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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

GC reduced complexity?


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During the various streams prior to the release of KOTET an advantage touted about the GC system was reduced complexity. You only have earn CXP and open crates, no more crystals/comms of whatever flavor just play the game and grind crates for gear. While I'm in the camp that thinks the system stinks, the changes discussed on the Dec 15th stream are at least an improvement over the current GC mechanics... However the whole thing ends up more complex than the original gearing sytem for pvp focused players at least. I'm focusing on pvp here since that's what I do, pve players feel free to chime in.


Prior to the KOTET you earned pvp commendations to purchase gear plus individual mods/enhancements, and ranked tokens to purchase rating based vanity items (which are still in the game). Under the proposed changes you earn unassembled components (multiple) to purchase assembled gear pieces, which you trade in along with command tokens to purchase gear with a valor requiement.


From one currency to three, four if you count the valor requirement. I'm counting the unassembled/assemlbed pieces as a form of curency which I think is fair. I also think it's fair to say "one" currency prior to KOTET seeing as you could save up enough warzone commendations to go through the purchasing chain to get the highest tier if you where so inclined. The proposed changes coming in January only seem to add more complexity which appears counter to the point of the GC system you attempted to sell prior to launch.


Personally I saw nothing wrong with the old gearing mechanic, if anything you could have just improved the vendor interface and that would have done the job. Players could save comms for what they wanted, and also optimized the gear to their liking, seems simple enough. This of course doesn't take into account the removal of expertise which is a different bag of worms.

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Yeah, I don't like how they justified GC in part by saying the 4.0 gearing system was too 'complex' and 'confusing' for new players... and now they're putting in an even more complex system, with items needed from multiple sources to turn in for a gear piece.


I still think GC would be fine as a supplement alongside the 4.0 gearing system. If they avoid putting back in the highlighted HM ops weekly rotation (to prevent people farming the highest tier of gear on EV and KP every time they come around), that would throttle the end game gearing. Hell, even though I don't like the idea myself, I can understand the point of them making all the bosses before the last one drop a random token instead of a set one, to throttle it further. At least you still know you WILL get a token at every boss, even if it isn't always the same one. Then that system would work fine, the casual/story players would still have a chance at endgame gear by doing the parts of the game they like, everyone would win.

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The old gearing system was WAY TOO GRINDY lmao. I like how you can do pvp for cxp. But this new system is needed for solo players to gear up for Master level. The tokens are going to reward group players doing harder content because we asked for tokens. We did. They answered.



Earning gear is a grind any way you cut it really. The point I'm making is the currency prior to KOTET was in fact as simple as it could be.. just one currency for purchasing (Edit: pvp) gear. My gripe with GC is the random nature of the command crates, not the requirement to do stuff to earn them. The point I'm making in this thread is that GC was sold as less complex, but it is infact only getting more complex with the January update.

Edited by MindSpore
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