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Class Story as a background for KotFE


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Maybe someone had written that already, but why some specific experience is never referred to in the KotFE? Like, a Light Sided Sith still speaks rudely and constantly brags his power, he's never given a chance to refer his alignment (while he was able to do so in his Class Story). Or an Inquisitor is not given an option to refer his initiation as a Dreamwalker to Sana-Rae, and is still called 'the Outsider', which he is not (as the guardian of the Dreamwalker Shrine aknowledged in the Temple of Healing). Or his background as a slave is never referred to. Or he's never given any opportunity of not only using, but even mentioning his Spirit-bending powers (which is at least strange, as he's struggling with a powerful ghost in his head - seems familiar)...


Maybe I'm mistaken and there is all that, I just didn't notice it?

Edited by LorcaGneditch
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there are some tiny bits here and there. for example, the force ghosts (or rather a lack of them if dark)


incident is explained in chapter 9 when repairing your mind small dialogue by Valkorian can be heard where it becomes clear that the emperor fed off any ghosts you had them and messed with your memories during your 5 years in carbonite.


She noted to arcaan that during her fight with Vaylin she believed she absorbed her spirit/essence whatever like she has to other ghosts and that it felt no different then before. though that wa obviously further trickery on Vakly's end.


really it fits together so nicely I consider the inquisitor to be the true outlander with the other 7 being alt universe or a "what if so and so?" type sceanario.

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With the Consular, you run into Tai Corden again (that sadistic choice for escape pods). And he remembers how many favors he still owes you, which you can feel free to add to if you save him again.


I think the "canonical" Outlander will turn out to be the Knight, mostly because BioWare's made comments that the Knight was what they planned to make KOTOR 3, the preference for Republic storylines in Lucas canon (yes, yes, I know...Disney treats this stuff like Tron 2.0 these days, but they'll strip it for parts, probably). The biggest hint, though, is the comment Scourge made about his vision that the Knight's destiny is to usurp the Emperor's throne, and is annoyed at the end of the Level 50 story saying that the Knight's job isn't finished. Marr and Satele actually confirm the Outlander's destiny is related to that throne, and the whole plot is definitely designed for a Force wielding class.

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Thanks! So I just have to wait a bit more to meet something relevant)) Though, I was a bit saddened when my ship droid called me something like 'terrifying as never before and dark beyond measure'. I was so nice to him back then(((

And my character didn't have his mind mended in ch.9. I missed anything vital?


And yes, it feels like the main character should be either Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior - likewise in the Shadow I was sure it was designed more for Bounty Hunter/Smuggler (either really it's WEIRD that noone happens to notice that that 'pirate' wields The Force and (in my case) his primary weapon is lightning, not a blaster or like).

But seemingly it should be a dark knight, yes?

Edited by LorcaGneditch
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With the Consular, you run into Tai Corden again (that sadistic choice for escape pods). And he remembers how many favors he still owes you, which you can feel free to add to if you save him again.


I think the "canonical" Outlander will turn out to be the Knight, mostly because BioWare's made comments that the Knight was what they planned to make KOTOR 3, the preference for Republic storylines in Lucas canon (yes, yes, I know...Disney treats this stuff like Tron 2.0 these days, but they'll strip it for parts, probably). The biggest hint, though, is the comment Scourge made about his vision that the Knight's destiny is to usurp the Emperor's throne, and is annoyed at the end of the Level 50 story saying that the Knight's job isn't finished. Marr and Satele actually confirm the Outlander's destiny is related to that throne, and the whole plot is definitely designed for a Force wielding class.

Keep in mind that Scourge only says that while you're playing as the Knight; theoretically, he might have said something different to a Knight who wasn't a PC.

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Ch.14, former Inq, still nothing (or I play wrongly).

Never got a chance to invoke my commitment to the Light Side, which was ridiculous, really: a person who lives up to being a LS Sith (tier IV LS) is lectured about how he must aquire a broader picture of the Force and not restrict himself to the DS. Really, it's nonsensical.

Another very disturbing moment was being lectured about 'you should bend or be broken'. In fact, it was awful: two highly-priviledged know-alls lecture a former slave (not mentioning a race minority) that freedom is not important and he shouldn't stick with such a trifle. It was... strange, to say the least.


And am I right that you cannot longer deny Valcorion and have to let him guide you?

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Given her importance to the main plot, Agents do have a lot of specific dialogue with SCORPIO, like asking her where everyone else is when you meet her, whether she was aware Kaliyo was Firebrand when directing me at her, and general "I've worked with her before. I can handle her" comments to anyone expressing misgivings about her.


I also had quite a bit to say about Vaylin's conditioning and responded to Lana asking how I could stand Valkorion in my head by telling her it wasn't the first time my character's mind was invaded by someone, but Valkorion's much more talkative than Watcher X.

