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This is not WoW ... stop trying to make it WoW


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+1 to this!!


"WoW kids" can go back to WoW for me. I think a MMO can be different as well as good, although there are good things that could be implemented also on SWTOR (like add-ons, for example) I didn't like so many things from WoW that I like in SWTOR. PVP for example, I really like the PVP concept in SWTOR, of course it could be improved, but I don't like Arenas and rating idea from WoW...


This is a brand new game and stop trying to stay at the same old thing, let us (the players) and MMOs innovate!

Edited by JabbaCG
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Which is an angle I both admire and respect as a Gamer, unfortunately my friend the shareholders and money men at EA will most definately NOT see it this way, if they don't get it right and get it right fast they will milk it dry and move on that is the EA way.


Sadly I am forced to agree. :(

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People, like me, from WoW are used to:


- Smooth combat

- Combat logs

- Enormously high FPS with no sudden drops

- Customisable UI

- Friendly raid frames


SWTOR does none of this. These issues, too, should be standard for all MMOs. It's a staple that an MMO has each and everyone of them. The fact SWTOR does NONE of them ... It gives the game a unique disadvantage that no other MMO has had.


Also, questing in WoW is -just- as enjoyable as SWTOR personally. There's very little difference. Excluding the VO/cinematics, WoW questing is actually far more enjoyable.


I find combat in SWTOR to be pretty smooth. but its certainly more interesting then WoW. at least modern WoW.

combat logs are a bonus, not a requirement. content is doable without it, and more often thennot, all they do is fascilitate e-peen waving.

I didn't have enormously high framerate in WoW. in fact, my framerate is better in SWTOR. go figure.

customizable UI is done by MODDING COMMUNITY. base WoW UI is worse then what we got with SWTOR. modding community for WoW had years to create the vast library of mods, SWTOR was out for 2 qeeks. you are not just c****** on bioware, you are crapping on modders as well, by expecting both to perfomr miracles.


standard WoW raid frames are pretty much what you get in SWTOR. coloring is slightly different but the functionality is the same. and it took them YEARS to copy grid's functionality.


I find questing in WoW to be terrible, nowadays. everything is super linear and gated. but SWTOR's main story is linear as well, you say? main story only. you have plethora of side quests to chose from that you can chose to complete, or to skip. and those kin 10 fozzles quests? are bonus, not a requirement to progress through the zone. despite also using phasing, you can actually quest with a friend in SWTOR and they can jump in at any moment. unlike WoW where if you are not on exact same leg of the quest chains? you are not even going to be able to see each other half the time, let alone quest together.

and there are no choices in how to complete the quests. you start a new character? is 100% same quests all over again. not to mention pace, my god the pace. its way too fast. and one shotting things is not fun. its boring. you never get to learn anything about your abilities until you rapidly hit max level and suddenly everything is super hard, becasue you have no idea how to play your character.

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HOWEVER, people have different tastes and I think the biggest issue folks have is that it's a scifi and not fantasy... and some people have a hard time with that.
I believe the biggest thing WoW players have to adapt to is the difference in progression systems. WoW has become both a race to end game and then a competitive gear grind to qualify for participation in it. 3rd party add-ons like DBM have forced Bilzzard's dev to patch & expand WoW to beat the cheats. End game fight mechanics became ridiculously complicated as a result.


Conversely, TOR is all about character storyline development where end game is it's ultimate compliment. Fights are more elegant and true to it's Lucasfilms Jedi/Sith force-weilding roots; where bosses were defended by armies of bad guys sent to intercept and distract the adventuring party.


Arthas becoming the Northrend King of Defile Oil Slicks is when I began to lose interest. The moment I became tired of grinding 16 Firelands dailies for three months to get two pieces of needed raiding gear is the moment I walked away.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I just went to check out WoWs forums, just to be reminded of how bad the community is there and I ran across a topic where someone just wanted to post a link of a live multi-box session... I hate the whole concept of multi-boxing. It doesn't look natural, even for a game. Please keep that out of this game, if it's even possible.


But ya, WoW and SWTOR both have hot bars and professions, but don't all MMO's have pretty much the same formula? WoW didn't create the formula, as much as people believe they did.


Over all though, the game is entirely different, so to compare space battles and blaster rifles to swords and totems is way off.


Besides, killing 40 mobs is a bonus in SWTOR, not a necessity.

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Even more reason for BW to get it right, another company has already made most of the mistakes for them, they have 10 years of Blizzard patch notes etc to review and see what made poeple happy and what didn't comparing this to wow at realease is delusional this is not 2004 with 2004 technology this is 2011 things have moved on, seriously your argument is like saying jaguars new car might not be as good as bmw's new one but **** me is it better than the one mercedes released 10 years ago it's a nul argument get a grip and listen to yourself lol.


Sorry but this is stupid. I want to play the level ground here but this is pure ignorance. REVIEW ANOTHER COMPANIES PATCH NOTES?


Please just don't talk about software development, have your opinions that express how thankless you are about the game but don't play like you know how to code, develop story, etc.


The developer doesn't want WOW community. It was SWTOR community. If the mass want LFG Bioware will do it. If they think a balance change is needed, they will do it. However, reading through another companies patch notes and say the world needs to be that way is well, I don't think i have a good word for it.

