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CXP needs to be adjusted from a raiders POV, with idea’s of a way to fix it


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CXP needs to be heavy adjusted and the reason we are here and idea’s of a way to fix it


With the new system and RNG in general we have already had this in PVP from 1.0 - 1.3 then they went to what we had before 5.0 the token system like PVE. Why did they change to a token system? Because it was fairer, had less complaints, and the users were able to customize to their roles for the gear that they needed. If you do a simple google search you can see the amount of ************ and complaining about people opening packs over and over again with little to no reward there was one case I did read of someone opening over 100 packs with no reward that RNG hey it seems like history repeating itself…..


PVP RNG Rewards was removed in 1.2 when they were transitioning to/from battlemaster/warzone gear. They learnt then that that system didn't work then so why are we doing it now?






In my experience I have had the worst luck in RNG. I got my first purple piece at level 20 next piece which was a set piece(Chest) was level 34 my next piece(Bracers) was 42, currently my CXP level is 110 and I have a belt, OH and implant to go for a full set of 230 purple gear. My fellow guildies which were at a lower level of CXP got a set piece at CXP 6 and then again at 9 and at 20 CXP already have 3-4 set pieces this is disconcerting.


The road to gearing is way too long for many players for raiding or PVPin’ especially if they do multi roles on the toons that allow them to do so ie Merc Heals or Merc DPS or Guardian Tank or Guardian DPS. In these situations because you now need a hope and a prayer of the gear you need not want but need you have to rely on a system that could take you over a year to achieve which in my opinion the light at the end of the tunnel is too far away.

You might for instance be a healer in ops but a DPS in PVP or due to certain mechanics in operations or other activities in SWTOR certain classes are more suited to certain fights like Rav or TOS melee are not suited for Revan as they lose too much DPS down time from the mech on 1st and second floor dont argue with me you do.


This has all stemmed because in 4.0 they didn't release ops and had a planet level sync. The level sync has been proven that you don't need gear to level. The other bad thing about level sync is the constant level 61 now 65 green gear you get which doesn't sell on the GTN, whereas you used to get that level’s planet gear so at least it would be useful either cosmetically or as a higher stat piece of gear that you could use/RE or sell on the GTN. Now if I visit a lower level planet to catch up on achievements etc you just vendor everything not good for the economy.


The no ops in 4.0 was offsetted by a highlighted op which then highlighted that gamers will always take the path of least resistance just like electricity. So they did all the easier ops when they were highlighted for the best gear which EV and KP covered all your gear with EC and/or TFB for implants as a vendor offhand was considered good enough. This then made gamers expect an easy ride for gear instead of teaching them that if you want the top gear you need to do the top operations which in all honestly because of no ops in 4.0, I would of accepted RAV and TOS to be the top tier and grind through to get the gear and the kill of revan and KFC, just like they did with TFB in 2.0 it would of taught players how to raid and be raid aware. Instead of all of these SM Warriors we have today that have no to little idea on how raid, or even train themselves to get the most out of their toon. A little research goes along way and there are alot of web resources to read and watch if you want to know and you must be willing to to learn as well as there are always better players than you trust me. The raiding community has collapsed - saying that I have got a team together which will be working to try and get geared and gel as a team if new ops come along in Apirl 2017


The last stream concerns me with how the BW Team view how people are actually playing the game long term. Story is only 25% at most of the game, it has so many more aspects that it astonishes me that they actually dont know what/how they play the game and more importantly why they do.


The quest for purple gear is always going to be there as people will always strive for the best gear as quick as possible that is actually life right there. We must be always better than the 'Jones' it is human nature and there is a few reason for that race for gear


1. To get the Gear to Raid/HM FP do top end content

2. To RE to sell back to the community

3. Min Max gear

4. That mindset of must have the best gear in the game


All of these are valid reasons plus some more for different people, now correct me if I am wrong but the only reason that people wear greens is the look, bolster purposes, they dont know any better or even thats all they can get from drops.


