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Difference between Leveling XP and Command XP


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When I started this game (5 years ago) I found that I would have to Level each Character to 50 before the Gear race would start. And if I remember correctly, I was given a full set of Lvl 50 gear for my class/subclass. Then I could start the scrabble for more gear.


In the Leveling process, I noticed that the amount of xp I would need for the next Level was lots greater than for the last. Luckily ;) though, the amount of XP I gained per mission also was proportionately greater, so it came out that each level took approximately the same amount of play time.


And now out of the Unknown Reaches comes CXP. Just like LXP, it takes substantially more CXP for each level as you go up. Unluckily :confused: the amount of CXP you get for "whatever" is fixed, and so the time between Command Levels increases as you go up. For me this is depressing. I have only 1 Char at Level 5. It took way Longer to get from 4 to 5 than from 3 to 4 (Partly because of the Gold Nerf. I also noticed that the Champions went from 20 to 0. This fact makes me tired and looks like work instead of play


It is like the Mountain is getting higher as the Ground is sinking. I do not like it. :mad:


The RNG has not been "worthless". It has been kinda fair for a Command Level 5 char.

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Yeah, the lack of CXP gained for doing anything is insanely low.


If you don't do flashpoints, ops or PVP you also have to wait days for it to roll around to the bonus being on something you do as well. It needs a total revamp to be more in line with say, gaining legacy levels which was already far slower then leveling anyways.

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CXP doesn't scale exponentially like leveling xp.


Right now, at level 300(the cap, although you keep gaining levels) the CXP for another level is 5k.




Its heavily weighted towards warzones and uprisings though, which give around 500 each and are fairly short.

Edited by Vandicus
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when did they nerf champions to 0? I don't remember that in the patch notes!


I've noticed the past two days that I'm not getting any loot from Champions either (I mean any, like at all; they just die and then disappear). I'm hoping this is a bug and they'll correct it.

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Well Sh*t! Way to force PVP on us. Elites and Champions were the mainstay of PVE gains. Now a Heroic is guaranteed 20CXP only, and 1 crate instead of 2, there's no point in doing them, or, I imagine, Ops.


I will still do them for the cash but yeah, not much point in doing them for cxp.

And someone in their infinite wisdom decided to make STORY MODE uprisings, group content. The whole purpose of story mode was supposed to be so that people could solo this stuff for the story. I had my fill of PUGs during the DvL event. Never. Again. Still just as insane as it's always been. Give me solo / duo with a friend any day over the crap of rage quitters and what not.

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when did they nerf champions to 0? I don't remember that in the patch notes!


I really don't know. Know that yesterday I killed 3 champions in 2 Heroics and got no cxp for them. Have not done any since.

Edited by Wahala
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I will still do them for the cash but yeah, not much point in doing them for cxp.

And someone in their infinite wisdom decided to make STORY MODE uprisings, group content. The whole purpose of story mode was supposed to be so that people could solo this stuff for the story. I had my fill of PUGs during the DvL event. Never. Again. Still just as insane as it's always been. Give me solo / duo with a friend any day over the crap of rage quitters and what not.


Amen sister!

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CXP doesn't scale exponentially like leveling xp.


Right now, at level 300(the cap, although you keep gaining levels) the CXP for another level is 5k.




Its heavily weighted towards warzones and uprisings though, which give around 500 each and are fairly short.


It is not as vertical as XP but like 1=1 2=609? 3=955" 4= ????? 5= 12xx (I don't remember exact numbers) But even if it is only 10%, it is a Longer grind for each rank ... till you get to the top of course. I noticed the time difference.

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It is not as vertical as XP but like 1=1 2=609? 3=955" 4= ????? 5= 12xx (I don't remember exact numbers) But even if it is only 10%, it is a Longer grind for each rank ... till you get to the top of course. I noticed the time difference.


Its not exponential. There's a table here.




The absolute change declines over time until its almost static. The time difference will be noticeable but not huge, like it takes around 40% longer at level 300 than level 30.

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