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Possible to do Dread Master storyline without operation?


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The Dread Masters aren't possessed, they're corrupted by Fear and the Dark Side. Their mental state is a homicidal hive mind gestalt, not infection by external sentients.



The dread masters went renegade due to a few factors.

- they themselves are linked to each other because of the phobos device.

- they were imprisoned on belsavis by a single jedi master.

- the emperor no longer gave any instruction for them and they decided to create their own dominion instead on oricon once they were free of belsavis.

- during the operations they used the full knowledge of fear and due to their corrupted darkside through the phobos device they lacked any moral restraint of any type except to each other. they went insane.

- at the end of the second operation it becomes clear that the union through the device was more painful for each of them as they admitted that they can finally rest and put an end to the madness that drove them.

- if you are republic aligned, one of the former dreadmasters had full knowledge of what he did but without the others and the link, he was more harmless and confused wondering what to do next.

- each one of these sith turned dreadmasters left behind a lot; family, status, morality, everything to serve the emperor and each other.

- the dreadmasters also tried to break revan a long time back, at that point half of revan focused on the force and the others side went insane trapped in this body. it is only when an imperial strike team defeated revan on the foundry did the good part of revan stay in the force, the dark half remained in the body and the madness continued through revan and eventually the revanites when they militarized. in effect SoR is the aftermath of the dreadmaster crisis and the one last corrupting influence of theirs to take care of.


Edited by Celise
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You don't have to wait for them to be available on group finder. If you have a group, just walk in. And also if you have timezone issues, might can be a good idea to transfer at least 1 of your toons to a server more suitable for you.


I didn't even think about a server transfer. That's a good idea that I might use. Thanks!

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Oh or do you mean have I done them with groups? Because nope I literally NEVER play with anybody. I think I played with some guy for a few days one time about 2 years ago and thats pretty much it xD I only play for the story. Not nearly keyboard savvy enough for multiplayer stuff I'd just die all the time. This is the only game I play with keyboard and mouse lol it really isn't my area xD


Right, I meant that they weren't much more difficult than grouped flashpoints.


If the character you wanted to take through it is Empire, you really haven't missed anything. It's only on the Republic side that you miss out.



On the Republic side Lord Calphayus (the only Dread Master to survive the battle at the Dread Palace) shows up at the Republic base camp and tries to surrender. You're given an option to either accept it and turn him over to the Jedi, suggesting a possible redemption, or kill him.


Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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