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why do I automatically target my companion in fights?


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Why is it that I am targeting my companion when I start a fight? (I do have the mob targeted and I am hitting it) It is like they are a secondary target and when I go to cleanse something off myself it cleanses my companion, Unlike previously that if had a mob targeted it would just cleanse myself no other target. It is annoying and frustrating if this change was implemented in the last patch. If not and it is a setting where the hell do I go to fix it up?.
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I have this issue for nearly a year now too. First is was mostly only my companion, then it changed to group members in flashpoints, in uprisings I constantly target group members that its hard to fight groups because half the time my spells obviously dont fire at group members.


Seems to be related to the bug in chapter 8 where Im constantly targeting alliance member NPCs when in range of them. This game doesnt have autotarget so this is a bug that the devs dont care about because they dont play.

Edited by Zasszz
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lol i keep targeting my group members all he time... automatically >.>


I am not sure what you are implying here but I am talking about companion's not group members which I am under the assumption that you are talking about when you are in a party with other players.

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I am not sure what you are implying here but I am talking about companion's not group members which I am under the assumption that you are talking about when you are in a party with other players.

When alone it happens with companions, when in group it happens with group members.

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This bug has been around since before release. Randomly when an enemy dies, your companion or a group member will be targetted. It also happens when someone heals you and you have no target, but it isn't a prerequisite for this happening. In a patch shortly after KotFE a variation of this bug was actually fixed, but this particular one probably never will be, seeing how old it is.
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it a bugg that was introduced back in 2.0 they acknolwned the bugg and said they were working for fix way back then, it has since not been fixed like so many buggs..


This the one bug I want fixed and if I had to choice only one bug to be fixed it would be this...


Sorc bubble you? you just targeted that Sorc

Someone killed something with AOE you just target that person that use the AOE.


There are many things that trigger this to happen


It really infuriating in WZ and OPS

Edited by Kyuuu
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it a bugg that was introduced back in 2.0 they acknolwned the bugg and said they were working for fix way back then, it has since not been fixed like so many buggs..


This the one bug I want fixed and if I had to choice only one bug to be fixed it would be this...


Sorc bubble you? you just targeted that Sorc

Someone killed something with AOE you just target that person that use the AOE.


There are many things that trigger this to happen


It really infuriating in WZ and OPS



It was in the game way before 2.0. Complained about this in beta testing so it should be fixed any time now.

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It was in the game way before 2.0. Complained about this in beta testing so it should be fixed any time now.

really? i noticed once 2.0 hit cause i never had the issue before 2.0, Either way it will never be fixed cause BW can only add bugg and fix exploits or Cartel issues, and actual bug to hard to fix

Edited by Kyuuu
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really? i noticed once 2.0 hit cause i never had the issue before 2.0, Either way it will never be fixed cause BW can only add bugg and fix exploits or Cartel issues, and actual bug to hard to fix

You've been lucky then, it's definitely a bug as old as the game itself. 2.0 may have added more ways to trigger it. Regardless of the age of this issue though, it doesn't change the fact it's been around for way too long, and you're right in that if it hasn't been fixed yet it's unlikely it ever will be. It's not impossible though; they did finally fix that "weapon stuck in hand after using it to destroy mission glowies" bug in a lot of cases. Exception to confirm the rule probably.

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You've been lucky then, it's definitely a bug as old as the game itself. 2.0 may have added more ways to trigger it. Regardless of the age of this issue though, it doesn't change the fact it's been around for way too long, and you're right in that if it hasn't been fixed yet it's unlikely it ever will be. It's not impossible though; they did finally fix that "weapon stuck in hand after using it to destroy mission glowies" bug in a lot of cases. Exception to confirm the rule probably.


you probably right 2.0 is probably when I started seeing cause it probably when they add more triggers too it.


There is hope i guess.


Lightsabers with effect were bugged for 3+ years and ninja patched in last year?? how ever slim the chance of them fixing


Even funny is the supposdely fix it so we dont auto target compainions back in 2015 only for them to break it. Q/A in this game in non existant


Imagine if someone could exploit this bug to break things big time. It would be fixed tomorrow...


Instant fix would happen if auto targeting was some how a perk and or related to CS cause you had to buy it. it would instantly fixed cause it CS related.

Edited by Kyuuu
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