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A list of weapons for classes.


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As I put this in the suggestion box and not a frak was given, I'll put it here too since more people tend to read here.


Dual-phase Lightsaber. A saber that can increase it's size by double and go back down again. I think this would be a great weapon for Juggernauts and Guardians. And if not dual phase, then great sabers or light clubs. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Lightclub They were lightsabers but instead of the standard Meter and a half saber, they had blades 3 meters in length. Would be kinda wild for this class and a great stand alone weapon just for them.


Blaster Carbines. Basicall think that a blaster rifle is akin to any main battle rifle of today, say an M-16. A carbine ofcourse is an SMG MP-5 or a Beretta CX4 Storm, or say a smaller rifle like an M-4. I think this would be a great weapon for the Operative so they are not lugging around this large rifle(which I don't think suits them at all) instead they get a smaller more compact version which would make more sense for an operative to have.


Heavy blaster. This weapon would be more for the Power Tech and Scoundrel. Basically a bigger, harder hitting blaster than is carried by the gunslinger and Merc. Trades RoF for heavier hitting blaster bolts. Example of a heavy blaster: Han Solo's DHL-44. Light blaster example Leia's blaster from Return of the Jedi.


Assault rifle: Basically the best way to describe this, is the BFG from Doom. Basically single shot, massive damage rifle. Instead of going "Bang bang bang" like a standard rifle or "HAIL OF BLASTER FIRE!" like the Assault cannon, this gun just goes "BANG!!!!". I think it would be a nice weapon for the Vanguard to have since IMHO should of had the damn assault cannon since you don't give the fully auto suppression weapon to the guy who could be a combat medic for pete's sake. But if we can't give the Vanguard the spray and pray weapon, we can sure as hell give him the BFG.


Light whip: An Iconic weapon from legends which I think should make it's way into the game would be a nice offbeat weapon for a Sith Sorcerer.


Shield Gauntlet: This is for the Sage. Since they don't believe in violence, and spend most of their time not even using the saber in combat in this game, this would be an offbeat way to still give them something to defend against blaster bolts with while focusing more on using the force. Ofcourse a sage could still use a saber in-lieu of the shield gauntlet, but I think it would be kinda cool to have one on a sage since you're more supposed to sit back and use your force powers anyways. Basic saber strike would become the sage using hand to hand or using the shield to bash his opponent. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Shield_gauntlet



Just some ideas to get some more unique weapons into the game for some classes that never really graduate to a new weapons.

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