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The Dark Agent


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The rise of a dark agent

Agent Karajan

Imperial Intelligence archive, File #13


On the stormy world of Dromund Kaas, rain falling hard, fast and with great force with the globs of water so large almost the size of golf balls. overhead the clouds are a light with constant light and noise with the occasional arcing electrical discharge hitting the ground nearby.


The sounds of footsteps echo off the metal floor and surrounding metal outdoor structures, typical grey walkways held up by supports running under the middle of the walkways and deep into rock far below. generic street lights giving off a sickly bright light in an otherwise dull light during the daytime on Dromund Kaas.


The footsteps kept echoing as they finally came to a stop, a young man, dark in color with a purple dyed hair and full beard awaits orders from his training master. The training master is stood at attention with his arms behind his back, a typical cardboard imperial with an equally dull approach to instructing this young agent, an aging balding man with horseshoe greying hair, thin with handlebars mustache and almost as pale as a Rattataki.


He started instructing this young agent; a tall man with bulging muscles, a scar running across his face from the left side of his nose to the right side of his cheek just short of the ear and milky blue eyes.


"It is time you learned how to put your field training to use, son. If you fail to complete your mission it will not be me or the Imperial academy that is at fault.. Just to make that clear!"


"Yes sir."


"Good. Now your final piece of training, you will learn how to file orders, son. There is an extraordinary amount of paperwork in clean up operations."


The training officer pulls out an imperial pad and taps a few buttons and gives it to the young agent.


"So this is what i have to fill out each time i complete a mission, sir?"


"Correct. I suggest you don't forget it as being a cipher agent one day, your watcher will be keeping tabs on your progress."


"Very well sir. But one last thing you should know.."


"What is that, son?"


The young agent pulls out his blaster and suddenly aims and fires a round into the training officers leg before the training officer could even comprehend what is going on.


"Next time you won't waste my time! That scar you gave me is something i won't soon forget. You should also know that i had filed a report with command about that incident and now it is my turn to return the favor and waste your time. What you do from here is your choice, either way i am done here."


As the training officer looks up at the young agent in his eyes, showing all the signs of anger, disgust and a feeling of betrayal mixed with doses of severe pain as the training agent looks down at his injured leg and grabs it with both hands frantically. Meanwhile the young agent looks up and walks away casually from what he did and never gave it a second thought.

Edited by Celise
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Hatred of Force users

Cipher agent 7 (Karajan)

Imperial Intelligence archive, file #57


In a brightly lit grey room, on a medical bed surrounded by medical displays with lots of flickering lights and noises Karajan woke up and immediately rose, he got on his feet and checked himself for wounds but found a few healed burn marks on his left side as Kaliyo walked into the room, her pale complexion in direct clashing contrast to her dark make up on her face, she walked over to a nearby bed and sat on it and looked at the agent. Karajan returned a look of bright rage in his eyes that made Kaliyo excited.


"That Sith Jadus is going to pay for what he did to me, mark my work Kaliyo he will die for what he did to me.."


Karajan's hand deliberately hit some medical beakers on a small mobile table as the beakers flew across the room and hit the lower part of the opposite wall and smashed into pieces.


"Agent, you can take that Sith. Just tell me when your ready and we can show them what we are made of but i honestly don't care as long as i get my money at the end of the day."


"That's just it Kaliyo, what makes you so free and the ability for you to do all these bad things is why i really like you. But i don't expect you to do this for free, killing Jadus won't be easy."


"Yeah well, when your ready i will be outside waiting for you to come."


Kaliyo drops off the bed and walks out of the room without a second glance to the agent. Meanwhile Karajan accesses the medical display next to him and hacks through to intelligence and discovers there is far more than one Sith that has committed treason which made him more angry and resolved. Karajan began cursing under his own breath.


"These Sith will pay for destroying the empire and putting their agenda before the empire, i swear it. The Jedi can go with them as well. I will show the galaxy that you don't need the force to beat this scum into the earth.."


Karajan leans up, drops the medical console, stamps his foot on it twice, he then strokes the scar on his face and then walks out of the room with a renewed sense of revenge.

Edited by Celise
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Own agenda and free man

Former Agent Karajan

Former Imperial intelligence Archives, file #155


On the emperors space station, Karajan is fighting Darth Malgus, using his physical abilities he managed to knock Malgus back a few steps by sheer strength before delivering the fatal shot to his chest from his sniper rifle. Malgus dropped to the floor instantly as his lightsaber extinguished it's beam. Karajan walked around on the catwalk between two deep drops to the bottom of the station near the steps to the emperors throne and behind that a window to explosions and flying green and red energy rounds in a chaotic swirl.


Karajan stood besides a half dead Malgus who took off his rebreather mask as Karajan got on his knees and looked at Malgus, his face with twisted flesh from an old injury fighting Jace Malcom and Satele Shan on Alderaan, running from his left temple all the way down the side of his neck, the further down it goes the more deeper the twisted scarred flesh gets. Malgus looks at Karajan as he grasps for any air he can get.


"You have beaten me today, hehe. Darth Jadus was right to fear you and now i know why. My new empire is dead and so is my new future for the empire."


"I don't care for the empire or your failed empire Malgus, you are just another pathetic lapdog that pretends to be something different, but like the others your just as weak and as foolish. You never had a chance which is good enough for me."


"You have changed. The reports i read about you tell a different story. A Story of an agent loyal to intelligence."


"When Jadus killed me and had me revived he opened my eyes to the truth. You force users are all the same, you got powers but lack discipline to use it correctly. You are just another dead Sith by my hands and one more is one step closer to my goal."


"What goal?"


"The eradication of every force user in the galaxy. The galaxy doesn't need your kind and i am proving that everyday when i kill Sith and Jedi alike. If there should be another group out there to possess this power like the Voss, they will die as well."


"hehe, your goal is admirable and almost Sith like in cruelty, planning and ability. Full of deceit and heavy handed. But even so your shackles of the past are broken. You are no longer one of them any more."


Malgus draws his last few breaths and dies. Karajan stands up pulls out his blaster and fires it into Malgus's head for good measure, Karajan then turns his head towards the window to see how the battle goes and mutters to himself.


"One more dead sith, good. But this empire is not worth saving any more, to hell with it."


Kaliyo runs out of the docking tube and frantically waves over to the agent to leave as the agent checks the countdown timer to station self destruct and quickly runs down the stairs and into the docking tube.

Edited by Celise
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