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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Companion Gifts - What Am I Missing?


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returning player, not been on more than maybe a few weekends since around the launch of Hutt Cartel. Finally finished my first Class Story and started a new toon during the wait for KOTET. Have now started a boosted lvl 60 (65 as of last night though) and spent a bunch of my sub Cartel Coins on packs, because honestly I got most of the stuff I felt was important for gameplay pretty quick and cheap what with being a subscriber.


Now, Gear I understand. Stronghold Decorations and Pets and Mounts I understand. People like new shiny things and obviously better gear is always a plus. Companion Gifts though? Do they do something I'm not seeing in tool tips? Can we use them on Raid bosses for a Mortal Kombat style "Friendship" ending? Is there a Crew Skill you can get that lets you open up a shop on the Fleet and RP as Mister Magorium's Wonder Emporium? Because, as far as I know they just give you more influence with companions, right?


I understand having Companions on side as being a good thing. They craft and do gathering missions better and quicker and help in combat more. I get that. But the sheer number of the things that drop from Cartel Packs, and the way I saw a lot of people recommend spending crystals on them before 5.0 suggests there's a better benefit, because right now I'm barely able to afford keeping companions on crew missions whilst levelling because of the cost, and have found combat...I'll word this delicately...not as challenging as it might have been previously. I haven't used any since returning to the game, and before I try and shift them on the GTN I was wondering if there's a mechanic I've missed out on, or if I'm just sorely underestimating how badly I'll need my companions to like me as I work my way through the KOTFE story and into KOTET?

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When you craft an item modification requiring rare/expensive mats, you want to do it with your influence 50 companion to get that +25% chance to crit for a free second mod.


Aside from crafting, believe it or not, there ARE challenges in this game, where a strong companion helps, namely: soloing group content. An influence 10-20 companion is fine for tactical FPs, when your class has good defenses or self-heals, otherwise you want more. You want a lot more in nightmare mode FPs (2 clueless players pulling everything in sight, 3rd player already quit) And when soloing HM FPs: Not all can be soloed, but you can't claim a HM FP is not soloable unless you wiped at least 100 times with a level 50 comp :p


Finally, should you ever meet an enemy player on a PVP instance... The stronger healing companion wins.

Edited by Mubrak
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ah ha! I knew there had to be some reason!


Now, with all the Companions being able to fit into all rolls, is there any who are preferred to level, or is it just a case of going with who you prefer? For my KOTFE character I've just done a chapter where I lost a companion, and obviously for the most part it just gives you whoever the story wants. Are there any who don't tend to be used a lot? (as spoiler free as possible please?)

I'm guessing for levelling up from 1 it'd just make sense to boost the first one you get or any who have affinity to the skills you choose?

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For the most part, it is definitely just pick which character you would prefer with one caveat. While all companions can perform any role, they are still divided into ranged and melee categories. If you plan on doing difficult solo or duo content, developing at least one of both types is not a bad idea, because sometimes you want your companion stuck to a mob like gorilla glue, while other times you don't want them anywhere near them.
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