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Help with final fight with Arcann veteran mode.


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Can someone give my a bottom line walk through of the final fight with Arcann, in "The battle of Odessan" in Veteran mode Or, a redirect to another thread? I can't seem to find anything on google or on tor website. The thread can even be of a SM version.


My class/spec are Gunslinger and Dirty Fighting. I can survive up until the point of him spamming lightning, pretty easily. Once that happens, I use my shield, I walk up to him to bash him with it, then I die. This has happened 15 times.


I feel like it'd be tremendously a lot easier if the game wasn't spazzing out all the time. Even with a 1070, I am dealing with choppy gameplay which hinders my ability to be faster. Not to mention dsync issues and lag.


Anyways, I can anticipate trashy gameplay and act accordingly, but I could really use a guide of sorts.



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I did it on my Sniper a week ago, and had to use several attempts as well. For the bit you talk about, the "trick" is to ensure you don't push him below 20-25% until you're in a good position facing the current orbs. Popping Hunker Down should also help you stay close to Arcann even when he tries to push you back.


The next bit is even worse though. My only "solution" was to keep on repeating it, and make sure you don't reach boss too fast.

As you walk up to the boss, there will be orbs firing at you, and if you stand too close to boss their angle on you will be too large and they'll hit you clean rather than hit the shield.

Edited by MFollin
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