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RNG is perfect for SWTOR and I'll explain why.


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Its actually blue (prototype modifications) in orange shell. And besides enhancements those are as much junk as rep tokens, green gear and empty orange shells.


Semantics. It is stated orange gear. The fact that the modifications and enhancements are blue is irrelevant. How you perceive the worth of the gear is of no consequence.

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Semantics. It is stated orange gear. The fact that the modifications and enhancements are blue is irrelevant. How you perceive the worth of the gear is of no consequence.

pot. meet kettle.

how YOU perceive gear is also of no consequence. green gear is green because insides are green, not because the shell is green lol. don't be daft please:D:D

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The Galactic Command system is a little bit like the story in KotFE. It occurs to me that were in KotFE the general negative opinions here over the last year were that the story sucked but we were happily gearing up our characters and alts. Alts were in that sense content. It was viable to do so and therefore a lot of us did it.


However, in the KotFE story we felt our choices didn't matter and we had no control at all over what happened. This changed in the KotET story where we could make choices that mattered like the option of killing off certain NPCs. It now appears they have transferred the system of no control and choices not mattering to the endgearing system.


Of course the game always had a certain level of RNG. That's not what people mean though when they speak of RNG in KotET. Therefore, I shall refer to GC's reward system as RNG+ from now on.

The difference is that with RNG+ the player has a lot LESS control over his gearing destiny and as much as you could say that we all have an equal chance of winning gear in GC, the reality is that it doesn't make us equal and actually it's not true.


Why are we not equal? An equal chance sounds fair, but as with lotteries it also means that not everybody wins. That means that some people might be geared up and ready to do harder content and others will not be. This will divide the community rather than unite it. I have friends who are still playing and some of them PvP quite a bit. Apparently people with set bonuses have a major advantage of those who don't. Since there is no telling when newer characters or players will get their set bonuses, they are at a disadvantage till they get lucky. Since you do not know how long that will take, a lot of people will see this as frustrating. Not because they don't want to work for their gear but because there is no light at the end of the tunnel.


And this is a major problem. RNG+ means there is no light at the end of the tunnel because there is no telling where the end of the tunnel is. Please note I am specifically talking about set bonus pieces and not the rest. As already pointed out crafting can fill that role, maybe not perfectly but fairly well and it's mostly the set bonuses that make the difference and people really just need to understand that set bonuse do make a significant difference, particularly on players who are at least decently skilled. No gear will make up for a player who is clueless.


The same issue exists in PvE, where because of RNG+ player groups will get divided by gear more easily in guilds particularly. Aowin here likes to say that the previous system was more unequal but that is not a fair statement. It does create a certain equality that all types of players can now get endgame gear, but for those who do the harder content it creates gear differences that for the harder content may be unbridgeable. Now again, crafting can take care of part of that but the lack of set bonuses is where the real issue is.


Now, I might say that my characters who have 224/220 gear could use their old armourings and fill out with new mods and enhancements. Of course if a team does that the average DTPS will go up a bit because of the lower armour rating and the output of the team will also be a bit less because there are some stat points less. Remember we're talking Veteran/Master level here. My point is that unless you have a well oiled hardcore raiding machine of a team, these difference will matter.


Of course, someone could argue that it makes no sense the give people gear too easily after a level cap raise and that people should start at a base a build up from there, but the reason why people want to start doing Veteran/Mastery is because those operations are OLD. I submit to you that it's not right to ask people to gear up a third time for the same exact operations. That would only be fair if we got new operations to play in or similar content at least. So with content that's over 2 years old, it's only fair to get at least some baseline gear sorted relatively quickly so that people can continue doing what they were already doing for the last two years.


I know you are set in your opinions but there is no way that you can maintain that requiring people to gear up over and over again for the exact same content is anywhere near ok.

Also your contention that people want everything easy and are lazy is completely false. People are willing to work for their gear but they want to go from A to B knowing where B is. In RNG+ you are not able to even remotely ball park where it is. It could be at level 20, it could be....never. In RNG+ the only control a player has on the outcome of the gear reward is the class spec you're playing. This choice is made upon character creation and it lessens the RNG+ system a bit because it will drop gear that is relevant to your class. And there is time played. The more time you play, the more gearboxes you get. This is inherently a problem in MMOs that divides players when people who have less time cannot gear up as quickly and therefore lag behind and cannot play with the team, thereby falling even further behind. This is particularly painful in a guild set up.


