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RNG is perfect for SWTOR and I'll explain why.


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or i might get tired of getting nothing but crap and go back to WoW or ESO even. or stop my sub and play as a F2P again, even though i've never stopped my sub before. enough bad RNG and i just might. the thing i hate is not doing same ops over and over. it's this damn RNG. because it's always hated me. when EV was priority i'd lock out all my 40 toons in hope to get ONE mainhand i could use on most my toons. It took me at least a month.. which is about 160 ish lockouts. but at least i knew that the MH was guaranteed. now i'm grinding boxes that i have no clue what's inside. it could be awesome. but it usually is just crap. it's exhausting. if this in your eyes i'm not a raider, then honestly i don't care much. i'm just yet another paying customer who's frustrated with the way they're implementing their loot system of choice. it's my hobby . i'd like to enjoy it. some days i can't even stay logged on for more then 5-10 min cause i have no desire to grind same old things. but i keep on doing it. why? because though hope is becoming smaller and smaller, i still hope that they'll do something good. come up with something exciting. and then comes stream. as always vague and nothing concrete and i sigh and wait for the update and it's again nothing super, same bugs, exploits, credit spammers and etc.

master chapters coming soon... exciting? no not really. after roll through #3+ they became boring to me so added HP to mobs doesn't really excite me at all.

increased CXP from uprisings.. yay nice... if i ever want to do another one after i understood there isn't much story to them. but i'll keep on trying and hoping until the day it finally really occurs to me that all they're doing is beating the dead horse with a stick and hoping it moves.


I think you just need to slow down. It seems to me you are getting to the point of burning yourself out. If you really aren't having any fun, it might be a good idea to just take a break from the game and come back to it later. Whether that's a few weeks or more, it's really up to you.


All I can say is the system isn't going to change anytime soon. BioWare will make minor adjustments, but RNG and how Galactic Command functions is remaining the same. I really am being genuine when I say I wish everybody could enjoy the game.


Unfortunately, there just is no perfect game and someone will always be upset or feel excluded when a new update or expansion is released. That's unfortunately how these things work themselves out when a studio has limited resources and has to prioritize what it does. Hopefully, BioWare will be able to find some common ground to at least lessen your frustration with RNG, but there really just aren't any guarantees.

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It seems to me you are getting to the point of burning yourself out. If you really aren't having any fun, it might be a good idea to just take a break from the game and come back to it later. Whether that's a few weeks or more, it's really up to you.


That's my point. Yes, you are right there. But I guess he/she does not want to make a break (is that correct english?) from the game because he/she maybe enjoyed it. It looks like I will take a break, too. I do not want to do that because I liked the game but I can't "identify" with the new system. Secondly, the system gave my guilds and ingame friends the last reason to leave the game. So I am here, fighting with others for the old system AND NEW CONTENT because pre-5.0 was in my opinion a better SWTOR even tough there were miles to perfectness.

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or i might get tired of getting nothing but crap and go back to WoW or ESO even. or stop my sub and play as a F2P again, even though i've never stopped my sub before. enough bad RNG and i just might. the thing i hate is not doing same ops over and over. it's this damn RNG. because it's always hated me. when EV was priority i'd lock out all my 40 toons in hope to get ONE mainhand i could use on most my toons. It took me at least a month.. which is about 160 ish lockouts. but at least i knew that the MH was guaranteed. now i'm grinding boxes that i have no clue what's inside. it could be awesome. but it usually is just crap. it's exhausting. if this in your eyes i'm not a raider, then honestly i don't care much. i'm just yet another paying customer who's frustrated with the way they're implementing their loot system of choice. it's my hobby . i'd like to enjoy it. some days i can't even stay logged on for more then 5-10 min cause i have no desire to grind same old things. but i keep on doing it. why? because though hope is becoming smaller and smaller, i still hope that they'll do something good. come up with something exciting. and then comes stream. as always vague and nothing concrete and i sigh and wait for the update and it's again nothing super, same bugs, exploits, credit spammers and etc.

master chapters coming soon... exciting? no not really. after roll through #3+ they became boring to me so added HP to mobs doesn't really excite me at all.

increased CXP from uprisings.. yay nice... if i ever want to do another one after i understood there isn't much story to them. but i'll keep on trying and hoping until the day it finally really occurs to me that all they're doing is beating the dead horse with a stick and hoping it moves.


