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Getting CXP in Story is a Joke


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So I'm normally a pvp only person. But my girl is story only and convinced me to come do some story with her. I kept wondering why her CXP was so low until I did the story.

You basically get zero CXP for doing story. WTH Bio??

I can understand you wanted to nerf gold stars so people wouldn't farm them, but why would you nerf them in the actual story instances??

Anyway, CXP in story is terrible. If I only ever did story I wouldn't be happy. The grind to get CXP that way will be so bad you'll never ever get to 100 CXP, let alone 300 CXP.

The Devs could fix this by giving a boosted amount of CXP for completing a chapter, then the gold stars could stay as they are.

What do story only people think?

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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By story do you mean chapters? Or do you mean non pvp? Because if it the later, than I do ok. All together I have done a few days of Galatic Command stuff and am rank 10 in tier 1. Mostly I stick to heroics, as there tends to be more gold stars.

But if you meant chapters? Then I agree. There are so few golds in them, and most of the time your instinct is to ignore them and finish the story. And "farming" them in chapters is so slow considering that you get so little CXP per kill.

The system needs a few tweaks thats for sure though.

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By story do you mean chapters? Or do you mean non pvp? Because if it the later, than I do ok. All together I have done a few days of Galatic Command stuff and am rank 10 in tier 1. Mostly I stick to heroics, as there tends to be more gold stars.

But if you meant chapters? Then I agree. There are so few golds in them, and most of the time your instinct is to ignore them and finish the story. And "farming" them in chapters is so slow considering that you get so little CXP per kill.

The system needs a few tweaks thats for sure though.


Sorry I should be more specific, I mean chapters. Any long term player, ie, since launch, have done all the class stories, some multiple times, there is pretty much zero chance they are going to want to do it again for CXP.

When you say a few days, how many total hours are we talking about? Because I can go up 2-3 CXP LvLs in a few hours if I pvp, but 4 hours of story hardly moved the CXP line.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I played about..4 nights last week. Each session lasting about 3 hours. The first 5 ranks seemed to go by fast. I do mostly planetary heroics and since I main a healer maybe 2-3 flashpoints (veteran mode). Beyond that I chill out and buy/sell on the GTN.
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I played about..4 nights last week. Each session lasting about 3 hours. The first 5 ranks seemed to go by fast. I do mostly planetary heroics and since I main a healer maybe 2-3 flashpoints (veteran mode). Beyond that I chill out and buy/sell on the GTN.


Heroics yield massively more cxp than story quests.

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The only story that pays out more than peanuts are the KotFE & KoTET chapters taken through the GC interface. The rest of the 95% of story content yields 20 cxp per quest. Most have no bonuses and few champions or elites. It's better than no cxp, but not by much.


So you have to go through the GC to get any CXP in the end game chapters? Does that affect current progress? You can get 20 CXP by going to any planet and killing 20 gold stars in under 20 mins.

20 CXP being better than nothing just isn't true, it's a sham. Having nothing would at least be honest and show they don't want to give CXP for doing the main thing the last expansions have been about. They spent 90% of their resources to make the story and then introduce and crap RNG system, but don't give CXP in the story to be able to use the RNG system.

Definitely some mentally challenged people working in that office.

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Heroics yield massively more cxp than story quests.


So does pvp, but if you are like my girl and only play for the story, hate doing heroics and pvp, then she is basically being shafted for doing the main content they've developed especially for this expansion.

It's completely nonsensical.

She used to do heroics way back when we had a guild with friends, but since two of our guilds have quit the game in disgust in the last 18 months, she doesn't want to join another.

Plus she hates grinding heroics, especially when she's done them all since launch. Story is/was the only thing keeping her interested.

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So you have to go through the GC to get any CXP in the end game chapters? Does that affect current progress? You can get 20 CXP by going to any planet and killing 20 gold stars in under 20 mins.

20 CXP being better than nothing just isn't true, it's a sham. Having nothing would at least be honest and show they don't want to give CXP for doing the main thing the last expansions have been about. They spent 90% of their resources to make the story and then introduce and crap RNG system, but don't give CXP in the story to be able to use the RNG system.

Definitely some mentally challenged people working in that office.


The KotFE & KotET chapters are 200 cxp for story mode. I think there is a bonus for taking them through the cg interface, though I haven't tried yet so I'm not sure. All other quests (class, planetary, side, older expansions, etc.) only give out 20 cxp even though many of them are quite long. If your GF is like me, she is finishing up old stories and getting next to nothing for her effort. You might want to craft her up some decent armor and give her the fluff items from your crates so she doesn't give up...

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I'm still going through the class story (well, just finished it this morning, rather) on one of my DvL characters, who was 65 when the expansion dropped. After hitting 70 on Correllia, I received a whopping 1 point for golds, but 23 for bonuses and quest completions. I went through the rest of the story (only class missions) there, as well as the final confrontation with Baras. Then, I finished up my companion stories (23 xp for those as well, each conversation), which was only a couple per, and I am nearly to level four (wohoo! haha).


So, it adds up. If I was done with the story already, I definitely would not be seeking out these quests for GC points, but, if I'm going to do the content anyway, its just a tiny bonus after leveling out. And, some of the class/planetary missions are ridiculously easy (example: Talk to the guy at the Temple, go see trainer, done... 30 seconds tops). I thought that GC was going to be end-game content only, so that we can get it on leveling material is nice.