And here we see the advantage of the SWTOR system before 5.0 Because previously it was known when and where which gear piece dropped and as a guild you could DO THE WORK, but you could choose who to give the piece to with master looter thereby bypassing RNG. The drops were reliable and dependent on players doing the requirement for it. Not given for free but by beating the boss fight. So in such situations you could switch off RNG completely because the tokens were usable by all classes. Only in pugs would you have a random element to it when people roll for gear, but most groups on my server would divide things more equally so everybody won something. I find this much more equal than some people having 2 pieces of optimised/set bonus gear and others 7 of such pieces after 40 levels of GC. RNG+ creates such differences.


Now I've been doing a lot of thinking the last few days trying to tie different elements together and see if there was a specific element that could solve all of the big issues that make RNG+ a very unrewarding system and an unequal content gate and a pvp problem as well.


Well, there is such an element. What would be required to give people the possibility to access at least Veteran Operations, take some of the major imbalances away in PvP and give people a feeling that there is hope when they've been getting nothing but crap from their gearboxes?


The answer is 230 set bonus armorings.


I have to agree that crafting can help a lot but that's the one part it cannot do and that people are focused on and it does make a difference. Now you can argue up and down all day whether or not you feel they are needed, but I believe they are and a lot of people want some light in that RNG+ tunnel. Is it not more productive that we get a positive direction? You trying to convince people they are wrong is really not going to work...even if you were right, which I don't believe, but even if, then it still is not very productive, because trying to force your view on others will only push them away rather than bring them back.


So here's my suggestion: Give people a reliable way to gain 230 set bonus armorings within the first 20-30 levels of GC. Then people will all have set bonuses in PvP, be able to skip SM operations (which are particularly boring after half the mechanics were ripped out) and give people the idea that this whole system is going somewhere. It will allow older players to continue more or less where they left off with operations, give newer players a fairer chance in PvP and generally give people at least the feeling they have a solid foundation to work with.


All of this would've been different if we'd gotten new content but even you must see that whereas every expansion release had story content, KotET only released with a handful of Uprisings. And even though it may not be required that an expansion brings out full fledged operations, flash points, explorable planets and daily areas when releasing, you can hardly argue that 5 Uprisings are more than just a pittance by comparison. And to then simply require people with RNG+ to take 2 steps back in the content they were already playing for years, is just not fair. That part is important. If we had new ops and fp's or equivalent content that we hadn't done before you would have a point, but that's not the case.


Maybe you know any, but I do not know of any MMOs with gear progression where expansions act as if 2-5 year old operations get regated again by an RNG content. Generally there is a motion forward, this is a backward motion. You can't deny that it's logical that not everybody will be happy with such a move. An MMO needs to have a sense of going forward, but for the last two years the group content has basically been going around in circles. That's neither exciting nor encouraging and the argument that BWA doesn't have a choice because they have no budget maybe true, but it doesn't make it right that I should pay the same amount of money either.


I'm not a charity for game companies with lowered budgets. Somehow I want to get value for my money and with ancient content in MMO terms, RNG+ would only be fair without sub at this stage, but as it stands only subs can now have access to content they've already paid for over and over again. If you don't agree, I would invite you to look up the economic term "depreciation". I feel I am paying money for something that has depreciated.


To me the value of SWTOR has declined, depreciated over time because nothing new has really been added that warrants a subscription. So BWA's answer to that is to make the old group content sub based, so that you have no choice but to pay for it monthly. Compare that to the simple fact that the biggest part of this expansion can be bought for 13 bucks and doesn't require a sub after that, but the old content that's been there for years you do have to pay for monthly to play it.


Does that really not get your logic/fairness alarm bells ringing?


Now if you love the game so much that it's worth it to you, no matter what BWA do, that's fine. But don't tell people they're wrong because they can't enjoy this set up. It's not just about viability it's about enjoyment. I do agree 4.0 was too easy in gearing but there were less draconic changes possible that still give people a measure of control so that they can plan their progression, again do the work, but actually get the reward they worked for and not just some random piece that may or may not be useful. Even you will understand that getting the same earpiece 3 times is not helpful so even if you do get a piece of gear each time it doesn't always end up being something you can use, even if you have more luck in general.