If you think you will get a full set of gear in WoW or ESO in ten days you are sadly mistaken. Sounds to me you just want everything handed to you now...

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If you think you will get a full set of gear in WoW or ESO in ten days you are sadly mistaken. Sounds to me you just want everything handed to you now...


Or maybe, we want exact time-frame to know when will we get it, and have guarantee to get it in the first place. Current system doesn't provide either of those.

Edited by Frenesi
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That's my point. Yes, you are right there. But I guess he/she does not want to make a break (is that correct english?) from the game because he/she maybe enjoyed it. It looks like I will take a break, too. I do not want to do that because I liked the game but I can't "identify" with the new system. Secondly, the system gave my guilds and ingame friends the last reason to leave the game. So I am here, fighting with others for the old system AND NEW CONTENT because pre-5.0 was in my opinion a better SWTOR even tough there were miles to perfectness.

If I may use an analogy for your explaination:

Its like working in a good company, you like the people, the scenery, not the bosses in particular but the general idea of the company. You like the work too but every year the company adds a new department you can test if its for you. You like being there, the work is nice but very quickly the work gets boring. You can switch to another department but youve worked there for over a year too. You are bored in a company you actually like/love. And then the bosses come and say "thats not how we envisioned you to work here. We have more exciting stuff to announce and we cant wait but you have to wait".


Thats not fun.

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That's my point. Yes, you are right there. But I guess he/she does not want to TAKE a break (is that correct english?) from the game because he/she maybe enjoyed it. It looks like I will take a break, too. I do not want to do that because I liked the game but I can't "identify" with the new system. Secondly, the system gave my guilds and ingame friends the last reason to leave the game. So I am here, fighting with others for the old system AND NEW CONTENT because pre-5.0 was in my opinion a better SWTOR even tough there were miles to perfectness.


thing is, i just spent a year and a half in china, from where u can't play tor at all unless u do it on vpn, which let me tell u sucks. cause chinese internet is crap in general and on vpn it gives you a ping of 500 on average with cancerous 40k+ lag spikes.


i took all of DvL for a break and played wow instead. and realized i can't play it because i don't like playing a game solo. for me it's fun when i can hang out on TS and chat with my friends / guildies. so that's why now i grind CXP through PvP and if i get lucky i can do so in company. those few times (kicks the timezone on the nuts) are the highlight of my time swtor atm and i stay just for those. to hang out with guys on TS lol. that and the forum bickering is also a good stress reliever :p:D:D:D

Edited by Hichitsuki-hime
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If you think you will get a full set of gear in WoW or ESO in ten days you are sadly mistaken. Sounds to me you just want everything handed to you now...

nah, i played ESO for a while while in china.... went back to tor when my guild quit. tried WOW as well, quit when my guild fell apart (so i know how it works and what kind of grind wow involves). i'm a social creature lol and i hate having to solo an MMO. that's why i'm still in SWTOR lol. for friends. i've never had gear handed to me (or anything else in my life for that matter). having it distributed by luck factor or otherwise without putting in the effort such as killing said ops boss IS NO FUN lol. i don't mind a different way of getting it.... just so long as it's a clear system of you have to do a, b, c, d, etc to get 1, 2, 3, 4, etc thing. atm it's like a casino. click the box and hope for the best. and since my luck sucks, of course i'm gonna be keen on such a system. NOT BECAUSE I WANT THINGS HANDED TO ME> that's just offensive, thanks.:(:(

Edited by Hichitsuki-hime
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I'm just going to assume you don't listen to the Producer Live Streams. The team was talking about doing these "adjustments" before 5.0 even launched. They were well aware of potential pitfalls and were considering these changes well before your "feedback." Again, this is a system BioWare has been working on for many months. No, you have not had an actual impact on anything BioWare is doing thus far.


