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Merc not OP enough


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  • 2 weeks later...

as sin tank just pull and knock back the merc to there death watch them get upset start pming you special when it there fualt for failing for it , one few ways a tank can kill people. IF any dps dies to tank in 1 on 1 said dps is horrid.


smart Deception sin/ Carnage marauder will rip apart mercs even with those 3 dcd heals. there alot bad merc out there but 3 dcd that heal is stupid. as if ranged classed had easy compared to melee already they can face tank things now cause DCD that healing, bring down sniper alot harder then merc though.

Edited by Kyuuu
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But if there is a good merc Reflect is OP. I dont believe Reflect is needed and should be removed.

Using CD reduction of Shield + clicking the icon on tray to release the stacks is enough.


And I believe that the Slow on the Snipers Probe should be removed, that the phase walk for assassins should be back in game and for gods sake the Bounty Hunter logo is STILL a Flamethrower... are you now just taunting us Bioware!?

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After playing quite some PvP... someoone has to say it. Suck it up. Commando is perfectly balanced. Especially compared to retarded AoE builds on operatives with tons uppon tons of utility, self healing, absorbs and who knows what else. Perfectly. Balanced.


You obviously don't play level 70 pvp if you think merc/commando is balanced.

Edited by cool-dude
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