I would be fine with taking more time to gear if I could make a plan and do the requirements. RNG+ is unfair because the requirements change and some people don't have to do much for a specific piece where others do. That's not equality. If I open 20 crates and get zero set pieces and someone else gets 2, then this is not equal and not fair from a work vs reward point of view.


You falsely interpret this system as fair and people as wanting stuff for free. I don't want BiS gear for free, but I want some reliability in the rewards for the efforts I put in and I don't want to be forced to do content I don't care for just so after grinding for weeks or month I can finally, AGAIN, do the content I do want to do and already did many times before.


But don't think you'll convince anybody by your style of posting. It only polarizes the two camps. What we need is a solution that actually makes more people excited about playing again. And make no mistake. Tuesday the first changes are already coming and in the last livestream they did acknowledge the issues raised and they are working on some solutions that that gives people something to progress towards. So they are seeing the issue and want to do something about it. Surely they wouldn't react so quickly if they didn't think it necessary.


I'm just sad that it's only now that they start listening even though the issues that exist now are the exact issues that were raised by players during the two months leading up to 5.0


TL;DR And as I said, letting people gain 6 set bonus armourings over the first 20-30 levels of GC reliably, will go a long way in addressing the issues that are on the table now.

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pot. meet kettle.

how YOU perceive gear is also of no consequence. green gear is green because insides are green, not because the shell is green lol. don't be daft please:D:D


Stay on topic, please. The call of the question is with regard to Galactic Command and RNG. Your complaints of the system have been well-documented, yet you offer few solutions other than "revert back to 4.0" or "restore gear drops in raids." Neither one of those is a reasonable solution, thus it appears to me you aren't interested in actually having any constructive or civil discourse. You want a place to vent and complain. For the record, that kind of rhetoric is unlikely to convince BioWare to do anything, especially since the expansion has been out for a little over a week.

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A lot of finger pointing and accusatory rhetoric. I'm not trying to tell anybody what to do or force my beliefs on anyone. People are free to believe whatever they'd like, no matter how ill-informed it may be. I created this thread to merely provide an understanding into why BioWare is doing what it's doing.


You, and many others, are so hellbent on the negative that you can't even see the positives of this new system. If "two year old content" is so abhorrent and absolutely offensive to your core, then why are you here? BioWare isn't holding you hostage. You vote with your money. If you haven't liked the game for the last two years, unsubscribe, provide feedback, move on, and return if BioWare does something you agree with.


Otherwise, much of your post is redundant and falls of deaf ears because you are complaining yet you continue to pay BioWare a monthly fee. That is a contradiction at best and downright silly at worst. You are stuck in your ways and your understanding of what an MMO is. I understand this and my goal was never to try and convince you or anyone else. However, I do believe it's important to understand a little bit why BioWare is doing what it's doing.


You may not like it, which you clearly don't, but that doesn't mean you have to absolutely reject reality because it happens to undermine your ideal MMO experience. Again, why play the game if you are suffering this much? That is the real question I do not understand.

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As I said, you are incorrect. Read my post again.


There is green, blue, orange, and purple gear pieces with stats. Just because you have not seen an orange stated piece does not mean it doesn't exist. Again, log on your server right now and ask in general chat. They will inform you of what you clearly do not know. You obviously will not believe me due to your position and bias on this issue.


I realize I may throw my share of ad hominem, usually in a humorous manner, but I always try to not be hypocritical...


Your the one here with your own self inflated definition of "orange GEAR" I have heard many times of orange shells, but never, directly at least, for them to be called gear. With that definition than no blue gear drops anyway since its all wrapped up into orange shells or in this case... "orange GEAR."


Stay on topic, please. The call of the question is with regard to Galactic Command and RNG. Your complaints of the system have been well-documented, yet you offer few solutions other than "revert back to 4.0" or "restore gear drops in raids." Neither one of those is a reasonable solution, thus it appears to me you aren't interested in actually having any constructive or civil discourse. You want a place to vent and complain. For the record, that kind of rhetoric is unlikely to convince BioWare to do anything, especially since the expansion has been out for a little over a week.


That back peddle...

