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RNG is perfect for SWTOR and I'll explain why.


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You may want to eat those words since he didn't become Creative Director till July of 2016. He was still lead writer through November 2015 by which time the story for KotFE was already written.


Here's a link for you http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4610972/


So really, I guess we can't take you seriously then.


IMDB is your source? Really? For one, if you actually took the time to read it, you'd know that distinction of "lead writer" is vague as it's applied to every expansion that has released for SWTOR. Hall Hood was the actual lead writer for ROTHC (he wrote the story). Charles Boyd also was not the lead writer on SOR. Really, there were actual promotional videos who showed you who was actually writing these expansions.


How about we actually use a credible source?




Here's your problem. All of the writers who wrote class stories were given the designation of "lead writer." Here's Hall Hood's page as an example:




The lead writer for KOTFE and KOTET is actually Ian Ryan (watch the credits for KOTFE and KOTET if you don't believe me), who received assistance from various other writers on the writing team. Charles Boyd was never responsible for any of the story. Again, get your facts straight.

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you are failing to read

when in that post did i say "yup even 4.0 had operations as priority" i simply said they haven't been forgotten. they were changes some i agree was just rehashing content but there were changes.

stop twisting things it makes you even harder to take seriously.


When did I ever state old operations were forgotten? What I did say is operations, meaning new content, is not a priority and hasn't been for two years. BioWare is not interested in investing in content that provides little monetary value. This isn't a surprise to anyone, except for raiders apparently. Raids aren't a money maker and they are far too costly to develop. BioWare has changed tactics and is focusing on other aspects of the game. In this case, story has been the primary focus for two years.

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When did I ever state old operations were forgotten? What I did say is operations, meaning new content, is not a priority and hasn't been for two years. BioWare is not interested in investing in content that provides little monetary value. This isn't a surprise to anyone, except for raiders apparently. Raids aren't a money maker and they are far too costly to develop. BioWare has changed tactics and is focusing on other aspects of the game. In this case, story has been the primary focus for two years.


Sounds fishy.

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People who don't raid not need top gear. The point raiding is to get sweet drops that no one has or few have in the game. The people who don't raid should want the raiders gear. It keep people wanting more. it's like this we go to school to make more money not make the same amount. So apply this to raiding exactly there's no reason the r exactly there's no reason to raid lol
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People who don't raid not need top gear. The point raiding is to get sweet drops that no one has or few have in the game. The people who don't raid should want the raiders gear. It keep people wanting more. it's like this we go to school to make more money not make the same amount. So apply this to raiding exactly there's no reason the r exactly there's no reason to raid lol


Raiders don't need top tier gear either... There are already raid groups who have completed Master Mode Operations in 224 rating gear. Top tier gear has never been a necessity for raiding. Just like in all aspects of the game, gear is a luxury.


The point of raiding is to accomplish and complete content few others have in the game. It has nothing to do specifically with getting the best gear in the game. Generally, some of the best gear traditionally has been found in raids, but there has never been some unspoken truth that the best gear can only come from raids. In Star Wars Galaxies, as an example, to achieve BiS gear as a Jedi, you had to do crafting, raiding, PvP, and grind dangerous mobs for rare holocrons.


No one truly needs the best gear in the game. Folks only want it. For whatever reason, raiders believe they are entitled to the best and others shouldn't have their shinnies. I really don't see what raiders lose if other players who don't raid also have quality gear. There are still rare mounts, titles, and other items that are exclusively in raids.

Edited by Aowin
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People who don't raid not need top gear. The point raiding is to get sweet drops that no one has or few have in the game. The people who don't raid should want the raiders gear. It keep people wanting more. it's like this we go to school to make more money not make the same amount. So apply this to raiding exactly there's no reason the r exactly there's no reason to raid lol
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For whatever reason, raiders believe they are entitled to the best and others shouldn't have their shinnies. I really don't see what raiders lose if other players who don't raid also have quality gear. .


Many raiders have consistently said that they don't want others to be excluded from BIS gear. I am one of them. I won't deny that some have expressed that sentiment, but that does not make it an accurate representation of all raiders.

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Many raiders have consistently said that they don't want others to be excluded from BIS gear. I am one of them. I won't deny that some have expressed that sentiment, but that does not make it an accurate representation of all raiders.


My point is raiding was never originally about having the "best gear." It was about downing bosses nobody else in the game could down. Again, nobody actually needs BiS gear, not even raiders. It's a luxury for everybody. Thus, it's silly that some would like to prevent others from having better gear. There is literally no rational explanation for excluding players from better gear.


Galactic Command has given everybody a shot at top tier gear. With the steps BioWare is taking to further placate PvPers and raiders, BioWare will need to do something for those who do not run operations or participate in warzones.

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When did I ever state old operations were forgotten? What I did say is operations, meaning new content, is not a priority and hasn't been for two years. BioWare is not interested in investing in content that provides little monetary value. This isn't a surprise to anyone, except for raiders apparently. Raids aren't a money maker and they are far too costly to develop. BioWare has changed tactics and is focusing on other aspects of the game. In this case, story has been the primary focus for two years.


