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Dye kits as opposed to dye modules


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Allowing us to put in the colors we want for each color option is the best available option for customization.


I would much rather see a dye kit, like an augment kit, that I put on my gear to change the colors than the current module system. A dye kit should have slots for all available colors implemented on the article it is applied to.


The dye kit would have a slot for each color option, primary, secondary, etc. colors to be placed in and modify the article's coloring. This means if I only want to change the primary color of an item I only put a primary color module into the kit. Same process for only changing the secondary or any other available color options on the article.


If I want to change the color of both the primary and secondary, as well as any other options, I would be able to place a primary and secondary color module into the kit.


This means I could take a Primary Deep Purple Dye Module and a Secondary Deep Purple Dye Module and turn any outfit with only 2 color options, deep purple in color.


Offer every available color as a primary, secondary, tritionary, etc. Current dual color mods should be separated into the primary and secondary of what they are currently.


This option would allow for better customization and personalization in outfits. Additionally you could potentially use a color kit on a weapon allowing for color options there.

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No idea what the corresponding words are for fourth, fifth, etc.


Thanks for the spell check:p


Quarterary, quinary.... https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/explore/what-comes-after-primary-secondary-tertiary


At any rate is much rather be looking for a primary and secondary color dye that I could add to a kit to use both not just one or the other.


I want to be able to make my own combinations ecspecially where there currently are a lot of varients missing.


I think the color dye system would be easier when putting out a new color they just make a primary and secondary of that new color and then the players can go to town.


There are many combinations where I'm left scratching my head and others that are oh so close but not close enough for what I'm trying to make, and still many many others simply not there.

Edited by Tragamite
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Our current system of pre-arranged dye modules is totally ridiculous.

Unfortunately, comments for changing the dye system have been posted many times.

I would assume that they would have already changed it if they had any intentions.

I really wish they would change it, but I doubt that they will.

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This would be great but it will not happen.

A more likely, and useable solution would be to allow us to mix any primary and secondary dyes we wanted to create any colour combination.


This is exactly what I have proposed only the kit would be the catalyst for the combinations.

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