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Noxious Knives NOT spreading Corrosive Dart


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In Operative Lethality spec, according to the ability descriptions, Noxious Knives is supposed to spread the Corrisive Dart's DOT to other enemies as long as it hits an enemy effected by the DOT. It's obviously the replacement for Carbine Burst.


Well, this ability is very, very inconsistent. I've done a dozen tests on groups and in every single one, an enemy is missed. They are in range (as evident by them taking damage from the Noxious Knives ability itself), it hits a target already effected by Corrosive Dart, but does not spread to all enemies hit. It appears to only spread to the first enemy hit in some cases, or in others, to none at all.


Additionally, the ability's cone is not as wide as the animation suggests! Carbine Burst and this ability are really NOT effective methods of spreading the DOT regardless of this bug - but with this bug, it makes the spec extremely annoying to play.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would like to report that this still is a problem. I noticed that a lot of targets who should have gotten the dot didn't take periodic damge so I did a test. I sent my companion away so it was only me and two droids which were almost on top of eachother (the two at the entrance to the imperial weekly "Glitch"). I applied corrosive Dart to the first and used the knives. The second droid took damage, so the knives did hit it, but it did not get the dot as it should have.

This is a base ability of the class, we need this to work so we can fulfill our roles properly. Please acknowledge and fix this.

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  • 4 weeks later...
So, this is what I've noticed. The enemies you want the dart to spread to should be the first people you hit. In other words, the person with Corrosive Dart should be the last person you hit with the knives in order to spread it. This should not be the case obviously. But that seems to be the "consistent" way of spreading the DoT.
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