Edited by peter_plankskull
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Stay on topic, please. The call of the question is with regard to Galactic Command and RNG. Your complaints of the system have been well-documented, yet you offer few solutions other than "revert back to 4.0" or "restore gear drops in raids." Neither one of those is a reasonable solution, thus it appears to me you aren't interested in actually having any constructive or civil discourse. You want a place to vent and complain. For the record, that kind of rhetoric is unlikely to convince BioWare to do anything, especially since the expansion has been out for a little over a week.


You still failed to explain why restoring gear drops from ops isn't an option. Now, 4.0 incarnation of it was somewhat stupid with how easy and fast it was to get best gear, but before that system worked pretty well. It's not like every guild cleared all NiMs in single week (well, when we HAD new NiMs, but that's separate issue). You don't like doing ops? Fine, go grind CXP. You also have chance to get said gear, just in less effective way.


And that's fine! People who do NiM ops put much more effort into it than me running HM FPs, for example. They perform calculations and build math models to optimize their effectiveness. They develop strategies. They go through long trial-and-error process. Why shouldn't such effort be rewarded? It's not like it's NECESSARY to gear up - again, CXP grind is sitting right there, try it if you don't feel like running ops. Why people who objectively put more effort than me and are objectively better at the game should be handicapped to the level of average casual player? Because of some misplaced envy from those casuals? With all due respect, they can go and **** themselves - CXP is right there for them. Any other reasons?


You can add similar system to PVP, with better players getting gear faster, while everybody else still get a shot at it.


Meanwhile, you can take other route with CXP. You can add milestones to GC system, with guaranteed piece of loot YOU need. So that you can work on established schedule towards established reward, while rest of GC can randomly speed up that process. Why not do that? And please don't repeat nonsense about "equal start", because even in current iteration there's already 0 equality towards "later-down-the-line" players (fact that you proceed to ignore).


To me that sounds about as fair as it gets. Everybody gets gear. Those who are better get it faster.

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1) make the crate RNG NOT be the only way to get set bonus. this grind should NOT be obligatory, it does NOT make people happy ... well not those that stayed with this game for over 3-4 years for sure;

2) IF these crates are the only way, increase the success % at the very least;

3) make it legacy wide or at least somehow more alt-friendly. how? no clue, i'm not a dev.

4) ideally some new content that will make this grind more tolerable;




also. you still didn't answer the main question. JUST HOW IS RNG PERFECT FOR THIS GAME.:D:D:D

P.S.: i did not once yell about restore 4.0, don't shove words down my throat. even i can tell that in 4.0 it was a bit too fast, 5.0 though is a SNAIL train.

Edited by Hichitsuki-hime
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also. you still didn't answer the main question. JUST HOW IS RNG PERFECT FOR THIS GAME.:D:D:D

P.S.: i did not once yell about restore 4.0, don't shove words down my throat. even i can tell that in 4.0 it was a bit too fast, 5.0 though is a SNAIL train.


90 pages in and people are still questioning the title, ill admit, well done Aowin, well done, you're becoming a rival to MCB now :rak_01:.

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I realize I may throw my share of ad hominem, usually in a humorous manner, but I always try to not be hypocritical...


Your the one here with your own self inflated definition of "orange GEAR" I have heard many times of orange shells, but never, directly at least, for them to be called gear. With that definition than no blue gear drops anyway since its all wrapped up into orange shells or in this case... "orange GEAR."


Again, incorrect. Implants and ear pieces are blue, whereas main gear pieces are orange. So what I actually stated was, in fact, correct. Green, blue, orange, and purple stated gear is all represented and available in the packs.


This was getting off-topic as this is not a discussion about different colors of stated gear. This is a discussion about RNG and GC, of which some are attempting to derail due to not having anything of substance to add to the thread at this point.

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but... but.... i want an answer darn it!! :D:D:D


I have given you an answer several times for why "RNG is perfect." You continue to disregard it every single time and go on a tirade about how evil this progression system is now and how it's ruining your game.


RNG is here for one simple reason, to slow progression. Read that over a few more times as I have stated this in many posts throughout this thread's life. RNG is here for one simple reason, to slow progression. You cannot deny that RNG is not achieving what it was created to do quite effectively. Whether you like it or not is an entirely different issue.

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Again, incorrect. Implants and ear pieces are blue, whereas main gear pieces are orange. So what I actually stated was, in fact, correct. Green, blue, orange, and purple stated gear is all represented and available in the packs.


