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Devs should we just reclaim our lost companions?


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I'm totally cool if our companions just aren't returning as part of the story, but the issue is that we don't know and the dang terminal tempts us by suggesting that we may miss out if we grab them now. But my main, a Sage, only has 1 of her original 5 back.


If you don't want to go on record saying it won't ever happen, could you at least ensure we don't miss out by reclaiming them?

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I thought people said elsewhere that getting them back from the terminal has no effect on future story content. I assume it's like when we get Niko/Shae/Ranos, where we can use the item to get them immediately, but they also (are supposed to) show up as an Alliance Alert at the right time, and using the item is not supposed to prevent us from doing the alert when we reach that part of the story. I haven't tested this myself, I don't think, but that's what my understanding was. In other words, you should be able to retrieve them without it affecting anything that may happen later. I thought the warning was just to let you know that doing so would be immersion-breaking in that you'd have them back even though as far as the ongoing storyline is concerned, you don't.
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