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I levelled my gazzillionth agent last week (I love the classic story so much), by only doing story and planetary quests with the odd flashpoint and warzone he reached lvl70 on Belsavis. He consumed any xp boosts he received.


By the time he completed the Correlia planetary story arc and the class story, he was cxp level 15. Again this is with a few warzones and flashpoints/uprisings. No heroics or gold mob farming but I did a few side quests on Voss.


My point is that just by doing normal stuff that I enjoy, my cxp levels were humming along nicely. I plan to do the Illum/rotch/oricon/sor stories as well, so I look forward to see what my cxp level will be after that. I didn't go out of my way to kill golds because not worth it, and I noticed quest bonuses didn't reward cxp. Overall I'm not unhappy with story cxp so far.

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I agree the balance for story payout is utterly stuffed.


I thought to level to 70 first so I could enjoy the story whilst getting relevant gear drops ( possibly ) since that's always a nice thing to do in games however I've done the first 7 chapters and gained 4 bloody GC levels and 1 of which I boosted from doing an uprising.


Considering how much more uprisings pay now and will do in the future for "10 minutes of play" compared to the length of chapters something is well out of wack.


Meh not surprised though, this entire system is the worst thing I've experienced in gaming and that's before the RNG aspect of it.


This game isn't solo based anymore, it isn't group based any more ... it's just grind based and that is all.

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The KotFE & KotET chapters are 200 cxp for story mode. I think there is a bonus for taking them through the cg interface, though I haven't tried yet so I'm not sure. All other quests (class, planetary, side, older expansions, etc.) only give out 20 cxp even though many of them are quite long. If your GF is like me, she is finishing up old stories and getting next to nothing for her effort. You might want to craft her up some decent armor and give her the fluff items from your crates so she doesn't give up...


I think it must be because we didn't go through the CG interface, wihich is a pretty stupid thing to implement considering I get the same amount of CXP from queueing for pvp in the normal way or through the GC.

Shes actually my daughter and has 12 x lvl 65s, there is no finishing off class quests/planet, because she's been playing for years and done everything in the game.

She actually crafts stuff for me because I'm pvp only. The only reason I did the story with her was because she wanted to hang out together. Nothing like a bit of mother/daughter time :)

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That's odd... I'm pretty sure my sorcerer was getting 20 CXP for all planetary and class bonus quests.


Hmm odd, I made a point to check those and the ones I looked at only offered credits (at lvl 70) so I ignored them. By bonus quests I mean the typical kill x number of mobs that gets tacked onto the occasional planet/story quests. If some do offer cxp then I'll definitely do them.

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Heroics yield massively more cxp than story quests.


which goes to show just how little story chapters award, since heroics are not exactly fast way to farm CXP either. in fact of all the solo only options, the only one that is half way decent (while still being considerably slower then other options) is running storymode flashpoints that are not Star Fortresses (since Star fortress "bosses" don't drop flashpoint cxp tokens, while storymode flashpoints with the droid - do. which is hillarious, since droid assisted flashpoints are much easier and faster to run)


the whole system is a disbalanced mess.

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Yes Story Chapters should have more CXP to balance them against heroics.


Heroics have more CXP, credits, alliance crates, rep tokens. Sometimes they have a nice amount of champion mobs, and they often have bonus objectives. The CXP keeps increasing.

Whereas Story Chapters at most have a elites which only award 1 CXP.


Story Chapters should have more CXP to make them more viable.

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Yes for me, I am relying on gear from gtn, the gcx comes slower and slower. The crates are few and far between and usually do not drop what I need, so it is the gtn for me. The system does not, in practice, exist for me. Basically, I have had to decide that system is not there. The gcx rank bar barely moves.


The 20 gcx for a heroic is rather paltry and relative to the gcx needed as time goes on, it is truly sad.


I'm not unsubbing, I'll make do with 228 from the gtn. But people who are into the endgame? I cannot imagine many are pleased.

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I don't know about the other flashpoints, but Esseles & BT bonuses haven't been awarding any. My 7 year old has started playing and he likes to run those a lot. :eek:


flashpoint bonus quests don't award CXP. but bonus bosses DO drop the CXP boost tokens, so the bonuses that summon extra bosses are worth doing if CXP is the goal

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So I'm normally a pvp only person. But my girl is story only and convinced me to come do some story with her. I kept wondering why her CXP was so low until I did the story.

You basically get zero CXP for doing story. WTH Bio??

I can understand you wanted to nerf gold stars so people wouldn't farm them, but why would you nerf them in the actual story instances??

Anyway, CXP in story is terrible. If I only ever did story I wouldn't be happy. The grind to get CXP that way will be so bad you'll never ever get to 100 CXP, let alone 300 CXP.

The Devs could fix this by giving a boosted amount of CXP for completing a chapter, then the gold stars could stay as they are.

What do story only people think?


lol yeah, it was funny for me to be doing Veteran mode KOTFE where the trash mobs hit for 30k and u get 1 cxp for the Elite Zakuul night whom i reflected 20k hits on my Mercs reflect! Its silly actually.


BUT there is a work around, use a stealther to complete chapter 1 over and over, takes 6 minutes and its good cxp with the boost for chapters and cxp boost.

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