This was getting off-topic as this is not a discussion about different colors of stated gear. This is a discussion about RNG and GC, of which some are attempting to derail due to not having anything of substance to add to the thread at this point.


Alright... now ill admit you did get me pretty good about blue gear still being retained in the packs by name since they drop from earpieces, I just haven't got anything above green earpieces so I forgot about the completely :p.


Regardless however, I have never heard someone say orange gear, just orange shell with prototype mods, which, are BLUE, but judging from that second statement of delusion, I don't believe this is going anywhere so ill check back at around 1k posts where people are still trying to find out why the RNG is swtor is good. Remember here, the galactic command system includes all the people in the game, not the RNG.

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And why do we need this system?


- I am able to think myself and I am able to evaluate and choose my gear

- I don't need a system that gives me random loot -> I am able to think myself, thank you!

- I don't want to desintegrate everything I get because it does not fit to MY gameplay

- Thank you but I do not need more reputation nor do I need new pets

- I don't need orange blasters on my Juggernaut

- I want to play the game the way I prefer

- "exciting" new RNG system does not improve the biggest problem of the game: missing content

- RNG just gave many members of my guild the last reason to leave the game next to missing content


Conclusion: thanks RNG for ruining the gameplay.

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RNG is here for one simple reason, to slow progression. Read that over a few more times as I have stated this in many posts throughout this thread's life. RNG is here for one simple reason, to slow progression. You cannot deny that RNG is not achieving what it was created to do quite effectively. Whether you like it or not is an entirely different issue.


Alright one more chance since you moved on a baby step from the argument. Why is slow progression gated by randomness good compared to a predictable and controlled method by the players, regardless of the speed players were geared in 4.0, which was due to priority ops and mainly KP/EV than anything, not the entire system being broken.

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Alright one more chance since you moved on a baby step from the argument. Why is slow progression gated by randomness good compared to a predictable and controlled method by the players, regardless of the speed players were geared in 4.0, which was due to priority ops and mainly KP/EV than anything, not the entire system being broken.


attempt #N is finally yielding MINIMUM results =) hope ain't lost yet lol. though i certainly didn't appreciate being made into a rabid raving harpy haha. :D:D


And why do we need this system?

- I am able to think myself and I am able to evaluate and choose my gear

- I don't need a system that gives me random loot -> I am able to think myself, thank you!

- I don't want to desintegrate everything I get because it does not fit to MY gameplay

- Thank you but I do not need more reputation nor do I need new pets

- I don't need orange blasters on my Juggernaut

- I want to play the game the way I prefer

- "exciting" new RNG system does not improve the biggest problem of the game: missing content

- RNG just gave many members of my guild the last reason to leave the game next to missing content

Conclusion: thanks RNG for ruining the gameplay.

yes. thank you very much. i'm clearly not good with structuring arguments in a way that get to him lol:eek::eek:

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And why do we need this system?


- I am able to think myself and I am able to evaluate and choose my gear

- I don't need a system that gives me random loot -> I am able to think myself, thank you!

- I don't want to desintegrate everything I get because it does not fit to MY gameplay

- Thank you but I do not need more reputation nor do I need new pets

- I don't need orange blasters on my Juggernaut

- I want to play the game the way I prefer

- "exciting" new RNG system does not improve the biggest problem of the game: missing content

- RNG just gave many members of my guild the last reason to leave the game next to missing content


Conclusion: thanks RNG for ruining the gameplay.


Maybe they had to come up with some new system because they didn't have enough new repeatable content.

And to slow down gear progression, making highlighted Ops drop bis in 4.0 was bad for the game and now they swing too much on the other side of how long it takes to gear. System before 4.0 was just fine and didn't need changing.

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I have given you an answer several times for why "RNG is perfect."


No, you think you have.


Every reason you have given for why RNG is perfect has been utterly destroyed.


That you fail to see that suggest a lack of understanding of basic game theory on a par with that of the SWTOR Devs.


All The Best

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A lot of finger pointing and accusatory rhetoric. I'm not trying to tell anybody what to do or force my beliefs on anyone. People are free to believe whatever they'd like, no matter how ill-informed it may be. I created this thread to merely provide an understanding into why BioWare is doing what it's doing.

First of all you are not a Bioware employee so you can only guess at why BWA are doing this. Therefore you cannot provide an understanding into their motives, only what you perceive as their motives.


