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RNG is perfect for SWTOR and I'll explain why.


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but but... i want one to :p and do i actually have to have an existing copy of the game to be able to play this? or can it be downloaded? 0.o never tried an emulator, so have no clue how these work lol:D:D


You'll actually need a copy of the game. There are still copies of the game that can be bought via Amazon or Ebay. There are also less legitimate ways, but you'd have to find those yourself.


It's not as if BioWare would likely ever take ideas from SWG, although I wish they would. But, it's a very different kind of game with its own strengths and weaknesses.

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The origin stories in DAO were interesting, but it was costly for BioWare in terms of development and they didn't really mean anything later on in the game. I do agree those minor differences (race, background) can provide a more personalized tale, which is nice.

That's more or less how SWG was during the Pre-CU. You made your avatar, but you actually didn't pick your profession and specialize until after getting into the game and conversing with trainers. Of course, there were 34 professions in Pre-CU and you could mix and match however you wanted (with a limited amount of skill points).

Your idea, from a storytelling-perspective, is interesting. I could see it being quite costly and complex later on as BioWare would have to branch more and more as you pick your class and that has varying effects later. It would really come down to planning well in advance and looking at whether such a task is cost-effective or not.


yeah i figured as much, but i do believe that a good SW game, especially one that's an MMORPG should be like this. because the story should captivate you, make you want to play and find out what's gonna happen next. it's also very cool if your choices in conversation maybe bring you to the planets in a different order, or let you have a different approach to a quest. Diplomatic missions might be a nice addition =) like let hte planet go to a contested world and try to convince the population to join their faction (through maybe gaining enough reputation with that planet/race lol)

there's just so much out there, so much MORE that could make this game so awesome, but i guess at this point in the game it's a bit late lol.


A thing that i really liked about ESO that would benefit from adopting: 1) a more diverse character creation system that lets you adjust more then just your face but the est of the body as well lol; 2) champion system (this would really be cool since over the years most of us do end up with more than 1-2 toons lol


In fact i'm pretty sure there is a lot of bits and pieces that can be picked up from different places and put together they could make something awesome lol:D:D:cool:

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You'll actually need a copy of the game. There are still copies of the game that can be bought via Amazon or Ebay. There are also less legitimate ways, but you'd have to find those yourself.


It's not as if BioWare would likely ever take ideas from SWG, although I wish they would. But, it's a very different kind of game with its own strengths and weaknesses.


I would be happy if BioWare could employ Pazaak/Sabbacc or other things from KoToR.


Maybe, I am terribly wrong, altough I think RNG would have get hated even then when there was new content but maybe RNG is just the last thing letting the people explode. Fire meet Gasoline. If there was content, new content (Uprisings are honestly not enough) I would play. Not because of the gear but because I LOVED playing Pazaak in KoTOR, because I LOVED Swoop Races. WE NEED THAT.


Still, RNG is for me a slap in the face but new, innovative content would make the worse seem better.

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yeah i figured as much, but i do believe that a good SW game, especially one that's an MMORPG should be like this. because the story should captivate you, make you want to play and find out what's gonna happen next. it's also very cool if your choices in conversation maybe bring you to the planets in a different order, or let you have a different approach to a quest. Diplomatic missions might be a nice addition =) like let hte planet go to a contested world and try to convince the population to join their faction (through maybe gaining enough reputation with that planet/race lol)

there's just so much out there, so much MORE that could make this game so awesome, but i guess at this point in the game it's a bit late lol.


A thing that i really liked about ESO that would benefit from adopting: 1) a more diverse character creation system that lets you adjust more then just your face but the est of the body as well lol; 2) champion system (this would really be cool since over the years most of us do end up with more than 1-2 toons lol


In fact i'm pretty sure there is a lot of bits and pieces that can be picked up from different places and put together they could make something awesome lol:D:D:cool:


Again, you are just throwing ideas around that were in SWG. There were dozens upon dozens of factions and you could gain influence (or lose it) with all of them. Depending on how they viewed you depended on whether they were friendly or attacked you on sight. You have a lot of interesting ideas, but again the main issue is whether or not they'd be practical and how BioWare could accomplish that on a massively multiplayer scale. It's hard having player choice with impact in a persistent world that everybody plays together in.


