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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ben just unironically called RNG "exciting"


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Did you seriously just imply that people who enjoy gambling are smarter than people who don't? Because that's the opposite of true.


Yes, we know what gambling is. Yes, we know a lot of people do find it exciting. A lot of people are extremely reward-sensitive. A lot of us aren't, and a lot of us are smart enough to know that when the odds are stacked against you actually getting those rewards, wasting your time/money trying to get them is stupid and unfulfilling. 'Gambling = fun' is by no means a universal truth. The devs don't appear to understand this, and that's part of the problem.


Seems that the people for whom gambling==fun are exactly the target audience BW is aiming for. Considering that a big deal of their money come from CM boxes this actually makes sense.

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Apparently you've never heard of gambling. There is excitement in wondering where ones luck will land on the draw. Obliviously a philosophy above the pay grade of some.


I've heard of gambling, and the excitement is NOT automatic. Some people are sufficiently evolved to not fall prey to baseline dopamine responses triggered by pixels.


Some people are able to see through the response Bioware are exploiting and see RNG for what it is: lazy, cheap, unimaginative game design - game design that really belongs to 5+ years ago.


Game design that Bioware have already failed at - spectacularly - and had to spend resources on fixing.


All The Best

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