Now saying all of that there are a few fixes that can be implemented I am a fan of number 1 but there are others


1. Remove the RNG System and return to the token system but slimline it with only 3 vendors Tank, DPS, Heals

2. Remove the level sync and return to the old system and the content that was effected like EV and KP be restored to previous levels. This in turn pushes innovation for Operations and other endgame activities PVP, Uprising etc.

3. Have set bonus pieces be inside tokens in the CXP packs. Yes that means vendors need to come back which was not a problem before, just have a Tank, DPS and Healing Vendor it really is just that simple. This means people can actually min max and get the most of their toons and then work on their skill level.


This is a short list and I put back to the community to help find some other answers to help this game move forward


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1. Remove the RNG System and return to the token system but slimline it with only 3 vendors Tank, DPS, Heals

2. Remove the level sync and return to the old system and the content that was effected like EV and KP be restored to previous levels. This in turn pushes innovation for Operations and other endgame activities PVP, Uprising etc.

3. Have set bonus pieces be inside tokens in the CXP packs. Yes that means vendors need to come back which was not a problem before, just have a Tank, DPS and Healing Vendor it really is just that simple. This means people can actually min max and get the most of their toons and then work on their skill level.




You are ofc right and I am with you, but Bioware runs this game and they say:


1. RNG is exciting!

2. Removing level sync would kill the game

3. Would be too fast


Look at it this way, they introduced a grindy long term method to gear, but when people started to grind they removed their methods for grinding, so where is the logic in that? :D

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In my experience I have had the worst luck in RNG. I got my first purple piece at level 20 next piece which was a set piece(Chest) was level 34 my next piece(Bracers) was 42, currently my CXP level is 110 and I have a belt, OH and implant to go for a full set of 230 purple gear. My fellow guildies which were at a lower level of CXP got a set piece at CXP 6 and then again at 9 and at 20 CXP already have 3-4 set pieces this is disconcerting.

wow, that seems like pretty good RNG from where i'm standing =) i got my first and only upgrade piece at crate #44 (SB pants for my healing set) and that was the only purple piece of gear i got., atm total opened crates is 50. slow i know, but i just don't feel that encouraged to spend so much time grinding... i think i'll wait for 5.1 changes to really put actually effort into it lol:D:D



that said we got used to the token system, so it's of course a shock that there was a change in it. especially to a system that they once scrapped already 0.o they have however confirmed that GC isn't going anywhere and so we must learn to accept it or just unsub and quit.

see, the GC in general is not a terrible idea, but they've certainly not put much effort into making it worth our time. reason it's so crap? lack of NEW content, be it ops or warzone maps or new planets.


the bad thing about the GC is the gearing method tied to RNG. that is the worst part. sure, the few who got lucky will say there is nothing wrong with it. but those of us who are hated by the RNJeezuz will not be satisfied for sure. therefore i'm very happy they're trying to put in at least some way for unlucky people to get their missing pieces lol. :D

Now whether this will be enough of a fix to make it tolerable? no clue yet, gonna wait on the next stream notes to make a decision lol (certainly not gonna stay up until 2:30 am to watch a stream again lol, last one was disappointing enough lol).


They don't really need to scrap the whole system though. They just need to:

--> mitigate the bad RNG ( my choice would be a vendor that would sell set bonus gear for the tier you are at. so if you are within tier 1, for example rank 80+, you can start buying gear you are missing. and so on for each tier. you'll still need to grind a lot on levels, but at a certain point you can buy all you need, so long as prices are not as silly as the rank 6 companion gifts lol.)

--> make the grind less of chore for alternative characters, or again let your main buy pieces for other classes and legacy them over lol;

--> or maybe bring back unassembled tokens along with the GC system. so if you are a solo player you can go grind, or if you prefer ops you can get tokens that way. but this would need a way for pvpers to get gear as well =)

Edited by Hichitsuki-hime
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