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Iokath's origins


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So i've been curious about this since this planet popped out. There's so little said about it when iokath and it's species are very interesting. So far as we know Iokath rulers where controlling huge amount of wild space and propably unknown regions. According ro Aries words: "3000 years ago my creators deployed these weapons on randomly-selected worlds. Their mission was to conduct war games with local populations" they were playing with their war games around 6000 BBY, 1000 years before great hyperspace war but during time of both Old Republic and first Sith Empire when they didn't even know about each other. So they didn't find any trails of Republic or Sith? Or they deciced that both are too powerful? Which is very unlikely since they created a fleet that is able to rape whole galaxy 3000 years later...maybe their war prevented their invasion on Republic or Sith. My first bet on Iokath creators was on Celestials but that also seems unlikely due to the fact that they're extinct from a long time, definitely these builders where humanoids because their whole tech, ships and iokath almost perfectly fits humans. One thing is sure, iokath is strange and it's origins are even stranger. What do you think guys about iokath? Maybe we missed something in already existing Legends/EU history.
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Well the technolith lord entries tell us that the principal reasons for the wargames was to develop a weapon system - the Fleet etc - capable of defending the creators' eternal home: Iokath. They built Iokath to create a perpetually secure home for their species, essentially isolated from the galaxy.


I'd like to think we'all return or learn more about it in the future - there are still lots of questions about the Gravestone, the Eternal Fleet and Iokath.

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