadden me. PvP is about the thrill of competition, not how to xp or gear as fast as possible. I'd still do pvp if there *were* no rewards.


the issue isnt that its beneficial to not pvp, its more that it actually HINDERS you if you do pvp, if you go round killing everyone, no epix for you - who the heck thought this system was a good idea?? id REALLY love to hear his reasoning - imo the only games that ever got pvp right was SWG and EVE

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Change Weekly quests to: Kill 1000 Republic/Imperial in PVP area.


Change Daily Quest to: Kill 50 Republic/Imperial in PVP area.


Give bonus rewards for objectives, 1 per Daily quest turn-in.



This, however will not stop people from simply kill-swapping.


its much more likely to cause actual pvp than not though imo, and certainly better than objective swapping

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Yeah that's a nice thought and all, but when killing the republic means I won't be able to finish my daily quest for another 5 hours.... I'm letting them live.


Maybe you should consider Operations? I hear they are all about rewards.


When you play sports, do you play them to enjoy the sport or just some random trophey? They trophey is always nice, but that doesn't explain why millions play the game with no endgame result apart from enjoyment.


That's what PvP is, it's basically a sport. Yes rewards are nice, but if you're enjoyment comes down to completing dailies, then PvP isn't all for you.


It is sad that these same people then bash BW for not having made their PvP more exciting, when these people don't even like it truly in the first place.


Little presents get old eventually, you will never end up satisfied.



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Maybe you should consider Operations? I hear they are all about rewards.


When you play sports, do you play them to enjoy the sport or just some random trophey? They trophey is always nice, but that doesn't explain why millions play the game with no endgame result apart from enjoyment.


That's what PvP is, it's basically a sport. Yes rewards are nice, but if you're enjoyment comes down to completing dailies, then PvP isn't all for you.


It is sad that these same people then bash BW for not having made their PvP more exciting, when these people don't even like it truly in the first place.


Little presents get old eventually, you will never end up satisfied.






they dont even encourage open world pvp dynamics though, no player looting, no cross faction tells, etc - world pvp in these carebear games will always be a joke, world pvp quests to kill players atleast make SOMETHING happen

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they dont even encourage open world pvp dynamics though, no player looting, no cross faction tells, etc - world pvp in these carebear games will always be a joke, world pvp quests to kill players atleast make SOMETHING happen


Look I love Player looting, but in a main stream MMO do you really believe the carebears that wants to complete dailies, will be happy to have player looting?


When are people going to get it, YOU DON'T NEED QUESTS TO GO KILL!


Gather your forces attack people. I can guarentee World PvP any moment by annoying some guilded player and watching his rage face guild coming to back him up. Thus ensues a skirmish.


Instead of saying, BW give me a reason! Go out there and make PvP, encourage it, or go to PvE, where there are plenty of awards to encourage you.



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mythic made WAR, aka the game that invented objective swapping, ignoring months of sensible suggestions from players etc


The WAR circle jerk of zone caps was started because that was the easiest way to level up your rr. What stopped that was small guilds getting fed up with it and deciding to stop the opposing faction from being able to cap BOs. Once we started doing that more people started to join in and the CJ'ers went to a different zone so we followed them and killed them there. PVP happens when you make it happen, the objectives are supposed to give u something to fight over, if all u want is gear then stop sayn u want to pvp.


Gear is secondary to true pvpers, its that nice little bonus u get from playing well, for pve players gear is the end and pvp is just the means, they suffer through it and then complain.


TL;DR - If u want pvp go find people and fight them, if all u want is rewards **** ABOUT PVP.

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Look I love Player looting, but in a main stream MMO do you really believe the carebears that wants to complete dailies, will be happy to have player looting?


When are people going to get it, YOU DON'T NEED QUESTS TO GO KILL!


Gather your forces attack people. I can guarentee World PvP any moment by annoying some guilded player and watching his rage face guild coming to back him up. Thus ensues a skirmish.


Instead of saying, BW give me a reason! Go out there and make PvP, encourage it, or go to PvE, where there are plenty of awards to encourage you.




no, i dont think the carebears will want player looting, i also dont think they will pvp when they can trade objectives, which is why they should make kill quests for world pvp instead

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The bottom line is that killing someone should get you closer to your epix than allowing them to go by and take your base. Escalation of aggression needs to happen, you should fear getting ganked while taking the base and in turn attack anyone close to your base-taking-raid.


Have players drop tokens in reasonable amounts... again kill swapping will happen.

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