That's why this game has had success when delivering operations in a timely manner (RotHC, and early SoR) and had it's most spectacular failures when ignoring them (post launch, late SoR, KotFE, and KotET)? And before you try to argue KotFE was a success, it was this game's biggest failure since launch by a large margin. You had Star Wars at the highest point it will probably ever reach, and a multimillion Blur Trailer for advertising and the best they could do was the same revenue that SoR had. This was further shown when it was followed by far the most tepid number rise in an expansion in KotFE's sequel expansion.

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That's why this game has had success when delivering operations in a timely manner (RotHC, and early SoR) and had it's most spectacular failures when ignoring them (post launch, late SoR, KotFE, and KotET)? And before you try to argue KotFE was a success, it was this game's biggest failure since launch by a large margin. You had Star Wars at the highest point it will probably ever reach, and a multimillion Blur Trailer for advertising and the best they could do was the same revenue that SoR had. This was further shown when it was followed by far the most tepid number rise in an expansion in KotFE's sequel expansion.


Revisionist history. Whether you liked it or not, KOTFE had the highest consecutive subscriber base of any expansion in the entire life cycle of SWTOR. ROTHC and SOR were both financial disappointments, which is why BioWare turned away from operations, flashpoints, and daily zones as a means of creating content. The pivot back to story is because the game was bleeding subscribers at an increasingly regular rate and BioWare needed to soft reboot the game. This is why KOTFE and KOTET were created.

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Revisionist history. Whether you liked it or not, KOTFE had the highest consecutive subscriber base of any expansion in the entire life cycle of SWTOR. ROTHC and SOR were both financial disappointments, which is why BioWare turned away from operations, flashpoints, and daily zones as a means of creating content. The pivot back to story is because the game was bleeding subscribers at an increasingly regular rate and BioWare needed to soft reboot the game. This is why KOTFE and KOTET were created.


What is your source for these statements? Please point the rest of us to your data. I would like to see it for myself.

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Revisionist history. Whether you liked it or not, KOTFE had the highest consecutive subscriber base of any expansion in the entire life cycle of SWTOR.


At launch, there is nothing to say the overall subscribers for the life cycle of 4.0 out performed previous expansions in subscriber numbers.



ROTHC and SOR were both financial disappointments


As proven by?

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Whether you liked it or not, KOTFE had the highest consecutive subscriber base of any expansion in the entire life cycle of SWTOR.


That's what happens when you make it so that an expansion is free with a sub instead of buy to pay. Still didn't make them any more money than SoR even though they had Star Wars hype (which was by far the driving factor).


ROTHC and SOR were both financial disappointments, which is why BioWare turned away from operations, flashpoints, and daily zones as a means of creating content. The pivot back to story is because the game was bleeding subscribers at an increasingly regular rate and BioWare needed to soft reboot the game. This is why KOTFE and KOTET were created.


So if ROTHC and SOR were financial disappointments, I wonder what KOTET is going to be because it is far worse. KOTFE would have been the same, but it was carried by the one time chance of TFA releasing. BWA did a reboot which in essence killed any chance their game had.


Proof that KOTFE was a success being Ben Irving's cheerleader letter makes me chuckle.

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That's what happens when you make it so that an expansion is free with a sub instead of buy to pay. Still didn't make them any more money than SoR even though they had Star Wars hype (which was by far the driving factor).




So if ROTHC and SOR were financial disappointments, I wonder what KOTET is going to be because it is far worse. KOTFE would have been the same, but it was carried by the one time chance of TFA releasing. BWA did a reboot which in essence killed any chance their game had.


Proof that KOTFE was a success being Ben Irving's cheerleader letter makes me chuckle.


Make any excuse you want. It does not change the fact that KOTFE was the most successful expansion to date. Considering KOTET just released, it's literally impossible to know how well it will perform in comparison.


We understand. You don't like KOTFE and KOTET. Obviously, many do not share your opinion.


If anyone would know whether KOTFE was a success or not, you better believe Ben Irving is a credible source. His livelihood is dependent on whether these expansions succeed or fail.

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Personally, I'd go with the quarterly EA statements over Ben. EA stated the quarter for the release of KOTET had the most subs in SWTOR in 2 years. That puts it at better than SOR but not likely better than ROTHC. The next big mention of SWTOR is the loss in revenue from game subs being blamed on SWTOR, so those subs didn't stick around. Hence the promise that they had a new system that would keep subs and make them play more. I expect the quarter for release of KOTET will show an increase, with less but maybe not a drastic number for the first quarter this year since they no longer do 60 day codes. The proof will be the following quarter, the 30 and 90 day cards will have expired and those of us who have canceled will all be off the books at that point. Preventing that was the point of the 2 live streams you think were scheduled ahead (even though all the said is they might do one in Dec but otherwise it would be Jan for new end game announcements.)


If you want to see the financial position of SWTOR< you need to forget the forums here and anything said by a BW employee and go look at EA financial statements and quarterly reports for shareholders. You'll see a much more honest position.

