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Kira Carsen .. Where are thee!


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I don't know where else to post this. Kira.. Is she EVER coming back.


Forgive me, but I haven't been around for a while.


Has there ever been any DEV post regarding this. Should I just give up now and summon her via the terminal. I don't want to break the storyline.


It's a two edge sword. On one side, you want your favorite companion back, on the other you break the immersion knowing if and when they might be back..


.. :confused:

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All the developers have said is that they are aware of the fact that the player base desperately wants them back. And that they want to do them justice when they do return. Whether they actually will do either of those things or not remains to be seen.The devs always say they love these old characters too, for however much that is worth.


The earliest she could return is the next expansion and nobody has said when that would be. My own personal guess is possibly in about a year. But there's so many companions still missing that even expecting Kira in that is just a guess.


We did get a little bit of an update on her activities from the Dark vs Light companion character, Master Ranos. She said that Kira began to believe the Outlander was dead and joined some guerillas rebelling against the Eternal Empire, but Arcann eventually crushed them.

There is also the fact that the Scions send the Outlander a message about the coming conflict, which presumably hints at the story of the next major expansion. It was something along the lines of "The past and future collide as you stand in the centre of a maelstrom."


So it's possible that hints at the return of more companions from the past. Nobody knows. Ultimately its up to you.

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Yeah, I think it's definitely likely that more companions will return at the next major Xpac, which should be around next year.


If you need something, to help you hold off, until Kira does return, just think about how epic her return will be (;

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