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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please Fix Powertech / Vanguard Survivability! [Developers]


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Since the dawn of time both PT dps specs were struggling between being borderline OP and borderline useless. the current state is a freaking glass cannon with no range and barely any cannon. Every single class got their talent points in proper defensive measures to ensure more PVP survivability, while both PT and its mirror a VG do not have adequate choices.


Utility is nice, but the amount of it should be strictly reduced (talent wise only) for more defense, damage reduction which now plays a greater role for PT/VG because of how the reduced range works. We are supposed to be melee, but do not have enough survivability to survive it. We have kiting, but one simply can't kite 2-3 people at the same time.


Add a new skill that would become bread and butter defense tool, or increase the amount of defense current skills have. This is for both Pyrotech and Advanced Prototype.



Trauma Regulators: Move this talent from Mercenary to Powertech or:

Responsive Safeguards: Move this skill to PT which needs it much more than a merc does.


Sign a suggestion box request to fix both classes and save merc from overnerf, while also freeing the Willy PT/VG:



If Responsive Safeguard would be given to PT/VG instead of Merc we can all agree that both classes will be plausible to play, and the undying mercs would no longer be a problem.

Edited by Nezyrworks
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How to fix everything wrong in the world:


Take Trauma Stabilizers from 'Mando/Merc and give it to PT/Vanguard.


Yep, that should work, but minor tweaks to some other talents would also be nice. Compressing that Hydraulics into 1 (max 2) talents rather than going for 3..., which could be used for chaff flare to remove movement impaling effects / and or increase damage reduction/absorb.


They have heavy armor, don't see the problem.


Good one, good one :D. I remember this argument when PT was as terrible as it is now.

Edited by Nezyrworks
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How to fix everything wrong in the world:


Take Trauma Stabilizers from 'Mando/Merc and give it to PT/Vanguard.


No need to take anything away from anyone, just give it to PTs. Why must you get something that has been taken away from someone else? that's why we can't have nice things around here.

Edited by Lhancelot
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because Mercs do not need 3 heals.


My point. Removing the Responsive Safeguards from merc and giving it to PT would end the mercenary crisis, while still making mercenary an enjoyable and strong to be honest. This is where we could get both classes in line with the others and just get both of them viable for solo, team ranked.

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My point. Removing the Responsive Safeguards from merc and giving it to PT would end the mercenary crisis, while still making mercenary an enjoyable and strong to be honest. This is where we could get both classes in line with the others and just get both of them viable for solo, team ranked.


Exactly. Or Trauma Stabs, either one. This fixes both problems.

Edited by stoopicus
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i said it before in other threads..kolto and kolto surge should be giving to pt's only..let the merc keep trauma and there reflect dcd..they actually need it..kolto with kolto surge is what making the mercs into gods almost..this way the devs can solve 2 problems in 1 go..kolto and kolto surge will fit better for the pt..it will give them the extra up time in a dire situation to kill the target when it under 30% hp.. Edited by Xertasian
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They have heavy armor, don't see the problem.


Except well assassin light armor is heavier than heavy armor :p (Aka they have more armor with double stance bug :p)


Not optimized tank gear, my armor : 13535 - Assassin tank 1 : 15960 - Assassin tank 2 : 15784 (Some are over 16 k)


Me : http://imgur.com/0FsKoru


Assassin tank 1 http://imgur.com/CUNzI4y

Assassin tank 2 http://imgur.com/3AbxMke

Edited by Siniaera
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My point. Removing the Responsive Safeguards from merc and giving it to PT would end the mercenary crisis, while still making mercenary an enjoyable and strong to be honest. This is where we could get both classes in line with the others and just get both of them viable for solo, team ranked.


Yeah I agree with you. I play pt and merc and my pt needs that far more than my merc does. It stopping the 3 life syndrome is a bonus.

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You must know that this situation will not continue indefinitely?


Of course. Just like an ice cream cone won't last forever either. Just like nothing will last forever.


Just like an ice cream cone, I am going to savor every lick of this deliciously flavored merc patch, AKA 5.0.


All the salty tears flowing only add that much more flavor.

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Of course. Just like an ice cream cone won't last forever either. Just like nothing will last forever.


Just like an ice cream cone, I am going to savor every lick of this deliciously flavored merc patch, AKA 5.0.


All the salty tears flowing only add that much more flavor.


Mate i had been playing merc since the begining. And while i agree that mercs needed some defensive disciplines, devs simply overdid it. And as much as i liked PT when it was imba i was switching to merc to play some serious games because i do not appreciate OPness. And when u have cat's 9 lives its not even funny anymore

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what really needs to happen is that PT/VG needs 20m range. On all their abilities MINIMUM.

NO..what should be done is take kolto and kolto surge from mercs..make it PT exclusive..this will fix 2 classes in 1 go..


mercs can keep trauma there reflect dcd..it's kolto and kolto surge that break the class..give it to the PT and that will balance them off perfectly..also bring merc into line with other classes..so bioware dont give mercs a harsh nerf..

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