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Make any excuse you want. It does not change the fact that KOTFE was the most successful expansion to date. Considering KOTET just released, it's literally impossible to know how well it will perform in comparison.


We understand. You don't like KOTFE and KOTET. Obviously, many do not share your opinion.


If anyone would know whether KOTFE was a success or not, you better believe Ben Irving is a credible source. His livelihood is dependent on whether these expansions succeed or fail.


Wait, you believe anything the SWTOR team tells you even after all their straight up lies? KOTFE wasn't their most successful expansion looking at revenue, at best it was equal with SOR. Subs != success


As for KOTET's failure, it's pretty obvious looking at the game's population tbh. Otherwise BWA wouldn't have done back to back livestreams when they normally are on vacation.

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Personally, I'd go with the quarterly EA statements over Ben. EA stated the quarter for the release of KOTET had the most subs in SWTOR in 2 years. That puts it at better than SOR but not likely better than ROTHC. The next big mention of SWTOR is the loss in revenue from game subs being blamed on SWTOR, so those subs didn't stick around. Hence the promise that they had a new system that would keep subs and make them play more. I expect the quarter for release of KOTET will show an increase, with less but maybe not a drastic number for the first quarter this year since they no longer do 60 day codes. The proof will be the following quarter, the 30 and 90 day cards will have expired and those of us who have canceled will all be off the books at that point. Preventing that was the point of the 2 live streams you think were scheduled ahead (even though all the said is they might do one in Dec but otherwise it would be Jan for new end game announcements.)


If you want to see the financial position of SWTOR< you need to forget the forums here and anything said by a BW employee and go look at EA financial statements and quarterly reports for shareholders. You'll see a much more honest position.


I could not agree more. Irving's post is PR at best. It's certainly nothing to base an argument on - at least not the argument being made here.

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Wait, you believe anything the SWTOR team tells you even after all their straight up lies? KOTFE wasn't their most successful expansion looking at revenue, at best it was equal with SOR. Subs != success


As for KOTET's failure, it's pretty obvious looking at the game's population tbh. Otherwise BWA wouldn't have done back to back livestreams when they normally are on vacation.


What exactly has BioWare lied about? What benefit would they gain lying about the success of KOTFE? When one starts relying on conspiracy theories over reality, that is setting a dangerous precedent.


I don't think anything is "obvious looking at the game's population" as only BioWare has the numbers. You, and the ten other people complaining about KOTET on the forums, do not make up the entirety of the game's population.


Just a broken record repeating the same lies over and over believing that at some point they may become truth.

Edited by Aowin
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What exactly has BioWare lied about? What benefit would they gain lying about the success of KOTFE? When one starts relying on conspiracy theories over reality, that is setting a dangerous precedent.


Hmm, off the top of my head there was the bait and switch with the removal of ranked 8v8s, there was never going more than a year between new operations (2 years and counting since that), and bringing back the remaining missing class companions in the expansion after KOTFE. There could be more, that's just off the top of my head.


I don't think anything is "obvious looking at the game's population" as only BioWare has the numbers. You, and the ten other people complaining about KOTET on the forums, do not make up the entirety of the game's population.


Just a broken record repeating the same lies over and over believing that at some point they may become truth.


You can tell yourself everything is fine all you want, but it's pretty obvious if you just look at anything comparing populations like torstatus.


The last couple of lines are quite funny.

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Hmm, off the top of my head there was the bait and switch with the removal of ranked 8v8s, there was never going more than a year between new operations (2 years and counting since that), and bringing back the remaining missing class companions in the expansion after KOTFE. There could be more, that's just off the top of my head.


don't forget that ranked season 1 was supposed to take place when 8vs8 ranked was a thing

and patch times randomly getting longer

eternal championship getting announced to release January and then..not

and KOTFE and KOTET being great expansions

AND that everyone loved KOTFE everyone came back

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Hmm, off the top of my head there was the bait and switch with the removal of ranked 8v8s, there was never going more than a year between new operations (2 years and counting since that), and bringing back the remaining missing class companions in the expansion after KOTFE. There could be more, that's just off the top of my head.


You can tell yourself everything is fine all you want, but it's pretty obvious if you just look at anything comparing populations like torstatus.


The last couple of lines are quite funny.


8v8 ranked was removed because a majority of the PvP community had left by the time BioWare finally released what was promised at launch. There was no one to support 8v8 ranked, so BioWare scrapped it and came up with 4v4 ranked arenas.


Having a new operation every single year was the old strategy. BioWare has since adopted a new strategy: focus on story and other content. Operations have not been the focus for two years and BioWare has not been hiding this reality from anyone.


There was never a guarantee the rest of our companions would return in KOTET. In fact, no promises were ever made. It was merely assumed that we would receive the rest, however BioWare changed strategies due to how poorly received monthly chapters were.


TOR status is not a reputable source and never has been. Again, the only one who actually has reliable numbers would be BioWare as they actually know.


Why continue to lie to yourself? You may as well just accept reality for what it is.

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