I would never say it's too late for SWTOR, but I don't see it changing drastically from what it already is. There will always be new stories and group content is something BioWare wants to continue supporting. I don't know if any new features that aren't already in the game to some degree will ever be added at this point though. BioWare has a limited budget and can only do so much.


The problem with adjustable sliders for bodies is that all outfits are made for the four body types in the game. If you give players more variety, that would break many of the outfits in the game in terms of clipping and the like. I never really dabbled with the Champion System in ESO. I played at launch, was the first emperor on my campaign, and then I quit after the third month due to AvA not being supported and a lot of exploiters and cheaters in Cyrodiil. I was there when Veteran Ranks were still a thing, but the Champion System looks interesting. A bit convoluted from the last time I logged in just to check things out.


There are a lot of great ideas in many MMOs. What's rare is finding all of those great ideas in just a single MMO. Most MMOs have some strengths, but also plenty of weaknesses. It's the reason most just don't stand out. SWTOR is fun, but it's incredibly limited and refined in what it does. It just doesn't offer very much else if you aren't interested in the main entree of the game.

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I would be happy if BioWare could employ Pazaak/Sabbacc or other things from KoToR.


Maybe, I am terribly wrong, altough I think RNG would have get hated even then when there was new content but maybe RNG is just the last thing letting the people explode. Fire meet Gasoline. If there was content, new content (Uprisings are honestly not enough) I would play. Not because of the gear but because I LOVED playing Pazaak in KoTOR, because I LOVED Swoop Races. WE NEED THAT.


Still, RNG is for me a slap in the face but new, innovative content would make the worse seem better.


Not to get on an SWG bandwagon, but that game had gambling and various mini-games in casinos. I really don't know why BioWare hasn't done pazaak, a game they created, as it would fit in perfectly in SWTOR. BioWare even teased us with dejarik by putting that emote in the game. There is a lot of stuff BioWare could probably take from KotOR to improve the overall scope of the game.


It's sad because players have been begging for swoop races and pazaak since closed beta. I just don't think they are ever going to happen as they are likely on the "wall of crazy," assuming Damion Schubert still works at BioWare Austin. I think BioWare could fix a lot of the content issues if they just incorporated systems that had more replay value, such as pazaak, swoop racing, an actual in-depth space experience like JTL, and much more. The problem is a lot of content in the game just lacks depth, so it becomes stale quickly sadly.

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I completely agree with all of this, honestly.


You should come back! The Covenant needs a champion.


I still have ESO installed. I hop in every now and then just out of curiosity. I haven't been in Cyrodiil since the game came out though. I do miss AvA. It was by far the best open world PvP system I've seen in a game in modern times. I just wish ZOS had supported it more at launch instead of focusing only on raids. Maybe AvA is better now. I wouldn't even know where to begin with my guild gone and one former emperor doesn't make a lot of difference against hundreds of enemy players.

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I still have ESO installed. I hop in every now and then just out of curiosity. I haven't been in Cyrodiil since the game came out though. I do miss AvA. It was by far the best open world PvP system I've seen in a game in modern times. I just wish ZOS had supported it more at launch instead of focusing only on raids. Maybe AvA is better now. I wouldn't even know where to begin with my guild gone and one former emperor doesn't make a lot of difference against hundreds of enemy players.

i did like ESO.... but wasn't too interested once i finished all the story stuff =) i think i made it to.... vet 5 i think? or maybe 9 lol. but well, all guild drifted away and i got bored lol.

when's this stream when they'll talk about 5.1 changes? today or wut? cause i'll have to find notes lol. so not staying until 2:30 am again lol.... even if i do want to spend an hour staring at Musco haha ./blush :D:D:D

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i did like ESO.... but wasn't too interested once i finished all the story stuff =) i think i made it to.... vet 5 i think? or maybe 9 lol. but well, all guild drifted away and i got bored lol.

when's this stream when they'll talk about 5.1 changes? today or wut? cause i'll have to find notes lol. so not staying until 2:30 am again lol.... even if i do want to spend an hour staring at Musco haha ./blush :D:D:D




They should probably bring protective armour.

