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SPOILERS GALORE FOR ROGUE ONE: Enter at your own risk!


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Ok so I am tired of the threads ***** footing around things in the movie to keep spoilers away from those that have not seen the film...with that in mind here is a thread clearly labeled that there will be spoilers. I want to discuss all the ins and outs of the film so please join in.


My first big WOW moment was when Tarkin appeared. Peter Cushing died 22 years ago but I would have sworn that was actually him on the screen, cept for the voice, the voice wasn't perfect.


I don't remember their character names but Pig Boy and Walrus guy running into Jyn on that street was great. I was waiting for the line, You watch yourself, I have the death sentence in 12 systems, lol.


Red Wing and Gold Wing leaders, Biggs Darklighter, Wedge Antiles, so glad to see them. Too bad Porkins didn't make the cut, lol.


Darth Vader at the end was a total Bad Mofo. The fear in the rebels was realistic.


And what can you say about a young Leia. Excellent job. Loved where she said they gave them Hope.


There is certainly more but I don't want this to be a long post so please add your thoughts.

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I am going to make a note of every character who died in the movie and how:

Lyra Erso: Shot by Krennic

Jyn Erso: Death Star

Galen Erso: Caught in Attack from Rebellion

Cassian Andor: Death Star

K-2SO: Shot by StormTroopers

Bodhi Rook: Grenade

Chirrut Imwe: Explosion

Baze Malbus: Grenade

Saw Gerrara: Death Star

Krennic: Shot by Cassian


Gosh! That is a lot of dead people!

Edited by meowmeowcvm
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Chirrut Imwe: Don't Remember

Baze Malbus: Don't Remember


Chirrut Imwe - Wounded by blaster rifle shot in chest. Killed by exploding console after walking away from master switch when console explodes after taking a hit.


Baze Malbus - Wounded from numerous blaster shots. Dies from grenade after killing last Black Trooper that was still holding grenade.


Both of these characters were very cool.

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Krennic: Shot by Cassian

Think he actually got Death Star'd too - after getting shot I remember him stirring and looking up just in time to get a face full of superlaser, a nice Karmic Death for someone who was so obsessed with making the Death Star his own.

My first big WOW moment was when Tarkin appeared. Peter Cushing died 22 years ago but I would have sworn that was actually him on the screen[...] And what can you say about a young Leia. Excellent job.

I've found it really interesting how different people have reacted to those CGI faces. For me, they both were squarely in the 'uncanny valley' (not as bad as Polar Express or anything, but still noticeably - and unnervingly - CGI) and the friend I went to see it with was actually laughing at the Tarkin CGI. But I've seen other people say they thought they were both great, some reviews say they thought the Tarkin one was good and the Leia one was bad, and some reviews say they thought the Leia one was perfect but the Tarkin one was bad.

I didnt see biggs or wedge. You actually saw them? I can tell you this though, red 5 died, which is awesome because that is why luke is named red 5, he took his position in the squadron.

I definitely saw Biggs and Red Leader, but I don't remember seeing Wedge - certainly possible I just missed him too if he was there. I loved the touch about them losing Red 5, opening up the slot for Luke.

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I didn't think Tarkin was bad. It is a real actor with part of Peter Cushings face cgi onto the actor. Eyes are the actors to keep from having a dead eye look.


Leia, now that looked off slightly to me. It is so brief in seeing her. It really doesn't matter. They could have not even shown the face and everyone would have known who the character was.

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I definitely saw Biggs and Red Leader, but I don't remember seeing Wedge - certainly possible I just missed him too if he was there. I loved the touch about them losing Red 5, opening up the slot for Luke.


Biggs wore a checkered helmet. The only guy I saw that could have been Biggs had a different helmet. I don't think it was meant to be the same person.

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I can say this, the CGI work to bring back past characters was AMAZING. Tarkin, Red and Gold leaders, Mon Mothma, LEIA even.


All of them looked like they just stepped out of SW:ANH.

Mon Mothma wasn't CGI'd at all I don't believe - I heard they did bring back the same actress they had used in the prequels for the (ultimately deleted) scenes as her young self where she, Organa and Padme effectively start to lay the groundwork for the Rebellion.

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Mon Mothma wasn't CGI'd at all I don't believe - I heard they did bring back the same actress they had used in the prequels for the (ultimately deleted) scenes as her young self where she, Organa and Padme effectively start to lay the groundwork for the Rebellion.


