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Old bugs plus new bugs plus crickets on fixing bugs equals intolerable.


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I can live with small minor annoyances, but after awhile when more are added than taken away it gets unbearable.


Every patch I check the notes too see if anything is fixed but all I see are fixes to bugs I never knew existed. I'm about convinced they just make them up to say they done something.


Anyway, what I'm rambling about the most is the long time now bug of NPCs falling through the terrain. SO ANNOYING!! I think this must be why they nerfed the game down to Hello Kitty easy because if it wasn't we couldn't rely on our companions to solo the fight we cant target anything on. I think every boss fight in this new expansion I had to try running away to get the bad guy to pop back up so I could make a couple hits before it disappears yet again.


I want so very much to play in veteran mode but how can I? Veteran mode is like the game should be by default but no way when my character is looking at its feet while the bad guy under the floor is collecting my toes. How does anyone level as a healer? Companions are just as bad falling through the floor. You cant target them at all so how can anyone heal?


With this new expansion came a new one for me. My companions cant even follow me down an empty street anymore. They are getting hung in terrain and get so far behind that I have to wait for them to warp to me. If I stop and wait on them I can see them running in zigzags trying to find a way through. All too often just as they almost catch up they do what? Fall through the terrain, you guessed it.


Its so very annoying, and most annoying of all is I see nothing, zero, not a thing about anything being done.


- UGH!

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