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Well. Time to start /stucking ranked...


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If you are going to do it, go all out and name yourself something like Blame Cxp


Thats actually a good idea :D


But i dont wanna lose the name on my main (not like anyone would come up with such a stupid name, but still, have to make a lvl 1 toon). I got 10 losses from 10 matches on my main :D not that i would be bad, but the groups.....

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I have a feeling ranked is going to be nerfed soon . We're gonna get comments like "stucking is abusing the system" and "we want players to do other content so we've lowered the cxp gain"


They might possibly reduce the cxp gains after a certain number of ranked matches played or they will reduce it overall entirely for each match

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Lol. I'm glad that I got the conversation going. Which was the intent of the OP. As others have said, people will gravitate to the system that is most efficient to getting CXP. EAware can keep doing their nerfs till the cows come home. But players WILL move on to the next best system until that gets nerfed. That is the system the devs created and it's laughable that none of them saw this coming during development.


Hence the point of my OP. Carry on, devs. Carry on.

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The solution is easy. :p Base it all off time and then reward it as such. If a PvP match can be dropped and last only 4 minutes and gives (say) 500 CXP. Then whatever takes 4 minutes, should give 500 CXP. Whatever takes 8 minutes, should give 1000 CXP.


This will then also lead to getting a general time on FPs and reward them accordingly.


That would require Bioware pull their head out of their you know what and use logic.


Right now, something like Hammer Station rewards the same CXP as False Emp, yet takes much less time even assuming people space bar both, and significantly less if people don't space bar.


Also many Vet mode FPs have some nasty trash pulls (and a few bosses) that can get ugly with lowbies in group or all dps if the others are a bit uncoordinated, while Vet BT (synced to level 10) can be run solo by anyone with no risk of dying and in less time, and earn even more CXP than any of the 70 Vet modes.


Same thing with PVP - in unranked you might get an arena or you might get something like Alderaan, and the time spent per CXP can vary widely.


Lastly you have GSF, a space mini-game that doesn't even use gear where someone can fly a ship into asteroids for CXP, and generally pretty high CXP / time - which has to be about the dumbest addition to gearing ever.

Edited by DawnAskham
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I haven't tried rank since 5.0 so can't say that people are or are not doing it, however it would not shock me to find out that its true. If I were to play ranked I would play to win for the higher rank, not for the cxp rewards. However not everyone cares if they have a crappy pvp rank if their only goal is more cxp.


I couldn't. Like you say, I'd play to win if I did it at all. I can't help myself, somewhere deep inside is that need to be the best, that drives us to compete. It's that whole, Eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight, rising up to the challenge of our rivals thing.


Deliberately killing yourself with /stuck is like deliberately flying into an asteroid repeatedly in GSF. It's not what John Wayne would do.

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