Maybe, but that was over a decade ago, they aged her down some with the CGI to fit the timeframe. But Leia and Tarkin, that was CGI to the hilt and it was fantastic. It was better than the CGI work in Tron:Legacy.

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Maybe, but that was over a decade ago, they aged her down some with the CGI to fit the timeframe. But Leia and Tarkin, that was CGI to the hilt and it was fantastic. It was better than the CGI work in Tron:Legacy.


Gotta remember that while Revenge of the Sith did come out 11 years ago, Rogue One takes place just before A New Hope, which is itself around nineteen something years after Sith, so the actress would technically be too young to play Mon Mothma at that age

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Gotta remember that while Revenge of the Sith did come out 11 years ago, Rogue One takes place just before A New Hope, which is itself around nineteen something years after Sith, so the actress would technically be too young to play Mon Mothma at that age


Actually you're right, I had that backwards, they'd of had to age her up to fit Mon Mothma.

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I can say this, the CGI work to bring back past characters was AMAZING. Tarkin, Red and Gold leaders, Mon Mothma, LEIA even.


All of them looked like they just stepped out of SW:ANH.


Tarkin and Leia were CGI but Mothma was not. Red and Gold leader was previous film, not cgi...neither were the other pilots.

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Tarkin and Leia were CGI but Mothma was not. Red and Gold leader was previous film, not cgi...neither were the other pilots.


Actually Red 1 was CGI. he died 10 months before the film even came out and he was over 77 years old at the time. He did the voice work but he and Gold 1 were both infact CGI work. There's no way they could of just stepped back in and look as young as they did in 1977.

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Actually Red 1 was CGI. he died 10 months before the film even came out and he was over 77 years old at the time. He did the voice work but he and Gold 1 were both infact CGI work. There's no way they could of just stepped back in and look as young as they did in 1977.

I believe s/he's saying they're comped-in unused (or reused) footage from Episode IV, not that they brought back in the actors to film new stuff.

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I believe s/he's saying they're comped-in unused (or reused) footage from Episode IV, not that they brought back in the actors to film new stuff.


Exactly what I am saying, I know they did some voice work but the action sequences were from previously filmed shots in the 70's.

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I think my favorite scene was probably the beach. We the two held hands waiting for the fire and death.


Darth Vadar was great. You could see the horror in the guys of the crew.


The final battle stood out too. Right up there with the opening battle of Empire Strikes Back.


All in all, I loved the movie.

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Just got back, was pretty sweet! Have some minor issues, but overall it was good!


I also liked how they acknowledged the Rebellion wasn't a squeaky clean operation, maybe I missed some Legends EU Rebellion stories but it always bothered me how the Rebellion was always 100% good in everything that they did, like that's completely unrealistic even for Star Wars.

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Maybe it was just my theater, I heard of people having issues with the 3d, but I saw it in a non 3d RPX theater and some of the planets, especially at the beginning were very dark. Not in tone but lighting. Stuff was hard to see. When they meet the Erso's I thought, damn could that family not afford the electric bill. Anyone else have an issue with how dark some of the movie was?
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I'd say it's the best Star War's movie I've seen since the original trilogy.


That's not completely fair of course, because the OT is part of my childhood memories (old enough to have seen Ep 6 in the theater, and the original versions of 4 and 5 on VHS) but even back then, my hero was Han, not Luke, and certainly not the Carebea... um Ewoks, which even got 2 spin-offs...


I love the many nods to Ep4, and solving that almost 40 years old mystery about why there was such a flaw in the death star, and how the rebels found it so quickly when no imperial engineer did.



What I found interesting, though, is how many scenes from the trailers are missing. We heard that they had to reshoot parts of the movie, but what was changed?


In one trailer we saw Jyn running on the beach, carrying that emperor-sized usb stick with the Death Star plans. Would make more sense to make away with a physical copy rather than putting it into a conveniently placed slot in the satellite dish on the roof (or is that the standard sending-procedure? Security by inconvenience?)


So what I'm asking myself : Did the heroes originally throw the plan to a X-Wing pilot? Or did they get picked up and survived? They obviously weren't in the original trilogy, but it wouldn't be the first time those movies were "enhanced" :p



BTW: that guy who fired that death star shot "on" the facility must have been a stormtrooper - he missed by far enough that the target wasn't evaporated but destroyed by a molten-rock tsnunami minutes later. Hope he got fired.

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