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Maybe someone had written that already, but why some specific experience is never referred to in the KotFE? Like, a Light Sided Sith still speaks rudely and constantly brags his power, he's never given a chance to refer his alignment (while he was able to do so in his Class Story). Or an Inquisitor is not given an option to refer his initiation as a Dreamwalker to Sana-Rae, and is still called 'the Outsider', which he is not (as the guardian of the Dreamwalker Shrine aknowledged in the Temple of Healing). Or his background as a slave is never referred to. Or he's never given any opportunity of not only using, but even mentioning his Spirit-bending powers (which is at least strange, as he's struggling with a powerful ghost in his head - seems familiar)...


Maybe I'm mistaken and there is all that, I just didn't notice it?


I think you are missing the forest for the trees. KotFE/ET make the most sense as an Inquisitor. It's right in all three of their wheelhouses - able to fight powerful. Sorcerer type enemies, trying to become Emperor and mental combat.

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I also had quite a bit to say about Vaylin's conditioning and responded to Lana asking how I could stand Valkorion in my head by telling her it wasn't the first time my character's mind was invaded by someone, but Valkorion's much more talkative than Watcher X.


And there's also the line in my sig from KotFE Ch2 that says quite a bit about the Agent's mental state :p


Reference in case I change my sig in the future:


Imperial Agent: Great, another stowaway to ignore.

Valkorion: Hmm. It is crowded in here.


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I think you are missing the forest for the trees. KotFE/ET make the most sense as an Inquisitor. It's right in all three of their wheelhouses - able to fight powerful. Sorcerer type enemies, trying to become Emperor and mental combat.


Maybe - if you're ok with all your backstory, romance included, being lost, your past never addressed, your deeds forgotten. The most sense it made for two sides' protagonists - the Knight and the (male) Agent respectively. They deal with either their story or their past associates. I can recognise some points valid for Hunter and there are some callbacks for Counselor, but the Inq not only has nothing - he is ignored. His main proficiencies are that he's extremely resilient, an artifact expert and a loyal-to-the-core Imperial, who rose from no one to the Dark Council member through exactly those traits. The only trait left to him is resilience. He's praised for changing the Galaxy's face, which he never did. He's shunned for meddling in others' buisness, which - you'd be surprised - he never did also. He served, survived and learned to be free and stand on his own's, he thirsted for knowledge and hunted it down... his story is amazing. Even more so when played as a Light Sider - that makes the freedom of choice even more powerful theme, as it presents how a severely handicapped person - an indoctrinated slave brought up in hatred and humiliation - can choose different path in life and live up to it. Be loving, merciful, caring, never bossy to his followers. always seeking right over easy...


And what is done to this theme in the KotFE? I finished it lately and I can tell: it's ruined. The PC is never ever given a choice to oppose the tracts about destiny and such; he is stripped off his agency and made either a cosmic plaything (which is an optimistic thought) or a toy of his co-conspirators. The insulting scene when those two lectured a former slave about being obliged to bend, to serve and to abandon freedom is not the only one; just the most jarring.

The dialogue choices don't help either - they don't give a single opportunity to rebel, even if that were in futile. While as a player I deadly wanted to forgive Arcann and offer him a chance for redemption, the game is sunken in hatred towards him and I just can make an ugly face and grudgingly let him go. While as a player I never wanted to recognise Valcorion as an ally, everyone else made me do it (like, it's OOC to ask him for help after constant refusal to do so - but the gameplay wants me to be stray in Odessen wilds, so I must do it).


P.S. And the first chapter of KotET gladfully forgets about PC being a member of the Dark Council and makes him insult The Empire. Like I didn't expect that, yay. The second has a person with lesser tenure in the Council lecture him about the Sith ways. Really, it's a LAZIEST writing i've ever met

Edited by LorcaGneditch
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I think you are missing the forest for the trees. KotFE/ET make the most sense as an Inquisitor. It's right in all three of their wheelhouses - able to fight powerful. Sorcerer type enemies, trying to become Emperor and mental combat.


I tend to agree. I think the Inquistor/Consular fits best right now. Both are some of the strongest Force users alive and class stories set them up to become leaders of their people (SI - Dark Council, JC - Jedi Council). They both would have been more involved in local/galactic politics than other classes.


Details like 'they only had X companions come back!' or "some other class had an extra line of dialog in a scene" doesn't deter me from believing that...it's not a huge deal to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've only done KOTFE so far, to chapter 16. I do find I like how my class is worked in with the scenario over the expansions. Marr points out (and I think Valkorion, too) that I'm not technically part of the empire, so I'm effectively outside of the political stuff that has been going on, so it sort of fit with the alliance idea and juggling the different factions. (Although Lana did chew me out when I let the imperial Admiral die on the shuttle escape). My character has always maintained that he's not an Imperial, he just works for them from time to time. As a non-force user it also, to me, adds more curiosity to Valk's hovering around inside my head, and Arcann's annoyance about it. "The Force and I aren't on speaking terms" is still one of my favourite lines.
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