Secondly, your post count and tone towards people with other ideas is full of accusatory, denigrating, dismissive comments. As does this post of yours. So don't even try to accuse me of anything when you've been doing it all over this thread as often as you can.


We are not ill informed. We have a different opinion. You consider yourself informed but I do not accept that unless you are a BWA employee who was part of the decision process.


You, and many others, are so hellbent on the negative that you can't even see the positives of this new system. If "two year old content" is so abhorrent and absolutely offensive to your core, then why are you here? BioWare isn't holding you hostage. You vote with your money. If you haven't liked the game for the last two years, unsubscribe, provide feedback, move on, and return if BioWare does something you agree with.

I am not hell bent, you are. I've offered a solution within the framework of the GC, but you completely and utterly ignore it. So I am willing to be reasonable. You just want to fight people because you feel attacked in your sense of how right you think you are.


Otherwise, much of your post is redundant and falls of deaf ears because you are complaining yet you continue to pay BioWare a monthly fee. That is a contradiction at best and downright silly at worst. You are stuck in your ways and your understanding of what an MMO is. I understand this and my goal was never to try and convince you or anyone else. However, I do believe it's important to understand a little bit why BioWare is doing what it's doing.

Again I see you haven't paid attention. I already cancelled my sub. Look at my signature. I also stopped playing, but as long as my sub hasn't run out I can post here in the hopes that BWA can be reasonable towards players like myself. That's why I post. Again, I offered a reasonable solution from my point of view within the system. As you know Tuesday BWA is already making some adaptions for Uprisings and in the livestream they announced they are working on other changes. So, that's encouraging. The funny thing is that BWA are proving to be more reasonable than you are.


H and the idea that because I unsubbed I no longer have the right to an opinion is preposterous. I want to resub but need a good reason to.


You may not like it, which you clearly don't, but that doesn't mean you have to absolutely reject reality because it happens to undermine your ideal MMO experience. Again, why play the game if you are suffering this much? That is the real question I do not understand.

As I said, I do not absolutely reject it. This is the problem. You don't read what people write and just make it up as you go along. I will say it one more time: I OFFERED A SOLUTION WITHIN THE GC SYSTEM AS AN ADAPTATION.


Get it?


This is the problem. You are so blinded by your own opinions that you are projecting things on people. I never rejected the whole system. In fact, before the release I was willing to give it a shot and even after I tried it and didn't like it, I've always specified that GC itself is not the issue for me but the heavy RNG in the reward distribution is.


So tell me why you accuse me of staying subbed when it's clear I unsubbed already and tell my why you say that I absolutely reject reality when I am reasonable enough to come with solutions within the system?


And tell me why you reject the reality that BWA is already making adjustments and planning more because changes are coming and when they're good enough for me I'll resub. Simple as that.


And I am not talking about an ideal MMO vision. That again is your false assumption, I am just trying to get a bare minimum to make it enjoyable again. If we go for ideal, then we're even farther off and I fully understand that ideals are not realistic. Also you have no reason to assume that I want ideal circumstances. That again is entirely your invention.


So do me a favour, either actually read what I write or just don't reply. Currently you're just talking down to people and attacking them and your post count is impressive there. There is no need for that if you truly wanted a reasonable discussion. For it to be reasonable both sides have to be able to move towards each other. It's working between me and BWA, maybe not as fast as I like but I see the movement. Why are you so bent on hating people that don't share your views?

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Alright one more chance since you moved on a baby step from the argument. Why is slow progression gated by randomness good compared to a predictable and controlled method by the players,


The answer is because he said so. He's said it over and over that he's right and we're wrong. That's what his argument has boiled down to.

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I created this thread to merely provide an understanding into why BioWare is doing what it's doing.

Everyone knows and understands why BioWare is doing what it's doing thus your goal for creating thread was pointless and already achieved by BioWare itself. It is not perfect for the players and you have no explanation for why is it perfect for us. They themselves said they will tweak it further, because guess what, not good for players and not good for Swtor. They will keep tweaking to the point they need to keep players around. Because this system is not perfect for Swtor, and your thread itself is opposed by BioWare and players together. You will hit hundreds of pages, you will still not have answer. Your goal is to make everyone think you are right. And you will never success.

Edited by BoySaber
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