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My stories: Feedback & Comments thread


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This is the feedback thread for all the writings mentioned on the below list. As the list suggests I love writing, but I also love to receive feedback, be it positive or constructive criticism. Should you take the time to comment, thanks before hand!



Notes of a Dark Lord


Video Script

The Nyâsh Betrayal



Iradox: Codex Ulgo

Iradox: Swtor-rp Wiki


Story Write Ups

History of House Nyâsh

Guild Story: The Nyâsh Directive


RP & Lore Guides

What is a Darth?

Immersive Cursing

Master / Apprentice RP

Guide: Lightsaber Combat

Focus: Tutaminis vs. Force Barrier


Forum RP

Family Matters

Imprisoned by the Eternal Empire


List of Short Stories:

The Collar

She Woke Up

Academy Life

Rebirth Series

Tvarkan's Story

Keeper of Dead

Legacy of Blood

The Truth Series

Entity of Madness

Just 'Another' Hunt

Lords of the Houses

Cold Family Reunion

Ethereal War: Rogue Spirit

Ethereal War: Spirit Convention



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