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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

70% Kolto Overload/Adrenaline rush for pt/vg instead of merc/mando


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Fair enough. If it's too strong, fine tuning is always the way to go. But on the other hand...fine tuning has not always been Bioware's strength..





Well. I agree with you about the High Impact Bolt/Railshot range. Even if it's just for style reason. I don't feel like it would be overpowered, to give this specific ability back their 30m range, but pls don't quote me on this. Someone may proof me wrong...


I cannot talk about Plasmatech/Pyro's damage, since i did't play this spec for a long while, but from my persepective Tactics/AP damage is quite fine. I do not worse, than on my sentinel for example...


What i really miss, is an "Oh ****"-Button, like all the other classes already got. Over the years, Bioware followed the mantra, of giving every class additional, very strong defensive abilities. Unlike 1.0/2.0 nowadays it's theoretically impossible, to kill any class on the first attempt. Some classes got anti-get-globaled-abilities, which work even in a stunlock, other classes, rely on the cc breaker, but at least got abilities, which save their life, when able to act.


Sage/Sorc bubble, Guarded by the Force/Undiying Rage, Scrapper/Operative roll, Commando/Merc Reflect, Selfheal & Reflect for Guardian/Jugger etc, etc. You can name it.

Just Vanguards/Powertechs have to deal with all threats by pure, lets call it "sturdiness". You can pop your shield and Hold the line/Hydraulic Overrides and hope for the best. That's just not enough in my opinion. They need an additional chance to survive heavy bullshît.


The "oh crap" button is not going to make PT any better. AP PT never had it, and they have been solid through 3.0 and okaish in 4.0. Heck, I can even find forums in 3.0 arguing that AP was so suvivable. What will the "oh crap" button accomplish? More power creep in the game. Is not that the problem we currently have with mercs?


AP PT was fairly balanced in 3.0 (after the nerf to SC). Why not revert the pointless changes done in most of 4.0 and 5.0 and go back to a stable/successful iteration?! Mind you the changes are not majorly pained cuz the reduced performance, they also reduced quality of the game play and changed the functionality of the class that people who chose it initially chose it for. And this is the biggest sin an MMO dev can commit. If you change functionality after years for a class that people mained, they stop playing the game all together.


Mercs have different problems. And mark my words, the survivability will be nerfed very soon and the problems will still presist, cuz survivability was not mercs biggest issue (even though it was lacking).

Edited by Ottoattack
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[...]Heck, I can even find forums in 3.0 arguing that AP was so suvivable. What will the "oh crap" button accomplish?[...].


Like I explained before: More survivability for Vanguards/Powertechs. Thats what they are lacking right now. The "survivability" of Tactics/AP before 5.0 consisted of burning the enemy down, before you get impaled. You either won the dps race, or you were lost. And Vanguards/Powertechs were pretty fast in this race.



[...]AP PT was fairly balanced in 3.0 (after the nerf to SC).[...]


The Tactics/AP burst is the most predictable in the game. A vigilant player will notice it and act appropriate, but by all means:

was not balanced. Not by far. This was BEFORE the SC nerf, I give you that, but most of the damage came from Assault Plastique/Thermal Detonator, Cell Burst/Energy Burst, High Impact Bolt/Railshot anyway, so it doesn't matter. It's just a good example.

The reason, why you cannot perform such a massacre anymore is, that the healthpool in 5.0 was increased in a greater ratio, than the damage. All damage dealers have to live with that. Survivability is the meta. Some classes just got too much, where others need improvement. That's what my proposal is all about.



[...]Mind you the changes are not majorly pained cuz the reduced performance, they also reduced quality of the game play and changed the functionality of the class that people who chose it initially chose it for.[...]


I'm not sure, if I got, what you are talking about. If it should be the range nerf, I'm with you. It was not necessary.

Otherwise, the class is still the same imho, and has still it's unique toolset: You can stil guard/taunt/pull/leap and you can still do very good damage/burst. Here's one of my own games.

Well, the high overall damage was due to the stalemate in the mid and the fact, that i sat on the heals nearly all the time and although I'm not a good Vanguard player, the constant dps and the highest hit/burst is still considerable, don't you think?



[...]Mercs have different problems. And mark my words, the survivability will be nerfed very soon and the problems will still presist, cuz survivability was not mercs biggest issue (even though it was lacking).


Then what was the mercs real problem? Vulnerability to interupts maybe? That's a "problem" all range classes (Except Gunslingers/Snipers. Their weakness is to lose LoS) have to deal with. That's a fair deal considering you do your stuff from 30/35m away.

Edited by Drunken-Monkey
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Won't the mercenary/commando dcds on dps be fixed if you removed the 70% Kolto Overload/Adrenaline rush UT and give it to the powertech/vanguard instead. As a healer I don't use the utility since I want to have uninterruptable UT and another one for kiting. Even without the 70% kolto overload the merc dps will still be a very strong class. The UT gives you like 8s invincibility.


The powertech/vanguard feels like a lost cause during this patch, every other class get strong defensive utilities while yours relative stays the same.


Well you're a healer so the advantage of KO isn't really for you. It is for the DPS Mercs that were getting focused down pre 5.0. They gave it to us to increase our survive-ability. Since you're a Merc healer it is no surprise you see it like it isn't useful to you.


Powertechs deserved this and I don't feel the least bit sorry for any PT players that thought they could continue APPT'ing ppl with ease after 5.0. I hope they keep it this way for awhile.

Edited by MercenaryPlayer
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I did a post about merc/pt balance just a week ago:




Removing Responsive Safeguards from merc and giving it to PT would balance the whole unkillable merc problem.


The other way around would be to move Trauma Regulators, and making kolto overload not going above 35% but gaining damage reduction as it had some time ago (going to 70% is imo even worse than a damage reduction).

Edited by Nezyrworks
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Powertechs deserved this and I don't feel the least bit sorry for any PT players that thought they could continue APPT'ing ppl with ease after 5.0. I hope they keep it this way for awhile.


Your crappy perspective is very one sided. Now that they had nerfed range, defensive utilities and dps of a PT, and gave merc nine lives they just swaped one op class to another.


Go solo arenas with an AP PT and check how long will you wait until you will be melted. - this is not a balance, and balance is not about nerfing one class to make the other op. I play both merc and pt as my mains, so i do know what i am talking about (did ranked on a merc healer when it wasnt even considered cool with a good degree of a success).


Moving disciplines between merc and pt would balance the whole problem, while keeping merc fairly good and able to survive focus (2/3 of the defensive disciplines will still be there), and a selfheal on top of that, while also providining needed survivability for a PT, who had to swap from 30 to approx. 10m range of a fight while also having nerfed defensive utilities... You take one thing from a pt and its fairly fine - you take both, and you make a problem.... this is what people have troubles to understand.

Edited by Nezyrworks
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