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i did like ESO.... but wasn't too interested once i finished all the story stuff =) i think i made it to.... vet 5 i think? or maybe 9 lol. but well, all guild drifted away and i got bored lol.

when's this stream when they'll talk about 5.1 changes? today or wut? cause i'll have to find notes lol. so not staying until 2:30 am again lol.... even if i do want to spend an hour staring at Musco haha ./blush :D:D:D


Yeah, I wasn't impressed by the PvE content. What got me interested was the AvA, which was more or less RvR from DAOC. AvA is all I did more or less for three months, with some occasional questing here and there. The questing, although voice acted, was just too generic and bland for my tastes.


You'll have to wait another 24 hours. I'm curious to see what the dream team talks about other than 5.1 stuff. There are still quite a few bugs that need fixing.

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Yeah, I wasn't impressed by the PvE content. What got me interested was the AvA, which was more or less RvR from DAOC. AvA is all I did more or less for three months, with some occasional questing here and there. The questing, although voice acted, was just too generic and bland for my tastes.


You'll have to wait another 24 hours. I'm curious to see what the dream team talks about other than 5.1 stuff. There are still quite a few bugs that need fixing.


dream team is quite right.... but will it ever become a dream game though? :p though well, eric is quite dreamy to stare at haha :D:D:D

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dream team is quite right.... but will it ever become a dream game though? :p though well, eric is quite dreamy to stare at haha :D:D:D


I can't say since I'm not attracted to men. He's a goofy individual though, in a good way. Seems like a cool guy to have a laugh with. I'm looking forward to the stream to see what we learn next.

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I can't say since I'm not attracted to men. He's a goofy individual though, in a good way. Seems like a cool guy to have a laugh with. I'm looking forward to the stream to see what we learn next.


right, i'll go sleep. clearly i need to shut up now before i say something embarrassing for all the forums to read lol. :D:D night night :p

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I stand corrected then. Although, I question how polished the experience is and how many players are even aware of it (swgemu is by far the most well-known). Either way, the biggest problem with emulators is just a lack of support. I may have to look into that though.


Edit: I didn't care for any of the events other than Remembrance Day. Life Day brings back horrible memories of the Star Wars Holiday Special... Galactic Moon Festival wasn't bad though.


Please stay on topic.

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Please stay on topic.

for a moment there i read 'stay on target' >.>

but like. don't just say that. contribute to the topic so we get back on it hehe. :D:D:D

did a pair of uprisings after 5.0.1. one story, one veteran.. and like... ./yaaaawn. they so need more mob CXP. like this:

regular mob - 1 CXP

silver mob - 3 CXP

gold mob - 5 CXP

champion mob - 10 CXP

miniboss - small CXP token

boss - big CXP token

groupfinder quest should totally get more than 20 CXP for sure lol.



and i can't help but think that the way PvP awards CXP should be adjusted. End match CXP is more than fine. But there should be some extra incentive so people don't just join a match and AFK in corner >.>:D:D

ideas welcome :p

and ways to mitigate RNG, i'm curious what ideas you guys can come up with hehe :p:D:D just cause bouncing around ideas never hurts =)

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for a moment there i read 'stay on target' >.>

but like. don't just say that. contribute to the topic so we get back on it hehe. :D:D:D

did a pair of uprisings after 5.0.1. one story, one veteran.. and like... ./yaaaawn. they so need more mob CXP. like this:

regular mob - 1 CXP

silver mob - 3 CXP

gold mob - 5 CXP

champion mob - 10 CXP

miniboss - small CXP token

boss - big CXP token

groupfinder quest should totally get more than 20 CXP for sure lol.



and i can't help but think that the way PvP awards CXP should be adjusted. End match CXP is more than fine. But there should be some extra incentive so people don't just join a match and AFK in corner >.>:D:D

ideas welcome :p

and ways to mitigate RNG, i'm curious what ideas you guys can come up with hehe :p:D:D just cause bouncing around ideas never hurts =)


my favorite way of mitigating rng is one of 2 options.