This is not entirely accurate. They did talk about potential changes before it launched, but there was communication from players on PTS before hand. Now you can argue chicken or the egg theory. Were they planning on changes before PTS feedback, or did they plan on changes because of PTS feedback. We don't know for sure, and WE includes YOU.


So to say feedback didn't have an impact is not factual. The degree of impact I couldn't say, but there was an impact.

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But you claimed earlier that getting into raiding teams to do HM/NiM in 4.0 was RNG and therefore that end game gear was gated for players who couldn't get in. Now you're proclaiming that the content is open for everyone and if they aren't able to complete it its a player issue.

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But you claimed earlier that getting into raiding teams to do HM/NiM in 4.0 was RNG and therefore that end game gear was gated for players who couldn't get in. Now you're proclaiming that the content is open for everyone and if they aren't able to complete it its a player issue.

oh ./gasp Aowin being inconsistent? :eek::eek: shame on you:D:D that's just not possible!!:D:D


P.S.: that IS sarcasm, yes >.>:cool:

Edited by Hichitsuki-hime
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But you claimed earlier that getting into raiding teams to do HM/NiM in 4.0 was RNG and therefore that end game gear was gated for players who couldn't get in. Now you're proclaiming that the content is open for everyone and if they aren't able to complete it its a player issue.


Well, tbh all nims have been cleared already. That being said. it was done by It's lit so hardly everyone could do it, but a lot of the bosses can be cheased due to the bugged assassin reflect.

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oh ./gasp Aowin being inconsistent? :eek::eek: shame on you:D:D that's just not possible!!:D:D


P.S.: that IS sarcasm, yes >.>:cool:


I know, not sure why i'm still trying to debate it. Even if I or anyone was somehow able to change his point of view it wouldn't change anything. I'm probably just tilting at windmill at this point.

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I know, not sure why i'm still trying to debate it. Even if I or anyone was somehow able to change his point of view it wouldn't change anything. I'm probably just tilting at windmill at this point.

it has therapeutic uses. =) called not bottling up our feeling and venting frustration =) :D:D and the goal is to drag this to 2k posts, if he manages to see the light by then, it is a battle well fought and an added bonus :D:D if not, well, at least it was entertaining while it lasted lol

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Well, tbh all nims have been cleared already. That being said. it was done by It's lit so hardly everyone could do it, but a lot of the bosses can be cheased due to the bugged assassin reflect.


My post wasn't about whether or not it was possible for someone to complete it in 5.0 It was more about calling out his about face on skill vs. RNG in terms of raiding.

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He is factually incorrect. Cosmetic items do not replace a gear piece. What likely happened is his interface bugged and did not show the gear piece he received. This has personally happened to me once before where I thought I did not receive a piece of gear. You always get a piece of gear that has stats. Cosmetic items are separate and on an entirely different loot table for RNG.


How do you know this? do you have a copy of the loot tables?

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The "fix," which will be a substantial CXP boost to flashpoints and uprisings, is coming Tuesday in the next patch.


Either way, accumulating CXP should not be vastly superior in an operation, regardless of the mode for obvious reasons. Unlike in PvE where better gear is more of a luxury, better gear is an absolute necessity in PvP. Those small variables in stats can be the difference between life or death.


If raiders were to have an unfair advantage and then just come into warzones/ranked arenas and crush the PvP player base because of gear, there would be an uproar. That's what happened at launch when expertise was not working and raiders were coming in with Rakata gear knocking players around in Battlemaster gear and Champion gear.


That would be a very fast way to kill off what's left of the PvP community in the game.


you feel its ok for the pvp community to have an unfair advantage though. That would be a very fast way to kill off what's left of the raiding community in the game

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