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Ideas to better incorporate the RNG system and improve gearing


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Hi all, i know this has been a big subject past few days, and there have been many suggestions to change/remove/fix etc the "galactic command" rng gearing system. Now, i have a few tweaks that I think. would help make it better.


1: Bring back unassembled pieces that can be traded for set bonus gear. This is a MUST for ops, and many have suggested this already. Unassembled pieces were honestly one of my favorite ways to gear, as you knew which bosses would drop which pieces and such.


2: Bring back "elite" comm vendors (yeh i still call the mid range gear elite lol). Why? Simple, have each command crate give 1 elite comm/token, which can be transferred to legacy toons, or used on the current character. This is a two birds with one stone solution, if you are getting very unlucky, like some of my guild friends at command rank 30, and not getting any gear better than 230 (i.e "elite" rating stuff) then you can use those comms to buy some gear straight up from a vendor. So with this, atleast the grind is not 100% RNG, as after a few crates you are guaranteed to get a piece of good gear with tokens. Prices could start at 8 comms for chestpiece, 10 for main/offhand, 4 for everything else (for example). These tokens could be given to alts if the current character does not need the gear, saving you from grinding up to a similar command level as your main character just to start having a chance of getting gear to do the same content your main character can (talking about higher tier pve).


3. Give command crates/gear for achievements. Now, think of it like this. You are a new player, and completed say...The false emperor on SM for the first time. Due to the RNG system, you get disapointed you got no fancy loot from that new and hard boss fight (from the perspective of a new player). Now, this player will get an achievement for doing this, and that achievement should grant a piece of gear (230) as a bonus. For us veteran players who have already completed such achievements, it could be retroactive and give us a crate (only for SM ones, as doing it for all difficulties could get out of hand). Now this is just a random idea i had, not sure how well it would work so dont be too harsh :) They could also be awarded for completing Kotfe/KotET chapters on Veteran through the achievement system, which i think would be a better idea. As it would make them more rewarding for both veterans and new players.


So I hope you guys like these ideas, I am only trying to throw out some ideas to make this system better. Ive been using it for 3 characters, and while it is fun, it should NOT be the main/only way to get good gear. Before you ask, yes, i am a crafter, i craft everything (yes everything, all disciplines, still levelling half of them, other half is done). Now, if Unassembled pieces were to return, and a mid range gear vendor were to be added (suggestions 1 and 2) i believe this would greatly improve the gearing for 5.0. 3 is more of a fun idea :)


Thanks for reading, and who knows, maybe some similar changes may actually happen.

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With all due respect, we made all these suggestions back when 5.0 was in beta, and many more. They did not listen then, and will not listen in the future. Don't waste your breath. My advice, unsub like the rest of us. Only way to get them to change.
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With all due respect, we made all these suggestions back when 5.0 was in beta, and many more. They did not listen then, and will not listen in the future. Don't waste your breath. My advice, unsub like the rest of us. Only way to get them to change.


I was not aware that beta players had these specific suggestions, apologies.


I will be unsubbing, as i usually only sub during expansion time (which is during my holiday time) after that, I dont have emuch time to play the game anyway. I just hate seeing this game go form such a brilliant, hassle free easy to understand gear system, to plain RNG like a mobile game. Even worse, I've seen people defending it? I am fairly new to the forums, i rarely come on here, so that is why I may have missed a lot of beta related posts.

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