1. having no RNG for upgrades. but have milestone boxes instead. so for instance you hit lvl 5 - you are guaranteed a set piece, you hit lvl 10 - another set piece! up util lvl 40, after which its one gear piece every 10 boxes (and no douplicates until every gear slot has dropped). or heck if we want to slow it down further - how about a guaranteed set piece every 10 levels until 8 gear pieces have been acquired, after that - every 20 levels (though I rather prefer every 5, then every 10, unless acquisition of levels will speed up dramatically). this way, people can get their main spec bonus reasonably fast, but still have to work towards offspec, but at the same time - there is a very clear visible goal there. rest of the boxes? fill them with orange shells, random comp gifts, etc - keep the worst of rng to less crucial, but still important things. the only rng as far as gear upgrades go is which piece you get first


2. having a mechanic in place where with each box where an upgraded didn't drop for you, your chances increase by 10% until you either get one, or your chance reaches 100% and you get one by default.

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for a moment there i read 'stay on target' >.>

but like. don't just say that. contribute to the topic so we get back on it hehe. :D:D:D

did a pair of uprisings after 5.0.1. one story, one veteran.. and like... ./yaaaawn. they so need more mob CXP. like this:

regular mob - 1 CXP

silver mob - 3 CXP

gold mob - 5 CXP

champion mob - 10 CXP

miniboss - small CXP token

boss - big CXP token

groupfinder quest should totally get more than 20 CXP for sure lol.



and i can't help but think that the way PvP awards CXP should be adjusted. End match CXP is more than fine. But there should be some extra incentive so people don't just join a match and AFK in corner >.>:D:D

ideas welcome :p

and ways to mitigate RNG, i'm curious what ideas you guys can come up with hehe :p:D:D just cause bouncing around ideas never hurts =)


The issue is BioWare doesn't want to promote a behavior of grinding mobs for CXP, so giving any sort of meaningful CXP for killing NPCs is dangerous. Players, clearly, have shown they cannot be trusted to play the game as intended (meaning actually doing endgame content). Thus, BioWare has had to punish the player base for the wrongdoing of some.


It's just difficult knowing how to grant the proper amount of CXP for PvE versus PvP, as one can easily be exploited and lead to illegal AFK macros while the other has seen abuse from players who queue just to get CXP. I think wzs would probably benefit if CXP was awarded based on how many medals one received instead of whether your team won or lost. It would require more individual effort and that would undermine those who aren't really PvPing.


I think one thing BioWare could do that's reasonable is provide a boost in one's chance to get a set piece whenever their alignment (Dark Side or Light Side) has won the galaxy. There's already an incentive to only open command crates when your side wins, so may as well continue off of that concept and increase the chance of getting something players actually want.

Edited by Aowin
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The issue is BioWare doesn't want to promote a behavior of grinding mobs for CXP, so giving any sort of meaningful CXP for killing NPCs is dangerous. Players, clearly, have shown they can not be trusted to play the game as intended (meaning actually doing endgame content). Thus, BioWare has had to punish the player base for the wrongdoing of some.


It's just difficult knowing how to grant the proper amount of CXP for PvE versus PvP, as one can easily be exploited and lead to illegal AFK macros while the other has seen abuse from players who queue just to get CXP. I think wzs would probably benefit if CXP was awarded based on how many medals one received instead of whether your team won or lost. It would require more individual effort and that would undermine those who aren't really PvPing.


I think one thing BioWare could do that's reasonable is provide a boost in one's chance to get a set piece whenever their alignment (Dark Side or Light Side) has won the galaxy. There's already an incentive to only open command crates when your side wins, so may as well continue off of that concept and increase the chance of getting something players actually want.


well... if PvP was based on medals only, it would be a bad thing too... because we do have PvP guilds out there, that would make pre-made groups and bash everyone into the ground :p or well, it happens now every now and then, and there is nothing wrong with it, but well......... it's certainly NOT pleasant lol. but extra CXP based on medals might be nice hehe.


with fps, i can see how that could cause issues. but it could work like this: you earn that extra CXP killing things and it ONLY gets rewarded to you once you finish the flashpoint. and if you don't then it doesn't count. that would prevent people from resetting the instance just to farm mobs, right? i'm not sure how easy / hard it'd be to actually do though >.<

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#1 wouldn't exactly work for people who double spec heal / dps or tank / dps, cause they need 12-14 set bonus pieces per tier :p