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So far just about every complaint thread I've seen has been from WoW players complaining that SWTOR isn't more like WoW.


Get over it.


This is not meant to be WoW. If you can't handle that go back to WoW, find another game or make your own.


That's because WoW set the bar. if it wasn't WoW it would be something else.

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Why would fishing be "moronic"?


Actually there was fising in Star Wars Galaxies, and I used to love relaxing in the river when I was tired of adventuring. Not to belabour a point already made, but if WoW has it, does that not mean it can't be here as well?

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You are correct it isn't WoW... However the key to success would be learning from another's example and building upon it. Take the good, ditch the bad, and make the good even better. Then add in some unique things and go from there.


With that being the truth I can absolutely see how people would ask to compare to something they are familiar with and want the features from said familiarity to move with them.


To me that isn't frustrating. To me the frustrating part is the "If you don't do this just like <Insert your favourite past MMO and believe me I've seen more I want SWG II then I want WoW in Space> then this game will fail and I'm outta here".


Im pretty sure they did build upon what WoW had to offer, in my opinion other than the ability lag, the combat is far better than WoW, they are releasing content patches MUCH FASTER THAN WOW EVER HAS!, the questing the years ahead of WoW could ever use in that horrible system of their. They have built onto what WoW has had to offer in multiple ways. And if you dont think their releasing patches at a faster pace, take this for an example http://www.swtor.com/blog/sneak-peek-james-ohlen and if thats not enough, they are working on voice acting for content that is not coming out for a year or so. They are ahead of schedule when it comes to the game and content, so get out.

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I feel the OP is both right and wrong simply depending on the topic that he's responding too.


Some comparisons to WoW on these forums are beneficial; examples of these would be the ability delay, more planets to explore, more deviation in where each class goes to follow their class quest-line, etc.


Other comparisons are tripe: WoW had less talk, TOR feels more like a single-player online game, no dual spec (I'll explain this more below), etc.


On the dual spec point: I think pushing for dual spec is a good thing but many of the posts are saying the game is terrible, the sky is falling, WoW is much better etc. purely because TOR doesn't have dual-spec lol.


Ultimately, comparison to WoW is a good thing because if we get to a point where people feel the game is superior overall then that will declare TOR a monumental success...and every MMO has taken from games before it. Many of WoW's popular mechanics came from EQ2, for example.

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When they first introduced battlegrounds in WoW I fell through the world on 30% of them, lagged out of 20%, got stuck in loading screens a good 10%. The remaining 40% of the time, I either 132'd out and had a chance of getting my character stuck in the world until it kicked me out, or I got to PvP.


Since I upgraded my PC my Warzone experience has been spotless.


Nuff said.

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My one fear coming from LOTRO to SWTOR was how the community would be. I never played WoW and refused to from the start (since it was a ripoff of intellectual property from the get go) and every exposure I had of it felt like a cheap fast food MMO. I was glad to see this game had some depth and didn't seem to be catering to that WoW mentality, but now the influx of fast food gamers are flooding the community. Too bad.
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Actually there was fising in Star Wars Galaxies, and I used to love relaxing in the river when I was tired of adventuring. Not to belabour a point already made, but if WoW has it, does that not mean it can't be here as well?


I agree. There really is no logical justification to exclude a feature just because it has been used in another game already.

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So far just about every complaint thread I've seen has been from WoW players complaining that SWTOR isn't more like WoW.


Get over it.


This is not meant to be WoW. If you can't handle that go back to WoW, find another game or make your own.


Amen to that

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- Smooth combat

smooth in swtor too

- Combat logs

Only after someone coded it, definitely not in the first week of release....

- Enormously high FPS with no sudden drops

You've never been to town eh?

- Customisable UI

Scaling is only difference without mods

- Friendly raid frames

Did wow ever have this? Even now meh and it till took what, 4.0?

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- Smooth combat

smooth in swtor too

- Combat logs

Only after someone coded it, definitely not in the first week of release....

- Enormously high FPS with no sudden drops

You've never been to town eh?

- Customisable UI

Scaling is only difference without mods

- Friendly raid frames

Did wow ever have this? Even now meh and it till took what, 4.0?


Combat isn't smooth in SWTOR. Raid or do competitive (lol) PvP and you'll know what I mean. It's just not smooth.


Combat logging was implemented in WoWs 2004 release. Any other argument why a 2011 title has no combat log other than it was an overlooked, integral part of technical gameplay?


My FPS in WoW on my system, on max settings, hit 70~ fps in Orgrimmar and 100~ in 25 man raids. In SWTOR, on the lowest possible settings, in an empty Imperial Fleet I manage max 50~ fps, and in 8 man operations it becomes 25-30~ fps.


Customisable UI is necessary. It just is. Anyone who disagrees is a failure at this game, and I'd argue any other game they attempt to play well.


Friendly raid frames: WoW didn't need them. WoW had capability to allow addons in the game, so others could make the game better - and now Blizzard has taken a leaf out of Grid's book and made their default UI like Grid. Rift raid frames use a style similar to Grid too. Simply because it works - well.

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