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First two weeks back after 2-3 years. Feedback.


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I want to start by saying I am a StarWars fan boy and have always loved the movies since a young child. When i was in High school all my friends play Galaxies, I wish i had but i was in the counter strike and played to much football and Rugby to play a MMO at the time. So when this game came around in 2010 I was ******** my pants excited to be a part of it. Needless to say in 2011 at release this was one of the biggest flops of all times, the product was not read for release and as far as pvp and world pvp are concerned the engine couldn't handle ****. It broke my heart I made a computer for this game in 2011 based on the developers recommendations.


I spent over two thousands dollars on a Machine that ran this game like absolute dog ****. Shuttering, horrible, lagggy, dog ****. After trouble shooting for months and Illum being a broken **** storm and no end game ranked pvp i left the game. And went back to the cancer that is WOW. Over the years friends told me it got better so I would come back for a few months or weeks and check it out but always ended up leaving due to the graphical shuttering. I came back now and its the same ****. I un-parked and boosted all my core's, I run 3rd party software to boost performance, I by pass all game graphic settings to pre-render all frames by 4, I have done everything and get 140 fps, but still in some pvp it shutters to hell, and drops 25. I have a bad *** computer 5 years after the release and the game still runs like ****. I file tickets and the auto responses don't even act like there is a problem, like for some reason my PC is the issue. That is a failure. All this being noted I can and do find the game at least playable now. Only took 5 years and like 10 guilds and countless hours of trial and error.


Now to the game, I always like this game cause it was a lot closer to balanced compared to other mmo's like wow, not close to perfect but very playable. In its current state Merc's are retarded and any other healer than Sorc is just ****. The learning curve getting back into the game wasn't too terrible. And another thing I can commend the game for is the community in general is more than willing to help returning and new players. I have guys on the top of the ranked ladder coaching me and talking to me when ever I need, that is awesome. That being said their are still salty cancers basement dwelling douche bags out their, just not as common. Lyala ruined my *********** night last night with his wall hacking ******** of hiding outside the map until we all died of gas, 10/10 on troll meter.


The game is fun and I am really enjoying playing a Sorc Healer due to the mobility and cool down usage, its unique and fun as hell. When I play my operative w/ out a UI that shows HOT cool downs efficiently I feel like I am glued to my Raid frames trying to find my 20 sec hots, hoping to god they don't fall off. Not to mention they have 1 cc breaker and get there *** trained into the ground . Not too fun especially if your hots fall off, to 12 seconds of cc.


So I got around 1400 in Solo ranked and find that I cannot get any higher due to the gear system. Their is almost a zero percent chance of a set pieace dropping, I am level 46, and I have one set pieace. So all the people returning that spend money on a 65 are boned cause everyone else has last seasons set bonsuses. I lose the long games cause I miss out on 30 sec crit heal, 5 more force every force regen, and 1.5 seconds on my most important heal. That adds up to a **** load of HPS being lost. Now my buddy who plays like all day ever day is no **** level 180 in conquest or whatever its called, ****ign 180, and he doesn't even have full set bonsus. What the **** was bioware thinking?


Long story short I am capped due to gear right now and its ********, not to mention the trolls are starting to come out. That being said the community as a whole is great and it feels good to play star wars again.


If anyone has any more tips on the ****ed up shuttering and FPS hit me up, see you guys out there. Sorry for the wall of text.



-Set bonus would be *********** nice

-Ban cancerous cheaters

-Bioware themselves put out a guide on how to un-**** their ****** graphic issues

-for the love of good optimize your own product

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Wow... you been gone for multiple years and your toons are not geared... that's totally unexpected...


Not being geared is the problem its the fact that i cannot get set bonus at all. My friend with no life has ground 12 hours a day since launch w/ the stupied pay to grind token and is ranked 180 in command points and does not have full set bonus. Which means it would take me months to even compete with my peers cause RNG.


How the **** is that fair? DO you not want ppl to come back to this game? Cause this is one of many reasons of why ppl aren't staying when they come back. So while ever other player has all set bonuses and ever other person coming back has almost zero chance of getting them for months, that's seems good to you?

