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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Planet Instancing and its current use


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Planet instancing was a good idea for starting planets on launch. It was even a good idea on the Capital planets. However, beyond that, it is both unnecessary and it damages the sense of massiveness in a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. I play on The Fatman, Empire side, and I have yet to find myself needing to race or compete with another player to complete an objective for a quest, and I believe I am closing in on 3 days /played. Planet instancing is harmful to immersion, but it is also harmful to world pvp. I rolled on a PvP server to fight the opposing faction while I did quests. Ganking, being ganked, and fun duels and revenge attacks are part of being on a PvP server, but that is made less common because of planet instancing.


What I find most interesting is that as completely unnecessary and harmful as planet instancing is for most planets, the one place where it could actually be useful and productive it is not used. I am referring, of course, to the Fleets. If there is one place in the entire game where using planet instancing would be valid and it would not damage immersion to a high degree, it is the Fleets. I would kill to be able to avoid having my framerates become unstable upon entering the fleet.


In conclusion, the implementation of planet instancing needs to be re-evaluated. Planets beyond the starters and capitals simply don't need it. The Fleets would greatly benefit from it, and people's computers would thank you if you implemented it in them.

Edited by Moragh
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