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Kolto station disabled in Veteran mode (Blood Hunt)


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Hi folks,


was running Blood Hunt Veteran mode solo on my Juggernaut. Stuff went fine up to the couple fight in the Arena -- to my great dismay, the kolto stations were non-functional, I got a 'You must be grouped to use the complimentary Kolto station' message -- and promptly died.


Is this intended (hope not) or a bug (please fix)?


I'm not entirely sure what the intended behaviour should be. The first fight, for example, allows me to use the rejuvenating 'eggs'. (At least some of the) Kolto stations in Veteran Black Talon work too. What's the deal here?


Thanks for the time,


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seems to be intended all veteran flashpoints (previously called tacticals) had this behaviour since KDY (my first solo atempt back in the day).


also bloodhunt in veteran mode the two mando fight is not properly balanced, same group that did it on hardmode pre 5.0 had a lot of trouble in it (we all had set bonus gear 220/216 some 224 with 220 mods/enh and some 230 from the new boxes) as usual tank 2 dps and healer, first and last boss seems ok for that level, but shae vizla has too much hp imo

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Thanks for the reply.


Well I don't know about 'all tacticals behaving that way' -- since the ones I tried are, hell, even Blood Hunt itself is, inconsistent: see healing 'stations' on first boss.


Coming from another angle: Why purposefully disable healing stations at all? It feels like an unnecessary extra stick thrown between the legs of people who want to solo. The FPs already take longer solo than with a group (assuming non-stealth of course), so isn't that enough of a 'solo penalty'? Why such huge roadblocks?

Edited by Septica
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