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Jarg and Sorno broken


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My raid team has killed this boss 3 times now in Karagga's Palace, twice in story mode and once in hard mode, and the only item we received was once it dropped 2 Refined Istotope Stabilizers. No one has been given their operations CXP tokens. I do not know if this is happening on any other operations bosses, but its kind of frustrating seeing how quickly the Devs are to patch in nerfs to CXP gained from Elites and Champions but have done nothing to fix this bug which has been present since launch and which we have reported through the in-game bug report system every time it has happened. Especially when we are told every time that there is nothing that can be done except to pass it along, and then we watch it be ignored in two patches now while nerfs on other stuff in that same operation have been put into place
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