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I want to start by saying I am a StarWars fan boy and have always loved the movies since a young child. When i was in High school all my friends play Galaxies, I wish i had but i was in the counter strike and played to much football and Rugby to play a MMO at the time. So when this game came around in 2010 I was ******** my pants excited to be a part of it. Needless to say in 2011 at release this was one of the biggest flops of all times, the product was not read for release and as far as pvp and world pvp are concerned the engine couldn't handle ****. It broke my heart I made a computer for this game in 2011 based on the developers recommendations.


I spent over two thousands dollars on a Machine that ran this game like absolute dog ****. Shuttering, horrible, lagggy, dog ****. After trouble shooting for months and Illum being a broken **** storm and no end game ranked pvp i left the game. And went back to the cancer that is WOW. Over the years friends told me it got better so I would come back for a few months or weeks and check it out but always ended up leaving due to the graphical shuttering. I came back now and its the same ****. I un-parked and boosted all my core's, I run 3rd party software to boost performance, I by pass all game graphic settings to pre-render all frames by 4, I have done everything and get 140 fps, but still in some pvp it shutters to hell, and drops 25. I have a bad *** computer 5 years after the release and the game still runs like ****. I file tickets and the auto responses don't even act like there is a problem, like for some reason my PC is the issue. That is a failure. All this being noted I can and do find the game at least playable now. Only took 5 years and like 10 guilds and countless hours of trial and error.


Now to the game, I always like this game cause it was a lot closer to balanced compared to other mmo's like wow, not close to perfect but very playable. In its current state Merc's are retarded and any other healer than Sorc is just ****. The learning curve getting back into the game wasn't too terrible. And another thing I can commend the game for is the community in general is more than willing to help returning and new players. I have guys on the top of the ranked ladder coaching me and talking to me when ever I need, that is awesome. That being said their are still salty cancers basement dwelling douche bags out their, just not as common. Lyala ruined my *********** night last night with his wall hacking ******** of hiding outside the map until we all died of gas, 10/10 on troll meter.


The game is fun and I am really enjoying playing a Sorc Healer due to the mobility and cool down usage, its unique and fun as hell. When I play my operative w/ out a UI that shows HOT cool downs efficiently I feel like I am glued to my Raid frames trying to find my 20 sec hots, hoping to god they don't fall off. Not to mention they have 1 cc breaker and get there *** trained into the ground . Not too fun especially if your hots fall off, to 12 seconds of cc.


So I got around 1400 in Solo ranked and find that I cannot get any higher due to the gear system. Their is almost a zero percent chance of a set pieace dropping, I am level 46, and I have one set pieace. So all the people returning that spend money on a 65 are boned cause everyone else has last seasons set bonsuses. I lose the long games cause I miss out on 30 sec crit heal, 5 more force every force regen, and 1.5 seconds on my most important heal. That adds up to a **** load of HPS being lost. Now my buddy who plays like all day ever day is no **** level 180 in conquest or whatever its called, ****ign 180, and he doesn't even have full set bonsus. What the **** was bioware thinking?


Long story short I am capped due to gear right now and its ********, not to mention the trolls are starting to come out. That being said the community as a whole is great and it feels good to play star wars again.


If anyone has any more tips on the ****ed up shuttering and FPS hit me up, see you guys out there. Sorry for the wall of text.



-Set bonus would be *********** nice

-Ban cancerous cheaters

-Bioware themselves put out a guide on how to un-**** their ****** graphic issues

-for the love of good optimize your own product


I think most of us share your sentiments. The game bugs, the lag and shuttering as you described affect lots of us.

you would think after X amount of years BW would discover a solution to this. As for the Trolls and hacks, thats just society, you'll never escape it in any facet of life.

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You sound like you have a lot of Mad Cuz Bad problems.


No I think getting to 1400 rating after just coming back to the game is good. I admit i have more to learn, but losing due to not having set bonuses sucks. It certainly doesn't help.

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