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Combat Medic compared to other healers?


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Enlight me how can you cast a single heal vs anyone whos not a noob.


Vs a marauder consider trauma + pvp heal debuff and you start as 50% less heal , you barely break 2k base heal;s that take 2,0 to 1,9 second depends if you have alacrity or not.


At that time a good marauder will be pulling 3-5k damage on you.


Furthemore it gets an interrupt every 8 seconds for 4 seconds , thus half the time you unable to cast


You have no escape mechanics , they have plenty to capture you.


Their class ability lets them fight continuously wheres ours gets depleted in half a min tops by blowing all of our cooldowns.


Armor is useless , cause either focus or annihilation spec ignores most of the armor anyway.


And thats the good news , vs any operative or sniper you dead in 3 globals perma cced.


The state at 50 of any healer is such a joke and i am not talking for a lvl 50 commando in champions gear vs a lvl 20 noob here.


Sure you gonna tell your team should protect you , but thats not how it works cause if you need half a team protecting you from as single dps , that means that 3 of them is killing the rest of your team anyway.


commando healers are teh worst at the end , as sage at least u can pull better numbers and have some escapability ( well they die horribly fst though without their shield up and shield is a joke at 50)


A CM without support is somewhat squishy. So you are correct that 1v1 with a marauder is not a good situation for the CM. That is as it should be.


However, if the CM pairs up with a tank that puts guard on you and uses his taunt (is that the correct name) ability on the marauder, things change quickly. In that scenario, the marauder would only be doing 50% of normal damage unless he switches over to the tank. If he stays on the CM he will only do 25% of normal damage to the CM and 25% (prior to tank mitigations) to the tank. Suddenly the marauder is easy pickings for the tank or healer.


My CM is only level 42. When I play PUGs with no cooperation, I die quickly if targeted by and DPS class that can CC or interrupt me (assuming they know what they are doing). But when I get good cooperation from a tank as described above, I can hold my own. As soon as we get split up, I go splat.

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Combat medic is the weakest healer for the many reasons that were stated in this thread.


No combat rez.

Kolto bomb being 3 targets only and weak on heal.

No HoT. AMP talent doesn't count as an HoT since it heals for ****.

Ressource stopping you from spamming over a long duration heals.

Massive lack of utilities.

No movement abilities.


And of course... heals being lower numbers.

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Vs a marauder consider trauma + pvp heal debuff and you start as 50% less heal , you barely break 2k base heal;s that take 2,0 to 1,9 second depends if you have alacrity or not.


Furthemore it gets an interrupt every 8 seconds for 4 seconds , thus half the time you unable to cast

With my mismatch of random junky gear, my healing scan is pushing 1.3s cast and 1.7s on the rapid scan. You can probably push the cast time of rapid scan all the way down to 1.5s range. My critrate is also over 40% with operative buff.


Interrupt only works on one heal. If they interrupt healing scan, you can just laugh and spam rapids/koltos/emergency heals. If they interrupt rapid scan, you still have no cooldown healign scan available if you have full stacks, kolto bomb and emergency heal.

If the marauder uses his force leap to engage the fight, there is also a good chance you can just punt him away. Not every marauder spec gets double charges.


1v1 is of course not the situation you should base this class on. Mercenary healer becomes incredibly durable with a decent juggernaut guarding you. You can stack 50% (guard), 25% (shield), 10% (kolto SCC), 20% (intercede), 30% (taunt) damage reduction. With a proper team, you can easily tank a fair amount of players.


You will never live forever, but with a full resolve bar and energy shield, you will be godmode for at least 15 seconds every 2 minute.

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With my mismatch of random junky gear, my healing scan is pushing 1.3s cast and 1.7s on the rapid scan. You can probably push the cast time of rapid scan all the way down to 1.5s range. My critrate is also over 40% with operative buff.


Interrupt only works on one heal. If they interrupt healing scan, you can just laugh and spam rapids/koltos/emergency heals. If they interrupt rapid scan, you still have no cooldown healign scan available if you have full stacks, kolto bomb and emergency heal.

If the marauder uses his force leap to engage the fight, there is also a good chance you can just punt him away. Not every marauder spec gets double charges.


1v1 is of course not the situation you should base this class on. Mercenary healer becomes incredibly durable with a decent juggernaut guarding you. You can stack 50% (guard), 25% (shield), 10% (kolto SCC), 20% (intercede), 30% (taunt) damage reduction. With a proper team, you can easily tank a fair amount of players.


You will never live forever, but with a full resolve bar and energy shield, you will be godmode for at least 15 seconds every 2 minute.


With 1 marauder on you your sexy 1.7 sec become about 2.5 to 3 seconds because of pushback when not in our only cooldown that actually allow us to heal with casts against anyone.

They seriously need to bring the 70% pushback reduction to as baseline of 100% for healers. As it's our only way to keep people alive and having 2 people on you makes it nearly impossible to heal with any kind of cast because the pushback will make our cast more then twice as long.

Edited by Paralassa
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