#2 though is how legendary items drop rate works in WoW if i'm not mistaken =) that might work better hehe:D:D


well - technically you keep getting set pieces, once you get one of each - it resets so that you start getting duplicates - switch your spec before getting more pieces and you start getting offspec stuff. alternately (and honestly, I like it better) - reward tokens that we can turn into whichever spec pieces we need.


and yes, I do believe that's in a nutshell how legendaries work in WoW.


in general there should be SOME sort of safeguards that guarantee that players will never end up with zero upgrades due to rotten streak of luck. also.. huh... pretty sure my subscription has ran out by now, but I can still post? guess until next weeks reset :p

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well... if PvP was based on medals only, it would be a bad thing too... because we do have PvP guilds out there, that would make pre-made groups and bash everyone into the ground :p or well, it happens now every now and then, and there is nothing wrong with it, but well......... it's certainly NOT pleasant lol. but extra CXP based on medals might be nice hehe.


with fps, i can see how that could cause issues. but it could work like this: you earn that extra CXP killing things and it ONLY gets rewarded to you once you finish the flashpoint. and if you don't then it doesn't count. that would prevent people from resetting the instance just to farm mobs, right? i'm not sure how easy / hard it'd be to actually do though >.<


It seems to me that for PvP the base reward for participation should go way down. Then you should get some reward per medal earned and a good reward for winning the match.


The problem in my view with rewarding medals too much is that people can lose matches but have lots of medals because they focus on killing players or just dps'ing as much as possible but completely ignoring the objectives of the warzone.


So for example in unranked if you give 100 CXP base for participating, then get 10 CXP per medal and 300 CXP for winning, then I think you have a much better balance.


AFK'ing in warzones will no longer be profitable, medals will give you some more CXP but winning the warzone would be the great motivator as most of the points come from winning.

There is one big downside though and that's the simple fact that as soon as people start seeing their team "sucks" or is not doing well early on, they will quit the match. So we'll see a lot of quitters then.


I find the PvP situation the hardest to deal with in the GC set up. It's too easy to exploit or abuse the system and there are no easy solutions there that I can see. In PvE there are clear objectives to beat. That's what makes PvE easier to control.


PvP is a mess in that sense and the truth is that tying PvP into the GC system may not have been a good idea at all, because the PvP set up is not right for it. You'll never be able to satisfactorily explain why dicking around in a warzone for 10-15 minutes is a profitable thing to do in GC. But as described above, not doing it also has a detrimental effect. I just can't help but think this part in particular hasn't been well thought through. I fear that they were so hell bent on making GC a universal gearing system that they didn't acknowledge that balancing CXP gain between various activities in the game is actually a worse balancing act that balancing classes.


Oh well.

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well... if PvP was based on medals only, it would be a bad thing too... because we do have PvP guilds out there, that would make pre-made groups and bash everyone into the ground :p or well, it happens now every now and then, and there is nothing wrong with it, but well......... it's certainly NOT pleasant lol. but extra CXP based on medals might be nice hehe.


with fps, i can see how that could cause issues. but it could work like this: you earn that extra CXP killing things and it ONLY gets rewarded to you once you finish the flashpoint. and if you don't then it doesn't count. that would prevent people from resetting the instance just to farm mobs, right? i'm not sure how easy / hard it'd be to actually do though >.<


Medals aren't based on team effort. Medals are based on individual effort. Now generally, the team that is doing better, overall, will receive more medals due to being better than the other team. The benefit to this approach is players would have to actually participate and couldn't just AFK. I'm not saying it's a perfect approach, but it would stop those who are just sitting there and collecting CXP.


That's a good idea. I don't know what would actually go into making such a system work. However, if players were actually forced to complete that content, it would undermine this "grinding mobs" mentality.

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The issue is BioWare doesn't want to promote a behavior of grinding mobs for CXP, so giving any sort of meaningful CXP for killing NPCs is dangerous. Players, clearly, have shown they cannot be trusted to play the game as intended (meaning actually doing endgame content). Thus, BioWare has had to punish the player base for the wrongdoing of some..


Grinding elites was not an exploit. Farming KP was not an exploit. Just because it wasn't what BW intended doesn't make it wrong. Thus the "punishment" isn't really a punishment since there was no wrongdoing according to BW.

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